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storia del termine « moneta "


storia del termine « moneta "

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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una breve storia della moneta


una breve storia della moneta

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1


e anche la sua storia a quanto pare


e anche la sua storia a quanto pare

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-10-28
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una breve storia la moneta come unità di conto


una breve storia la moneta come unità di conto

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1


6 6 capitolo 2 una breve storia della moneta 15


6 6 capitolo 2 una breve storia della moneta 15

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
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della moneta ( mezzo di scambio , riserva di valore e storia della moneta .


della moneta ( mezzo di scambio , riserva di valore e storia della moneta .

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1


una breve storia 1 2 3 4 5 2.1 le funzioni della moneta 2.2 le forme della moneta


una breve storia 1 2 3 4 5 2.1 le funzioni della moneta 2.2 le forme della moneta

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
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questo capitolo ne fornisce una definizione , illustra i motivi per i quali è necessaria e accettata e ne ripercorre origini e storia .


questo capitolo ne fornisce una definizione , illustra i motivi per i quali è necessaria e accettata e ne ripercorre origini e storia .

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1


nel corso della storia la moneta ha assunto forme risulta pertanto utile definire il concetto di moneta e i depositi bancari non sono sempre esistiti .


nel corso della storia la moneta ha assunto forme risulta pertanto utile definire il concetto di moneta e i depositi bancari non sono sempre esistiti .

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1


sistema che rimase in vigore per tutto il xii secolo , opera dei crociati , nel 1204 , pose fine alla storia delle monete greco-romane .


sistema che rimase in vigore per tutto il xii secolo , opera dei crociati , nel 1204 , pose fine alla storia delle monete greco-romane .

