Şunu aradınız:: you helped me a lot of things so i'll h... (İngilizce - Afrikanca)

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you helped me a lot of things so i'll help you


jy het my baie gehelp, so ek sal jou help.

Son Güncelleme: 2024-04-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


you helped me with a lot of things so i'll help you


jy het my baie gehelp, so ek sal jou help.

Son Güncelleme: 2024-04-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


in south afrika we have a lot of things and other people dont have overseas


Son Güncelleme: 2020-09-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


ive read your letter and id be more than happy to accomodate in my home you in my home, you are my close friend and id be a bad friend if i don't help you. we've all gone through some sort of tough time even if it's not the same problem. i understand your situation and it would me a lot to me if i help you through this time


ek het jou brief gelees en ek sal meer as gelukkig wees om in my huis te akkommodeer, jy is my goeie vriend en sal 'n slegte vriend wees as ek jou nie help nie. ons het almal deur 'n soort moeilike tyd gegaan, al is dit nie dieselfde probleem nie. ek verstaan jou situasie en dit sal baie vir my wees as ek jou deur hierdie tyd help

Son Güncelleme: 2024-04-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 36

Referans: Anonim


during my december holidays it was very exciting i did a lot of things in my friends we went to the beach we played soccer there were a lot of birthdays that i attended we also went to the pool for most the holiday i watch the lot of movies during the holidays mostly horror movies we could hardly go to the grounds because of the rainy afternoons we also went camping for 3 days to anstey's beach while we were there i made a lot of new friends


gedurende my desember vakansie was dit baie opwindend ek het baie dinge in my vriende gedoen ons het strand toe gegaan ons het sokker gespeel daar was baie verjaarsdae wat ek bygewoon het ons was ook swembad toe vir meeste die vakansie ek kyk baie flieks vakansies meestal gruwelfilms kon ons skaars grond toe gaan as gevolg van die reënerige middae het ons ook vir 3 dae gaan kamp na anstey se strand terwyl ons daar was ek het baie nuwe vriende gemaak

Son Güncelleme: 2024-04-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 17

Referans: Anonim


the name of my school is st matthews my school is so nice out school uniform colour is red blue my school is the best we learn a lot i even have friends oratile roshan and kamo they are the best my school even had a sports ground we learnt a lot of things in that school my school ends an till grade 12


die naam van my skool is st matthews my skool is so mooi uit skooldrag kleur is rooi blou my skool is die beste ons leer baie ek het selfs vriende oratile roshan en kamo hulle is die beste my skool het selfs 'n sportterrein gehad wat ons geleer het baie dinge in daardie skool eindig my skool tot graad 12

Son Güncelleme: 2024-04-14
Kullanım Sıklığı: 36

Referans: Anonim


aadila: good afternoon mom .i am home from school. mom: okay .i am in the lounge ,did u do anything at school today ( aadila walks to the room ) aadila: yes ,i did a lot of things and i have something very important to speak to you about mom: okay ,i so heard from your teacher that you would be getting your subject selection booklet today aadila: yes ,i wanted to speak to you about that mom: so what are you planning on taking ,i heard that there are many taking s7 ,physics biology and accounting


aadila: goedemiddag ma. ek is by die skool. ma: oke. ek is in die sitkamer, het jy enigiets op skool gedoen (aadila stap na die kamer) aadila: ja, ek het baie dinge gedoen en ek het iets baie belangrik om met jou te praat oor ma: oke, ek so gehoor van jou onderwyser dat jy vandag jou vakkursusboek sal kry. aadila: ja, ek wou met jou oor daardie ma praat: so, wat beplan jy om te neem, ek het gehoor dat daar baie is wat s7 neem, fisika biologie en rekeningkunde

Son Güncelleme: 2018-08-19
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim

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