Şunu aradınız:: sang pangeran (Endonezce - İngilizce)

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sang pangeran



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Son Güncelleme: 2014-06-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 5

Referans: Wikipedia


pangeran kodok


frog prince

Son Güncelleme: 2013-12-01
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


mimpi indah pangeran tercinta


mimpi indah pangeran tercinta

Son Güncelleme: 2020-08-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


pangeran dan teman-temannya terbaik


the prince and his best friends

Son Güncelleme: 2017-01-24
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


terima kasih buat pangeran ku yang sudah menyayangiku dengan tulus


thank you for my prince who had loved me sincerely

Son Güncelleme: 2012-09-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


issumboshi kemudian menjadi sang putri


once upon a time there was an old couple who didn’t have a child. they lived in a small house near the village forest. “please give us a child,” they asked god everyday. one day, from the household shinto altar, they heard a cute cry, “waa! waa!” they looked and saw a crying baby who looked just like a little finger. “this child must be a gift from god. thanks to god!” “we will call this child ‘issumboshi’,” they said. they raised issumboshi with much care, but issumboshi never grew bigger. “hey, issumboshi, do you want to be eaten by a frog?” issumboshi was always being bullied by the children of the village and often went home feeling unhappy. grandmother would make some big rice balls and encourage him. “eat a lot, and grow up quickly,” grandmother said. become a respectable person. then i will come back.” grandfather and grandmother were worried about him, but issumboshi’s mind would not be changed. at once they began to prepare for his trip. issumboshi sheathed a needle sword in a straw case, put on a cup for a sedge hat, and started out with a chopstick staff, in high spirits. “i’m going now,” issumboshi said. “is he safe? with such a small body?” grandfather and grandmother asked as they saw him off. issumboshi went on the trip with a big wish in a small body. … … … at last issumboshi reached the capital city and anchored under the bridge. then he climbed up to the railing and viewed the town. “there is a fine palace over there. i shall ask them at once.” at long last issumboshi arrived at the palace. “excuse me, but i want to meet the feudal lord.”the lord came to the door, “what? who’s there?” “here i am, at your feet.” “oh. how small! why do you want to meet me?” “please let me be your retainer.” “i wonder if your very small body can do anything.” “i’ll stay in your pocket and guard you from all harm.” when issumboshi said so, a bee came buzzing by. “yhaa!” issumboshi yelled, stabbing the bee. “bravo! i employ you. it would be good if you became the princess’s man.” “oh! what a cute fellow he is!” said the princess, putting issumboshi on her palm. “i will defend you upon my life,” said issumboshi.the princess liked issumboshi, and she taught him reading, writing, and various studies. further, issumboshi practiced fencing very hard in order to be strong. one day the princess went out to worship at the kiyomizu temple. suddenly there was a strong wind, and some demons appeared. the leader of the demons tried to grab the princess. “help me!” she screamed. issumboshi tried to help her, but the demon caught him and threw him into his mouth. issumboshi, who was swallowed, jabbed and jabbed the demon’s stomach. the demon rolled over and spat out issumboshi. issumboshi jumped at the demon and stabbed his eyes. the remaining demons were frightened. they ran away in great haste, but one demon, who was left behind, trembled while holding the magic hammer. “do you want me to stab your eyes, too?” issumboshi asked. “please, don’t. this is the magic hammer that will grant you a wish. i give it to you, so please spare me.” and saying this, he ran off in a hurry. “thank you, issumboshi. you have saved my life,” the princess said. “princess, please wave this magic hammer and make a wish that i may become big,” said issumboshi. the princess waved it and asked, “may issumboshi become big!” and then, strangely, before her eyes, issumboshi began to grow. he grew into a nice young man. they went back to the palace, and the princess asked the king to let her marry issumboshi. the princess and issumboshi then got married, and they invited grandfather and grandmother to live with them in the palace. they lived happily ever after

Son Güncelleme: 2017-05-16
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


dan mereka semua terkejut karena pangeran itu adalah tukang sabun yang mereka usir


the prince wants to pass

Son Güncelleme: 2019-11-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


karena allah lah sang penulis skenario terbaik


because god is the author of the best screenplay

Son Güncelleme: 2017-05-30
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


sang raksasa terjebak di lautan lumpur dan timun mas selamat


the giant was trapped in a sea of mud and timun mas survived

Son Güncelleme: 2024-01-25
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


seorang pangeran ingin menikahi seorang putri, namun ia ingin memastikan bahwa putri tersebut adalah seorang putri sejati


Son Güncelleme: 2023-10-18
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


ployal memandang si penyihir dan melihat ke arah sang pangeran yang terikat tanpa daya di dinding. dan dia pun menyerang si penyihir sekuat tenaga. tidak mudah untuk mengalahkan si penyihir. tapi ployal tidak menyerah.


ployal looks at the witch and looks at the prince who is bound without power on the wall. and he attacked the witch with all her might. it's not easy to defeat the witch. but ployal didn't give up.

Son Güncelleme: 2020-12-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


imbalanku semata-mata dari sang penguasa dan pemelihara alam semesta."


my payment is only from the lord of the worlds.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-07-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 2

Referans: Anonim
Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor


pesan moral dongeng putri tidur aurora jadi bersabarlah dan jangan menyerah dengan keadaan. sebagaimana kesulitan putri aurora yang dikutuk hingga kemudian bertemu sang pangeran yang berhasil mematahkan kutukan itu. begitu pula dengan suatu kejahatan. siapapun yang jahat, ia akan menemukan balasannya.


pesan moral dongeng putri tidur aurora jadi bersabarlah dan jangan menyerah dengan keadaan. sebagaimana kesulitan putri aurora yang dikutuk hingga kemudian bertemu sang pangeran yang berhasil mematahkan kutukan itu. begitu pula dengan suatu kejahatan. siapapun yang jahat, ia akan menemukan balasannya.

Son Güncelleme: 2024-03-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


setiap hari, ella harus mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah. ia juga mendapat siksaan dari ibu dan saudara tirinya. namun, ia tetapi tidak pernah membenci atau marah kepada ibu atau saudara tirinya. ia juga tidak pernah mengeluh atau merasa lelah dengan semua pekerjaan yang diberikan. suatu hari, sebuah sayembara pesta dansa datang dari istana. sang pangeran sedang mencari gadis untuk menjadi pendamping hidup. ibu dan dua saudari tirinya sangat antusias untuk datang ke acara tersebut.


every day, ella has to do homework. he also received torture from his mother and half-brother. however, he however never hated or was angry with his mother or half-brother. he also never complained or felt tired of all the work given. one day, a dance party contest came from the palace. the prince is looking for a girl to be a life companion. her mother and two half-sisters were excited to come to the event. "i want dat

Son Güncelleme: 2023-02-15
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim
Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor

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