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name and title of person referring: _______________________________________________


diagnosis: ______________________________________________________________________

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1


by referring to « an increase in the hicp of below


by referring to « an increase in the hicp of below

最后更新: 2011-10-23
使用频率: 1


i still have the mop with accessories if that is what you were referring to


i’m sorry i don’t know what that last word is

最后更新: 2020-02-18
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


when we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price.


when we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


documento de garantía (referring to: securing assets or ucc-1)


financially leased equipment financing party

最后更新: 2013-05-07
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


i was referring to all the peer-reviewed papers, and the blogs that link to them.


i was referring to all the peer-reviewed papers, and the blogs that link to them.

最后更新: 2018-02-13
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


neither is ... the relativistic heavy ion collider"", referring to a report of the national research council.


neither is ... the relativistic heavy ion collider"", referring to a report of the national research council.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


one example of such propaganda was the derogatory language used for referring to non-serbs such as mujahideen, ustaša or green berets.


one example of such propaganda was the derogatory language used for referring to non-serbs such as mujaheddin, ustaša or green berets.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


as a result of his dramatic prowess in battle, he earned the name hachimantarō, referring to him as the son of hachiman, the god of war.


as a result of his dramatic prowess in battle, he earned the name hachimantarō, referring to him as the son of hachiman, the god of war.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


* another (better) picture from the same source* web page including picture referring to his 2006 hamming medal award


* another (better) picture from the same source* web page including picture referring to his 2006 hamming medal award

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


thus, it may be referring to judging the mental and emotional state of the patient as well as the general level of vitality and spirit present as observed via the patient's eyes.


thus, it may be referring to judging the mental and emotional state of the patient as well as the general level of vitality and spirit present as observed via the patient's eyes.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


"* (referring to houston oilers quarterback warren moon) "that boy could throw a football through a car wash and not get it wet.


*(referring to houston oilers quarterback warren moon) "that boy could throw a football through a car wash and not get it wet.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


==thru hiking==thru hiking is a term used in referring to hikers who complete long distance trails from end-to-end in a single trip.


==thru hiking==thru hiking is a term used in referring to hikers who complete long distance trails from end-to-end in a single trip.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


john goodner, a houston city council member representing a district including gulfton at that time, said that more demographic changes occurred in his district in the several years leading up to 1988 than in any other area of houston, referring to the changes in demographics in various apartment complexes.


john goodner, a houston city council member who represented a district that included gulfton at that time, said that more demographic changes occurred within his district in the years leading up to 1988 than in any other part of the city.

最后更新: 2016-03-03
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名


sessions and russia tessa berenson updated: mar 03, 2017 7:24 am hora | originally published: mar 02, 2017 attorney general jeff sessions found himself in middle of a political firestorm this week when the washington post reported that he had met twice with the russian ambassador to the u.s. during the presidential campaign, despite seeming to deny this during his confirmation hearing. lawmakers on both sides immediately jumped on sessions and called for him to recuse himself from russia investigations or resign. sessions announced thursday afternoon that he would recuse himself from investigations into president donald trump's campaign, but maintained he did not lie in his hearing and did nothing wrong in meeting with the russian ambassador. trump defended his attorney general on thursday evening, accusing democrats of waging a "total witch hunt." here are the answers to six questions about the controversy. what did the washington post report? in an article published wednesday night entitled "sessions met with russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose," the post wrote that then-senator sessions met twice with the russian ambassador to the u.s. sergey kislyak in 2016. the paper said sessions met with kislyak once in july and once in september. what exactly did sessions say in his confirmation hearing? democratic sen. al franken of minnesota asked sessions, "cnn just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week... these documents also allegedly say quote, 'there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the russian government.'... if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the trump campaign communicated with the russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?" sessions replied, "senator franken, i'm not aware of any of those activities. i have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and i didn't have — did not have communications with the russians, and i'm unable to comment on it." what does sessions say now? "i never met with any russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign," sessions said in a statement after the post story came out. "i have no idea what this allegation is about. it is false.” sessions further elaborated thursday afternoon when he announced he would recuse himself. "let me be clear. i never had meetings with russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trump campaign," he said. "and the idea that i was part of a quote, 'continuing exchange of information during the campaign between trump surrogates and intermediaries for the russian government' is totally false. that is the question that senator franken asked me at the hearing. i did not respond referring to the two meetings... where no such things were discussed. my reply to the question of senator franken was honest and correct as i understood it at the time." how did everyone react? democrats and republicans in congress reacted swiftly. many in both parties called on sessions to recuse himself from any investigations into russian interference in the election. others, including the top democrats in both the house and senate, have called on him to resign. president trump said he had "total" confidence in sessions, who he said "probably" told the truth in his testimony. the white house defended sessions. press secretary sean spicer briefly addressed the controversy thursday aboard air force one, telling reporters, “there’s no there there.” "he was clearly asked about his role as a campaign surrogate," spicer said, explaining session's answer in congressional testimony. “he was literally conducting himself as a u.s. senator. he didn’t do anything that wasn’t part of his job." why does this all matter? it matters because while sessions was a member of the senate's armed services committee, he was also one of president trump's top foreign policy advisors during his campaign. and trump's inner circle has for months been dogged by accusations of improper contact with russia, at the same time that russia has been accused of using cyber-attacks to meddle in the u.s. election. during his campaign, trump often praised russian president vladimir putin's leadership, and once the u.s. intelligence community concluded that russia was behind hacks on the democratic national committee, trump was reluctant to publicly accept the findings. last august, trump's campaign chairman paul manafort resigned over questions about his links to ukraine's former pro-russia regime. then just last month, trump's national security adviser michael flynn was forced to resign after it came to light that he had misled vice president mike pence about his contact with russia during the transition. in other words, this matters particularly because this is not the first instance of questionable contact between members of the trump administration and russia. what's next? republicans were largely satisfied with sessions' decision to recuse himself, and trump has stood by him. but some leading democrats are continuing to call for his resignation ingles. español


