Şunu aradınız:: chars (Nepalce - İngilizce)

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%u chars माथि एकल हेडर लाइन प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्


got a single header line over %u chars

Son Güncelleme: 2014-08-15
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1


query length limit excedeed. max allowed query : 500 chars


gandhi studied law at the university of bombay for one year , and then at university of london, from which he graduated in 1891, and was admitted to bar of england.he returned to bombay and practised law therefore year and then went to south africa to work for an indian firm in natal. there gandhi experienced racism he was thrown off a train while holding a valid first class ticked and pushed to third class. he was barred from many hotels because of his race. in 1894 gandhi founded the natal indian congress. gandhi became first non white lawyer to be admitted to the bar in south africa. back in india, gandhi became active in the struggle for indian independence he spoke at the conventions of the national congress becoming one of the leader.as the leader of indian national congress party gandhi launched "swaraj" as a campaign for independence and non cooperation with the british authorities. on new year's eve december 31 1929 the indian national congress unfurled it's flag of independence gandhi and jawarharlal nehru issued the declaration of independence in january 26 1930 gandhi was shot three times in the chest and died while on his way to prayer meeting. on january 30th 1948 his assassins wore convicted and executed a year later.

Son Güncelleme: 2024-04-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 36

Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor


query length limit excedeed. max allowed query : 10000 chars


phwedo is a dialogue written by plato that end's with the story of trial and executions of socrates. echerates asking phaedo about the last movement of socrats as he was with him at the time and phaedo is feeling he had when socrates was oaccebting the death penalty cheerful and coregeously. after the trial the execution of socrates was delayed because of a mission. they had a law that as soon as the mission began the city must be kept pure. when the mission completed and socrates was going to be a executed almost all his followers become sad and cried with extreme sorrow sitting arround him. but he looked so happy that he didn't show any signed of any happiness in his journey to the eternal world. and the last time was approaching socrates was teaching his philosophy of life, death and beggining of new life and dissible and people on the day of execution when he finished his philosophical discussion he took bath. then the prison officer came and ordered him to take a bowl of poision. he dranked the poision happily and when the poision spread to all parts of his body he sat down and happily remained for sometime then he told crito " crito we ought to offer a cake to asclepius (the healing god) see to it and don't forget".

Son Güncelleme: 2019-02-08
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim
Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor


तेर्सो रूपमाtranslators: please keep this string short (less than 20 chars)


horizontal alignment

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


सजावट सिर्जना गर्न सकिँदैन । सबै चयन गरिएका विजेटहरूसँग समान प्यारेन्ट हुनुपर्दछ। translators: please keep this string short (less than 20 chars)


cannot create the layout. all selected widgets must have the same parent.

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


html tidy configuration settings within a file, use the form: wrap: 72 split: no when specified on the command line, use the form: -- wrap 72 -- split no name\ t\ t\ t\ ttype\ tallowable values ====================\ t=========\ t============================== indent- spaces\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... wrap\ t\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0 (no wrapping), 1, 2,... tab- size\ t\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... char- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ t ascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis input- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis output- encoding\ t\ t\ tencoding\ tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tutf16le, utf16be, utf16,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis newline\ t\ t\ t\ tenum\ t\ tlf, crlf, cr doctype\ t\ t\ t\ tdoctype\ tauto, omit, strict, loose, transitional,\ t\ t\ t\ t\ t\ tuser specified fpi (string) repeated- attributes\ t\ tenum\ t\ tkeep- first, keep- last alt- text\ t\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - slide- style\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - error- file\ t\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - output- file\ t\ t\ tstring\ t\ t - write- back\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 markup\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- warnings\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quiet\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent\ t\ t\ t\ tautobool\ tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide- endtags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 input- xml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- xml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- xhtml\ t\ t\ tboolean\ t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- html\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add- xml- decl\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase- tags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase- attributes\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 bare\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 clean\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 logical- emphasis\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- proprietary- attributes\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- font- tags\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop- empty- paras\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- bad- comments\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 break- before- br\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 split\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 numeric- entities\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- marks\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- nbsp\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote- ampersand\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- script- literals\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- sections\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- asp\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- jste\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap- php\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- backslash\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 assume- xml- procins\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add- xml- space\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose- text\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose- block- text\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 keep- time\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 word- 2000\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 tidy- mark\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu- emacs\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu- emacs- file\ t\ t\ tstring\ t - literal- attributes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- body- only\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix- uri\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 lower- literals\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide- comments\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent- cdata\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 force- output\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show- errors\ t\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,... ascii- chars\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join- classes\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join- styles\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 escape- cdata\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 language\ t\ t\ tstring\ t - ncr\ t\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output- bom\ t\ t\ tautobool\ tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 replace- color\ t\ t\ tboolean\ ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 css- prefix\ t\ t\ tname\ tcss1 selector new- inline- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- blocklevel- tags\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- empty- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... new- pre- tags\ t\ t\ ttag names\ ttagx, tagy,... accessibility- check\ t\ tinteger\ t0, 1, 2,...