Senast uppdaterad: 2011-10-23
Användningsfrekvens: 1


questionable financial requests,830 several of which were considered excessive and unjustified by representatives of the otp.831 290. an internal otp report of 23 february 2006 which dealt with an incident in early january 2006 concerning three potential witnesses, called into question the credibility and reliability of intermediary 143.832 829 icc-01/04-01/06-2773-red-teng, para. 190. 830 evd-d01-01086. 831 evd-d01-01086, page 0170 to page 0174. 832 evd-otp-00641, page 3/5. icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 136/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 137/ 593 14 march 2012 (5) assessment of intermediary 143 291. given the pattern of unreliability as regards the witnesses introduced by intermediary 143 and called to give evidence during the trial (p-0007, p-0008, p-0010 and p-0011), the chamber accepts that there is a real risk that he played a role in the markedly flawed evidence that these witnesses provided to the otp and to the court. bearing in mind this consistent lack of credibility as regards the trial witnesses he introduced to the investigators, and particularly focussing on the cumulative effect of their individual accounts, it is likely that as the common point of contact he persuaded, encouraged or assisted some or all of them to give false testimony. the chamber accepts that the accounts of p-0007, p-0008, p-0010 and p-0011 were or may have been truthful and accurate in part, but it has real doubts as to critical aspects of their evidence, in particular their age at the relevant time. although other potential explanations exist, the real possibility that intermediary 143 corrupted the evidence of these four witnesses cannot be safely discounted. 2. intermediary p-0316 292. the chamber first considers the evidence relating to the role and credibility of p-0316 before turning to the witnesses whose testimony may have been affected. a) background 293. in its decision on intermediaries, the chamber described the evolution of the position of intermediary p-0316, and including the evidence of p-0015 who revealed the identity of intermediary p-0316 to icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 137/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 138/ 593 14 march 2012 the defence on 16 june 2009. 833 the chamber noted that several witnesses gave evidence to the effect that intermediary p-0316 may have misused his position; this amounted to the allegation that he possibly “persuaded or invited witnesses to give false testimony to the court.”834 the chamber instructed the prosecution to call intermediary p-0316 as a witness in order to address the allegations levelled against him, the conflicts in the evidence and the contacts between the intermediaries.835 294. p-0316 fulfilled a support role 836 for the prosecution, on a contractual basis, 837 between 19 november 2005 838 and 31 march 2006. 839 however, his work for the otp (for which he was paid) spanned a longer period, in that it had started at least by april 2005840 and continued once his contract ended, extending through until 2008. 841 although p-0316 stated that his functions did not involve contact with, or providing transportation for, the witnesses (or other individuals),842 the defence confronted him with a receipt signed by him indicating that he had received $30 for transport relating to, and his communication with, three witnesses.843 295. it is noteworthy that this intermediary had contact with the following lengthy list of potential witnesses: (first contact via p-0316) 833 icc-01/04-01/06-2434-red2, paras 21 – 23 and 38, 39. 834 icc-01/04-01/06-2434-red2, para. 140. 835 icc-01/04-01/06-2434-red2, para. 141. 836 t-331-red2-eng, page 6, lines 3 – 18. 837 t-328-red2-eng, page 11, line 4 to page 12, line 8. 838 t-328-red2-eng, page 11, lines 15 – 19. 839 t-331-red2-eng, page 7, lines 18 – 19. 840 t-328-red2-eng, page 9, lines 1 – 7. 841 t-328-red2-eng, page 12, lines 4 – 8; t-332-red-eng, page 37, lines 5 – 13 ; see also, by way of exemple, the receipts for expenses spanning the relevant years: evd-d01-00411 (january 2008); evd-d01-00355 (december 2005); evd-d01-00308 (january 2008); evd-d01-00364 (december 2007) and evd-d01-00365 (february 2006). 842 t-331-red2-eng, page 7, lines 9 – 15. 843 t-331-red2-eng, page 7, line 20 to page 8, line 1; evd-d01-00355. icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 138/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 139/ 593 14 march 2012 drc-otp-wwww-0020, drc-otp-wwww-0021, drc-otpwwww- 0035, 844 drc-otp-wwww-0147, drc-otp-wwww-0156, drc-otp-wwww-0159, drc-otp-wwww-0161, drc-otpwwww- 0175, drc-otp-wwww-0178, drc-otp-wwww-0249, drc-otp-wwww-0268, drc-otp-wwww-0270 and drc-otpwwww- 0314. he also had contact with drc-otp-wwww-0250 (first contact via p-0316 and individual 183), drc-otp-wwww-0303 (first contact via p-0321), 845 trial witness p-0015 (potentially first contact via p-0316), trial witness p-0038 (potentially first contact via p- 0316), drc-otp-wwww-0028846 (first contact via the associate of p- 0316), drc-otp-wwww-0183,847 drc-otp-wwww-0163 and drcotp- wwww-0166. 