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dringais y glyderau hefyd a dod i lawr wrth iddi nosi ar ôl i'r cymylau gasglu , wedi imi ddechrau dringo ar ddiwrnod poeth , braf


i also climbed the glyders and descended in dusk after the clouds had gathered having started the climb on a beautiful , hot day

Senast uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
Användningsfrekvens: 1



fodd bynnag , sut y mae'r prif weinidog yn cysoni hynny â'r ffaith bod sector gwirfoddol sir y fflint wedi'i gau allan o'r bartneriaeth troseddu ac anhrefn leol , ac â'r datganiad gan reolwr cyngor gwirfoddol lleol sir y fflint yn ei gyfarfod blynyddol cyffredinol ar 20 mehefin nad yw'r partneriaethau'n wir bartneriaethau am nad aethant drwy'r broses o gytuno ar eu pwrpas ? sut y mae'n cysoni hynny â'r ffaith bod 30 y cant o'r gwelyau gofal wedi'u colli yn y gogledd-ddwyrain a'r ffaith bod ar bensiynwyr mewn trefi fel treffynnon ofn mynd allan wedi iddi nosi ? sut y mae'n cysoni hynny â'r partneriaethau annigonol â landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig er mwyn darparu gofal yn y gymuned i'r henoed , a chyda'r toriadau mewn gwasanaethau bysiau gwledig ar ôl cyflwyno tocynnau bws am ddim ? mae hynny'n nacáu i bensiynwyr yr urddas a'r annibyniaeth y maent yn eu dymuno a'u haeddu


however , how does the first minister square that with the exclusion of flintshire's voluntary sector from the local crime and disorder partnership , and with the statement made by the manager of flintshire local voluntary council at its annual general meeting on 20 june that the partnerships are not true partnerships because they have not gone through the process of agreeing what they are about ? how does he square it with the fact that 30 per cent of care beds have been lost in north-east wales and with the fact that pensioners in towns such as holywell are afraid to go out after dark ? how does he square it with the inadequate partnerships with registered social landlords over the provision of care for the elderly in the community , and with the cuts in rural bus services after free bus passes were introduced ? that denies pensioners the dignity and independence that they want and deserve

Senast uppdaterad: 2009-11-19
Användningsfrekvens: 1


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