html tidy configuration settings within a file, use the form: wrap: 72 split: no when specified on the command line, use the form: --wrap 72 --split no name\t\t\t\ttype \tallowable values ==================== \t========= \t============================== indent-spaces\t\t\tinteger \t0, 1, 2,... wrap\t\t\t\tinteger \t0 (no wrapping), 1, 2,... tab-size\t\t\t\tinteger \t0, 1, 2,... char-encoding\t\t\tencoding\t ascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202 \t\t\t\t\t\tutf16le, utf16be, utf16, \t\t\t\t\t\tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis input-encoding\t\t\tencoding \tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202 \t\t\t\t\t\tutf16le, utf16be, utf16, \t\t\t\t\t\tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis output-encoding\t\t\tencoding\tascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso202 \t\t\t\t\t\tutf16le, utf16be, utf16, \t\t\t\t\t\tmac, win1252, ibm858, big5, shiftjis newline\t\t\t\tenum\t\tlf, crlf, cr doctype\t\t\t\tdoctype\tauto, omit, strict, loose, transitional, \t\t\t\t\t\tuser specified fpi (string) repeated-attributes\t\tenum\t\tkeep-first, keep-last alt-text\t\t\t\tstring\t\t- slide-style\t\t\tstring\t\t- error-file\t\t\t\tstring\t\t- output-file\t\t\tstring\t\t- write-back\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 markup\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show-warnings\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quiet\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent\t\t\t\tautobool \tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide-endtags\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 input-xml\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output-xml\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output-xhtml\t\t\tboolean \t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output-html\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add-xml-decl\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase-tags\t\t\tboolean \t y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 uppercase-attributes\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 bare\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 clean\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 logical-emphasis\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop-proprietary-attributes\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop-font-tags\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 drop-empty-paras\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix-bad-comments\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 break-before-br\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 split\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 numeric-entities\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote-marks\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote-nbsp\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 quote-ampersand\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-attributes\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-script-literals\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-sections\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-asp\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-jste\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 wrap-php\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix-backslash\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent-attributes\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 assume-xml-procins\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 add-xml-space\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose-text\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 enclose-block-text\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 keep-time\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 word-2000\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 tidy-mark\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu-emacs\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 gnu-emacs-file\t\t\tstring \t- literal-attributes\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show-body-only\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 fix-uri\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 lower-literals\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 hide-comments\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 indent-cdata\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 force-output\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 show-errors\t\t\tinteger \t0, 1, 2,... ascii-chars\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join-classes\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 join-styles\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 escape-cdata\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 language\t\t\tstring \t- ncr\t\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 output-bom\t\t\tautobool \tauto, y/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 replace-color\t\t\tboolean \ty/ n, yes/ no, t/ f, true/ false, 1/ 0 css-prefix\t\t\tname \tcss1 selector new-inline-tags\t\t\ttag names \ttagx, tagy,... new-blocklevel-tags\t\ttag names \ttagx, tagy,... new-empty-tags\t\t\ttag names \ttagx, tagy,... new-pre-tags\t\t\ttag names\ttagx, tagy,... accessibility-check\t\tinteger \t0, 1, 2,...

Son Güncelleme: 2011-10-23
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim

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