tradukka ewhat to know about jeff sessions and russia tessa berenson updated: mar 03, 2017 7:24 am hora | originally published: mar 02, 2017 attorney general jeff sessions found himself in middle of a political firestorm this week when the washington post reported that he had met twice with the russian ambassador to the u.s. during the presidential campaign, despite seeming to deny this during his confirmation hearing. lawmakers on both sides immediately jumped on sessions and called for him to recuse himself from russia investigations or resign. sessions announced thursday afternoon that he would recuse himself from investigations into president donald trump's campaign, but maintained he did not lie in his hearing and did nothing wrong in meeting with the russian ambassador. trump defended his attorney general on thursday evening, accusing democrats of waging a "total witch hunt." here are the answers to six questions about the controversy. what did the washington post report? in an article published wednesday night entitled "sessions met with russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose," the post wrote that then-senator sessions met twice with the russian ambassador to the u.s. sergey kislyak in 2016. the paper said sessions met with kislyak once in july and once in september. what exactly did sessions say in his confirmation hearing? democratic sen. al franken of minnesota asked sessions, "cnn just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week... these documents also allegedly say quote, 'there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the russian government.'... if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the trump campaign communicated with the russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?" sessions replied, "senator franken, i'm not aware of any of those activities. i have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and i didn't have — did not have communications with the russians, and i'm unable to comment on it." what does sessions say now? "i never met with any russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign," sessions said in a statement after the post story came out. "i have no idea what this allegation is about. it is false.” sessions further elaborated thursday afternoon when he announced he would recuse himself. "let me be clear. i never had meetings with russian operatives or russian intermediaries about the trump campaign," he said. "and the idea that i was part of a quote, 'continuing exchange of information during the campaign between trump surrogates and intermediaries for the russian government' is totally false. that is the question that senator franken asked me at the hearing. i did not respond referring to the two meetings... where no such things were discussed. my reply to the question of senator franken was honest and correct as i understood it at the time." how did everyone react? democrats and republicans in congress reacted swiftly. many in both parties called on sessions to recuse himself from any investigations into russian interference in the election. others, including the top democrats in both the house and senate, have called on him to resign. president trump said he had "total" confidence in sessions, who he said "probably" told the truth in his testimony. the white house defended sessions. press secretary sean spicer briefly addressed the controversy thursday aboard air force one, telling reporters, “there’s no there there.” "he was clearly asked about his role as a campaign surrogate," spicer said, explaining session's answer in congressional testimony. “he was literally conducting himself as a u.s. senator. he didn’t do anything that wasn’t part of his job." why does this all matter? it matters because while sessions was a member of the senate's armed services committee, he was also one of president trump's top foreign policy advisors during his campaign. and trump's inner circle has for months been dogged by accusations of improper contact with russia, at the same time that russia has been accused of using cyber-attacks to meddle in the u.s. election. during his campaign, trump often praised russian president vladimir putin's leadership, and once the u.s. intelligence community concluded that russia was behind hacks on the democratic national committee, trump was reluctant to publicly accept the findings. last august, trump's campaign chairman paul manafort resigned over questions about his links to ukraine's former pro-russia regime. then just last month, trump's national security adviser michael flynn was forced to resign after it came to light that he had misled vice president mike pence about his contact with russia during the transition. in other words, this matters particularly because this is not the first instance of questionable contact between members of the trump administration and russia. what's next? republicans were largely satisfied with sessions' decision to recuse himself, and trump has stood by him. but some leading democrats are continuing to call for his resignation spañol ingles

最后更新: 2017-03-05
使用频率: 1

参考: 匿名

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