Sie suchten nach: also you fustek (Englisch - Afrikaans)


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also you fustek



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Letzte Aktualisierung: 2011-10-23
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 2


what if school never existed? mm that’s a very tricky question. firstly it would be very exciting because you don’t need to always work. it would be fun because we would not need to go to school. you could just stay at home. you would always play around with your friends and you would do no work at all. if school never existed people would not know how to work and how to do things. people will never want to do something in their lives but to just stay at home and do household things and to take of their children. people would be lazy do work for their needs. if school never existed people would never be able to read and write. they could not even know how to spell their names. people would just be useless because we would not be able to do anything in life. we also would not be able to do anything else for others. this is why school is very important so that we may be able to do the important things in life such as, reading, writing, and knowing how to spell. without these things we would suffer to do things in life. we would never learn anything also if there were no schools. this is the place where people can learn to do things and to learn about other things they never even knew that they might be good at doing. also you would never meet the friends you have right now.



Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-22
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 7

Referenz: Wikipedia

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