Sie suchten nach: accelerate at the right moment for a tur... (Englisch - Georgisch)


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accelerate at the right moment for a turbo start



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you store them at the right temperature... you have no problems-


ვ დჲ ჟოპვმთქ ნა ოპაგა რვმოვპარსპა თ ნვმაქ ოპჲბლვმთ.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


i think that for two people to connect with each other in the right moment to love each other, and to take care of each other is such a difficult thing.


ვფიქრობ, რომ... ...ორი ადამიანის ერთმანეთში საჭირო დროს შეერთება

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


while it's on display at the viewing... we switch the authentic artwork for a forgery.


ეჲკარჲ ვ ნა მჲნთრჲპა ჱა ოპჲგვპკა... ნთვ პაჱმვნწმვ თჟრთნჟკარა კაპრთნა ჟ ტალქთტთკარ.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


--miranda learned that at the right law firm, where her voice was valued she was also fun at work.


მთპანეა პაჱბპა, ფვ გ კჲმოანთწრა, კყევრჲ ფსგარ დლაჟა ი ვ მნჲდჲ ოჲ-ჱაბაგნჲ ეა ჟვ პაბჲრთ.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


look, at the very least, it's gonna keep the press off your back for a couple of more days.


გთზ, ნაი-მალკჲრჲ ღვ ეყპზთ ოპვჟარა ნაჟრპანა ჱა ნწკჲლკჲ ენთ.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


except for a minor incident at the doctor's office.


ჟ თჱკლძფვნთვ ნა თნუთევნრა ოპთ ეჲკრჲპა.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-10-27
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


also called facets or sides. a cube has six faces which are all squares, so each face has four equal sides and all four interior angles are right angles. see definition of a square. in the figure above, drag the 'explode' slider to see the faces separated for clarity. edge a line segment formed where two edges meet. a cube has 12 edges. because all faces are squares and congruent to each other, all 12 edges are the same length. vertex a point formed where three edges meet. a cube has 8 vertices. a cube showing the edges, vertices and faces face diagonals face diagonals are line segments linking the opposite corners of a face. each face has two, for a total of 12 in the cube. the length of the face diagonals is given by the formula where s is the length of one side (edge). since the faces are squares, this is the same as the diagonal of a square. space diagonals space diagonals are line segments linking the opposite corners of a cube, cutting through its interior. a cube has 4 space diagonals. the length of the space diagonal is given by the formula where s is the length of one side (edge). properties of a cube volume the volume is s3 where s is the length of one edge. see volume of a cube. surface area the surface area of a cube is 6s2 , where s is the length of one edge. see surface area of a cube. calculator enter any one value side clear volume clear surface area clear face diagonal clear space diagonal clear use the calculator on the right to calculate the properties of a cube. enter any one value and the others will be calculated. for example, enter the side length and the volume will be calculated. similarly, if you enter the surface area, the side length needed to get that area will be



Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-10-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

Referenz: Anonym

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