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primadne poznamky pred podpisom



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obdobje mirovanja pred podpisom pogodbe(Člen 105 finančne uredbe)


standstill period before signature of the contract(article 105 of the financial regulation)

Senast uppdaterad: 2010-09-08
Användningsfrekvens: 1


osnovna dajatev, za katero je treba uporabiti postopna znižanja, določena v tem sporazumu, je za vsak izdelek dajatev, ki se dejansko uporablja erga omnes na dan pred podpisom tega sporazuma.


for each product the basic duty to which the successive reductions set out in this agreement are to be applied shall be the duty actually applied erga omnes on the day preceding the signature of this agreement.

Senast uppdaterad: 2010-09-25
Användningsfrekvens: 1


da se omogoči ustrezna pripravljenost skupnih operativnih programov za izvajanje, lahko komisija, po sprejetju skupnega operativnega programa ter pred podpisom sporazuma o financiranju, skupnemu organu upravljanja dovoli, da del programskih sredstev uporabi za začetek financiranja določenih dejavnosti programa, kakor so npr.


in order to allow the joint operational programmes to prepare adequately for implementation, after the adoption of the joint operational programme and before the signature of the financing agreement, the commission may allow the joint managing authority to use part of the programme budget to start financing programme activities such as the incurring of operational costs of the managing authority, technical assistance and other preparatory actions.

Senast uppdaterad: 2010-09-02
Användningsfrekvens: 1


"obvestilo o oddaji javnega naročila v primeru pogodbe ali okvirne pogodbe, katerih vrednost je enaka ali nad mejnimi vrednostmi iz člena 158, se pošlje tudi opoce in se odda v skladu s postopkom s pogajanji brez predhodne objave javnega razpisa, pravočasno, da se lahko javni razpis objavi pred podpisom pogodbe v skladu s pogoji, določenimi v členu 158a(1).


"the award notice shall also be sent to the publications office in the case of a contract or a framework contract with a value equal to or above the thresholds laid down in article 158 and awarded pursuant to a negotiated procedure without prior publication of a contract notice, in sufficient time for the publication to occur before the signature of the contract, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in article 158a(1).

Senast uppdaterad: 2010-09-08
Användningsfrekvens: 1

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