296. witnesses p-0015, d-0016 (drc-otp-wwww-0035) and p-0038 are relevant to this intermediary. their particular evidence is addressed below. b) the evidence from p-0582 and p-0583 297. p-0316 was introduced to p-0583 in april 2005. 848 p-0582 considered that p-0316 had good knowledge of the region and the various parties to the conflict, and he knew individuals who were involved in the events.849 p-0583 began working with p-0316 in april 2005 and this continued, although with varying frequency, until his (p-0583’s) departure from the court in september 2007.850 at the time when the 844 drc-otp-wwww-0035 was called by the defence as d-0016. 845 evd-d01-01039, no. 133. 846 drc-otp-wwww-0028 testified in the katanga and ngudjolo case, see icc-01/04-01/06-2702- red, paras 30 - 43. 847 drc-otp-wwww-0183 is referred to hereinafter as “individual 183”. 848 t-334-red2-eng, page 55, lines 3 – 10. the person who introduced p-0316 to p-0582 is identified at t-334-conf-eng, page 53, line 24 to page 54, line 2. 849 t-334-red2-eng, page 16, line 24 to page 17, line 16 and pge 18, line 11. 850 t-334-red2-eng, page 57, lines 7 – 11. icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 139/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 140/ 593 14 march 2012 team began working with p-0316, p-0583 was the lead investigator and acted as the focal point for, and was most in contact with, p-0316.851 the first requests made to p-0316 by the otp were to identify potential witnesses, based on his knowledge of the ituri situation.852 this was at an early stage, a few months after the departure of the operation artemis contingent.853 298. p-0582 considered that all the intermediaries he knew behaved in a “sufficiently correct way” and did not ask anyone to tell lies,854 but he suggested that p-0316 was not very comfortable with children and victims. 855 p-0583 similarly stated that while p-0316 was very successful in providing reliable information and that they trusted him, the role of an intermediary in the sense of taking care of children or witnesses, in contrast to merely putting them in contact with the prosecution, did not suit him very well.856 it was suggested that p- 0316 identified and provided reliable information about members of certain militias;857 he was the main intermediary for the otp as regards identifying militia members; 858 he travelled to locations which the investigators could not visit in order to contact witnesses; 859 he introduced witnesses to the otp, some of whom were not known to the prosecution860 (for instance p-0015861 and d-0016862); he arranged 851 t-334-red2-eng, page 18, line 24 to page 19, line 6. 852 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 61, lines 8 – 10. 853 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 61, lines 10 – 14. see section ix on the nature of the armed conflict. 854 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 17, line 7 to page 18, line 2. 855 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-conf-eng, page 9, lines 1 – 3. 856 t-334-red2-eng, page 17, lines 10 – 16; t-335-red2-eng, page 8, lines 10 to 25 and page 9, line 11. 857 t-334-red2-eng, page 17, lines 6 – 9, page 55, lines 17 – 20, and page 57, lines 19 – 23 (p-0583). 858 t-334-red2-eng, page 57, lines 16 – 23 (p-0583). 859 t-334-red2-eng, page 18, lines 4 – 11 (p-0583). 860 t-334-red2-eng, page 63, lines 21 – 24 and page 67, line 20 to page 68, line 5 (p-0583). 861 t-264-red2-eng, page 22, lines 11 – 22 and t-264-conf-eng, page 61, lines 15 – 24 (p-0015). icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 140/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 141/ 593 14 march 2012 their travel; 863 and he obtained identification papers. 864 p-0316 regularly provided information on the security situation in bunia and in ituri in general, and p-0583 was frequently in contact with him for information as to what was happening in the field. 865 as regards “unknown” individuals, p-0316 informed p-0583 about a number of “witnesses” who were officers of the upc or other groups who could be contacted.866 this was around the time of the first missions, at the end of 2004 or beginning of 2005.867 during the more formal phase of p-0316’s work, it was one of his responsibilities to put the otp in contact with individuals who had not yet been identified.868 299. p-0583 recalled that p-0316 was not asked to provide identity cards for those he introduced to the otp, although when he told the otp that someone of interest had been identified, the individual concerned would be asked to bring any relevant documents.869 300. p-0583 indicated that he found p-0316 to be intelligent and professional, and his reliability and credibility were demonstrated in the work he undertook and the way he responded to questions 862 t-256-conf-eng, page 8, line 24 to page 9, line 6 (d-0016). 