Şunu aradınız:: appropriate (Fince - Hollandaca)

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the endpoint was not in an appropriate state


het eindpunt bevond zich niet in de juiste toestand

Son Güncelleme: 2009-12-03
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


definition of an appropriate set of indicators needed to counter-check the quality of debt and deficit statistics 11 .


definition of an appropriate set of indicators needed to counter-check the quality of debt and deficit statistics 11 .

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


as much as possible and appropriate , the t2s programme board follows the procedures of the ecb , and the support functions of the ecb .


as much as possible and appropriate , the t2s programme board follows the procedures of the ecb , and the support functions of the ecb .

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


minulla on yhä sellainen tunne, että minun käyttämäni termi appropriate on tiukempi kuin kohtuullinen aika, joka nyt mainitaan tässä huonosti muotoillussa kohdassa.


de consument is trouwens niet gebaat bij een overmatige bescherming waarvoor hij waarschijnlijk in de vorm van een hogere prijs uiteindelijk zelf zal moeten opdraaien.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


the ecb may request further information about the incident and , if necessary , request that the participant take appropriate measures to prevent a recurrence of such an event .


the ecb may request further information about the incident and , if necessary , request that the participant take appropriate measures to prevent a recurrence of such an event .

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


( please specify each revenue budget line involved , adding the appropriate number of rows to the table where there is an effect on more than one budget line .


( please specify each revenue budget line involved , adding the appropriate number of rows to the table where there is an effect on more than one budget line .

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


the participant therefore has to ensure that an appropriate application is available for the exchange of xml messages ( requests and responses ) with the icm via a standardised interface .


the participant therefore has to ensure that an appropriate application is available for the exchange of xml messages ( requests and responses ) with the icm via a standardised interface .

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


in order to ensure that the grossmarkthalle is renovated in an appropriate manner , the ecb has worked in close cooperation with all local authorities , in particular the historic preservation authorities and energy conservation authorities of the city of frankfurt am main and the state of hesse .


in order to ensure that the grossmarkthalle is renovated in an appropriate manner , the ecb has worked in close cooperation with all local authorities , in particular the historic preservation authorities and energy conservation authorities of the city of frankfurt am main and the state of hesse .

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


seminaari oli jaettukahteen osioon,joista ensimmäinen oli nimeltään dealing with the mediaja toinen alternative (appropriate) dispute resolution (adr).


het seminar was onderverdeeld in twee delen:"omgaan met demedia" en "alternatieve geschillenbeslechting (adr)".

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor


- extend commission controls to an appropriate set of public finance indicators ( especially short-term indicators ) needed to countercheck the quality of debt and deficit figures .


- extend commission controls to an appropriate set of public finance indicators ( especially short-term indicators ) needed to countercheck the quality of debt and deficit figures .

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


(38) s%amp% p totesi 12 päivänä heinäkuuta 2002 julkaistussa lehdistötiedotteessaan, että syy siihen, miksi se oli päättänyt säilyttää ft:n investointitasolla, oli valtion ilmaisemat aikomukset yrityksen suhteen: "ft:llä voi olla ongelmia vuonna 2003 erääntyvän velkansa jälleenrahoituksessa. valtion ilmaisemat aikomukset tukevat kuitenkin ft:n luokituksen säilyttämistä investointitasolla". ("ft could face certain difficulties refinancing its debt obligations coming due in 2003. nevertheless, the state's indication underpins france télécom's investment-grade credit quality".) s%amp% p sai tämän vakuutuksen osaksi suoraan ranskan hallitukselta: "ranskan hallitus, jonka omistusosuus france télécomista on 55 prosenttia, ilmoitti selvästi standard%amp% poor'sille, että se toimii järkevän sijoittajan tavoin ja ryhtyy tarvittaviin toimenpiteisiin, jos ft joutuu vaikeuksiin. france télécomin pitkän aikavälin luokitus laski bbb-:een". [35]("the french state –which owns 55% of france télécom — has clearly indicated to standard%amp% poor's that it twill behave as an aware investor and would take appropriate steps if france télécom were to face any difficulties. france télécom lt rating cut to bbb-".) sekä julkisesti haastattelussa, joka mainittiin johdanto-osan 36 kappaleessa.


(38) in zijn persbericht van 12 juli 2002 geeft s%amp% p aan dat het had besloten de rating van france télécom op "investeringswaardig" te handhaven wegens de aanwijzingen die de staat over zijn voornemens ten aanzien van de onderneming had gegeven: "ft could face certain difficulties refinancing its debt obligations coming due in 2003. nevertheless, the state’s indication underpins france télécom’s investment-grade credit quality" (eigen vert.: "france télécom zou bepaalde moeilijkheden kunnen ondervinden om haar obligatieschulden die in 2003 aflopen, te herfinancieren. niettemin, vormen de verklaringen van de staat de basis voor france télécoms kredietkwaliteit "investeringswaardig"."). deze verzekering was gegeven zowel rechtstreeks door de franse regering aan s%amp% p: "the french state –which owns 55% of france télécom — has clearly indicated to standard%amp% poor’s that it twill behave as an aware investor and would take appropriate steps if france télécom were to face any difficulties. france télécom lt rating cut to bbb-" [35](eigen vert.: "de franse staat — die 55% van france télécom in handen heeft — heeft tegenover standard%amp% poor duidelijk aangegeven dat hij als een voorzichtige investeerder zou handelen en dat hij passende maatregelen zou nemen, mocht france télécom met moeilijkheden te kampen krijgen. de rating voor langlopende schulden van france télécom verlaagd tot bbb-"), als in het openbaar tijdens het in overweging 36 vermelde interview.

Son Güncelleme: 2008-03-04
Kullanım Sıklığı: 5

Referans: Anonim
Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor

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