863 t-334-red2-eng, page 19, line 23 to page 20, line 1; t-335-red2-eng, page 33, lines 7 – 13; t- 336-red2-eng, page 9, lines 14 – 19 (p-0583); see also, by way of exemple, expense receipts relating to travel arrangements for witnesses: evd-d01-00684 (p-0583 testified that the code used for p-0316 was “drc-ss05”, t-334-red2-eng, page 64, lines 17 – 20);evd-d01-00357; evd-d01-00758 and evd-d01-00725. 864 t-336-red-eng, page 10, lines 10 – 21 (p-0583) and page 58, line 11 to page 59, line 8 (p-0038); see also, by way of example, the expense receipts relating to documents prepared for witnesses: evdd01- 00682 and evd-d01-00382. 865 t-334-red2-eng, page 66, lines 1 – 9 (p-0583); p-0582 also contacted p-0316 concerning security related questions, transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06- rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 8, lines 7 – 14 and transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-conf-eng, page 61, lines 21 – 24. 866 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 61, lines 15 – 20. 867 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 62, lines 4 – 12 (p-0583). 868 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-conf-eng, page 63, lines 5 – 12 (p-0583). 869 t-334-red2-eng, page 67, line 20 to page 68, line 5. icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 141/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 142/ 593 14 march 2012 addressed to him.870 he usually found the contact details for those identified by the team.871 p-0583 was asked if he had communicated any doubts or concerns regarding p-0316’s work to his superiors, and although he indicated that there were the normal discussions that occurred when using an “intermediary informer”, his view was p-0316 was better at providing information than taking care of witnesses.872 301. p-0583 did not raise any specific concerns about using p-0316 and he did not reassess the testimony of witnesses introduced by him, in addition to the usual, systematic verification process for the contents of witness statements. 873 there was a process of reassessment whenever new evidence came to light.874 302. notwithstanding the favourable assessment set out above, evidence was given as to reservations concerning p-0316. p-0583 noted that he was not appointed to work as a liaison officer and explained that the relevant panel, which he had not been a part of, did not find p-0316 to be more capable than the other candidates.875 of considerably greater significance, when first asked to give details relating to his background and his then occupation, p-0316 provided information about his professional obligations towards the drc government (viz. his work for the congolese intelligence services, the agence nationale de renseignement, “anr”) that were capable of undermining his impartiality.876 p-0583 could not recall if he saw a copy of p-0316’s curriculum vitae (dated 5 december 2004)877 or whether he was aware of 870 t-334-red2-eng, page 25, lines 1 – 15. 871 t-334-red2-eng, page 25, lines 15 – 18. 872 t-335-red2-eng, page 8, lines 10 – 25 and page 9, line 11. 873 t-335-red2-eng, page 13, lines 12 – 22. 874 t-335-conf-eng, page 13, lines 22 – 25. 875 t-334-red2-eng, page 69, line 16 to page 70, line 8. 876 t-334-conf-eng, page 56, lines 3 – 11 (p-0583). 877 evd-otp-00597. icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 142/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 143/ 593 14 march 2012 it.878 p-0583 recalled, however, that although p-0316 had introduced himself as a member of that body, he said it no longer paid him.879 303. at the beginning of 2006, this information was set out in his curriculum vitae. 880 p-0583 could not recall asking him whether he continued to work for the intelligence services after that time. 881 instead, p-0583 believed that p-0316’s background was a guarantee that he was capable of providing the team with the information necessary to locate individuals of interest, but it was also a reason to check thoroughly the material he provided.882 p-0583 saw it as an advantage that p-0316 was familiar with issues such as confidentiality and security.883 the fact that p-0316 might have been working for this national body therefore did not cause him any particular concerns.884 the witness never came into contact with p-0316’s superiors from within the intelligence services;885 indeed, he was not aware of any contact between the otp and this intermediary’s managers. 886 however, although p-0583 said he generally appreciated p-0316’s work, he could not entirely trust him because of his professional obligations towards the drc government and because he started working for other investigators without informing p-0583.887 304. p-0582 indicated that in that part of the drc it was difficult to say who was working for whom.888 he gave evidence that it was possible 878 t-334-red2-eng, page 56, lines 18 – 24. 879 t-335-conf-eng, page 14, line 24 to page 15, line 13. 880 t-335-red2-eng, page 14, line 24 to page 15, line 6. 881 t-335-red2-eng, page 15, lines 6 – 13. 882 t-335-red2-eng, page 15, line 23 to page 16, line 8. 883 t-334-conf-eng, page 17, line 17 to page 18, line 3. 884 t-335-red2-eng, page 16, lines 9 – 13. 885 t-335-conf-eng, page 19, lines 4 – 8. 886 t-335-red2-eng, page 19, lines 9 – 13. 887 t-334-red2-eng, page 25, line 19 to page 26, line 6. 888 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 65, lines 16 – 17. icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 143/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 144/ 593 14 march 2012 to buy information or people who would provide information for a small amount of money.889 p-0583 indicated that the otp was aware of the nature of p-0316’s relationship with the government and that the investigators talked about p-0316 probably having links to the president of the republic.890 however, p-0582 did not believe that the mandate of the court was compromised on account of p-0316’s work for the drc intelligence services (in his view, he probably continues to work for them).891 p-0582 was particularly concerned with p-0316’s capacity to give information regarding security. 892 he investigated whether the material provided by p-0316 was reliable, although he said checks of this kind were also conducted for other individuals who assisted in a similar way.893 305. as regards payments to p-0316, he was reimbursed for his expenses, including transporting witnesses, and, additionally, he received a small amount of pay894 (p-0583 thought this was calculated on the basis of the g3 post within the un system).895 306. p-0583 gave evidence about a “receipt for reimbursement” to “drc-ss05” 896 (the code used for p-0316) 897 and another similar receipt 898 (for travelling to locate a witness). 899 p-0583 agreed that 889 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 65, lines 17 – 20. 890 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 66, lines 2 – 4. 891 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-conf-eng, page 66, lines 5 – 6. 892 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 66, line 25 to page 67, line 1. 893 transcript of deposition on 17 november 2010, icc-01/04-01/06-rule68deposition-red2-eng, page 67, lines 2 – 8. 894 t-334-red2-eng, page 19, line 20 to page 20, line 1. 895 t-334-red2-eng, page 23, lines 16 – 22. 896 evd-d01-00353. 897 t-334-red2-eng, page 64, lines 12 – 20. 898 t-334-red2-eng, page 64, line 24 to page 65, line 3; evd-otp-00611. 899 t-334-red2-eng, page 65, lines 21 – 25. icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 144/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 145/ 593 14 march 2012 $44.56 appeared to be the daily salary paid to p-0316,900 although he said the payment varied, depending on the work he undertook.901 307. p-0583 suggested that initially p-0316 did not work under a contract and he was simply remunerated for the work he undertook.902 he signed a receipt for his pay at the end of a mission, which reflected the hours or days he had been engaged and he was reimbursed to the extent possible.903 the money was advanced by the prosecution, with the agreement of the officials within the otp.904 p-0583 thought that p- 0316 signed a contract with the otp towards the end of 2005 or in 2006.905 it was for a brief period of time (between one and three months) from the beginning of 2006.906 p-0583 was in favour of this temporary contract, because it formalised the relationship with p-0316, so that he progressed from informant to intermediary, thereby enabling him to provide significantly more public work for the otp.907 as a result, p-0316 became an openly recognised member of the team.908 he also provided assistance to the registry.909 308. p-0583 was reminded of an email he wrote on 16 may 2006,910 wherein he noted that a payment to p-0316 should be made as soon as possible; that it was becoming more and more difficult to justify paying certain expenses; and that some of the information provided by p-0316 seemed bizarre and required cross-checking. although he could not recall this particular email exchange, p-0583 explained that it 900 t-334-red2-eng, page 65, lines 4 – 8. 901 t-334-red2-eng, page 65, lines 9 – 14. 902 t-334-red2-eng, page 23, line 23 to page 24, line 9. 903 t-334-red2-eng, page 24, lines 9 – 13. 904 t-334-red2-eng, page 24, lines 16 – 20. 905 t-334-red2-eng, page 24, lines 21 – 25. 906 t-334-red2-eng, page 68, lines 17 – 21. 907 t-334-red2-eng, page 68, lines 22 to page 69, line 5. 908 t-334-red2-eng, page 69, lines 11 – 15. 909 t-334-red2-eng, page 69, lines 13 – 14 and page 70, lines 15 – 18. 910 evd-d01-00391. icc-01/04-01/06-2842 14-03-2012 145/624 sl t no. icc-01/04-01/06 146/ 593 14 march 2012 must ha


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