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she said to the princess, in a distinctly cold tone:


elle dit à la princesse, d’un air assez froid :

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-30
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


in regard to the use of his ears, he is anxious to hear distinctly.


in regard to the use of his ears, he is anxious to hear distinctly.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2018-02-13
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


he never once thought, distinctly that is to say, of the great change that had just occurred in his fortunes.


il ne songea pas une seule fois, distinctement du moins, au grand changement qui venait de s’opérer dans son sort.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-30
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


the poor man added various supplications, by no means well expressed and distinctly inopportune after the word good-bye had been uttered by me.


le pauvre homme a ajouté quelques supplications assez mal tournées et assez inopportunes après le mot “adieu” prononcé par moi.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-30
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


cette partie a été financée par un programme «distinctly cumbria» financé par une agence de développement économique de la région nord-ouest.


phase two enlarged much of the brewing space and reorganised it for greater eciency and this part was funded by a north west development agency funded programme‘distinctly cumbria’.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-02-06
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


beyond the left bank of this river, which formed so to speak a series of huge white patches in the midst of the green fields, his enraptured eye caught distinctly each of the summits of the immense wall with which the alps enclose italy to the north.


par-delà la rive gauche de ce fleuve, qui formait comme une suite d’immenses taches blanches au milieu des campagnes verdoyantes, son œil ravi apercevait distinctement chacun des sommets de l’immense mur que les alpes forment au nord de l’italie.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-30
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


it lies in my power to tell you a number of things before night shall have given place altogether to days; at present i see them a great deal more distinctly than perhaps i shall see them to-morrow.


il est en mon pouvoir de te dire plusieurs choses avant que la nuit soit tout à fait remplacée par le jour ; maintenant je les vois beaucoup plus distinctement que peut-être je ne les verrai demain.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-30
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


it was already some time since fabrizio had noticed the earth flying off in black crumbs on being struck by shot; they came in rear of a regiment of cuirassiers, he could hear distinctly the rattle of the grapeshot against their breastplates, and saw several men fall.


il y avait déjà longtemps que fabrice n’apercevait plus la terre volant en miettes noires sous l’action des boulets ; on arriva derrière un régiment de cuirassiers, il entendit distinctement les biscaïens frapper sur les cuirasses et il vit tomber plusieurs hommes.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2014-07-30
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


traductioninitial attempts to fit the susceptibility data to the heisenberg model for an s = ½ linear chain [32] gave poor fits and unphysical results. as with the susceptibility data, initials attempts to fit the χt data to a uniform chain model was unsuccessful. the unexpected decrease in the 1/chi data below 25 k suggested that the magnetic behavior of the material had changed distinctly. one possibility for this change could be change in the crystal structure. the cucl42- ions are bridged by the disordered chloride ion. the disorder will generate a random exchange chain within the sample, with at least two possible pathways, and slightly different coordination geometries at the cu-centres. if the cl1 ions were to order at low temperature, this would cause a change in the superexchange pathway and as a result, the magnetic interactions. this provides a possible explanation for the difficulty in fitting the data to one model over the entire temperature range. as such we attempted to fit only the data above 45 k to the s = ½ heisenberg chain model (our use of a uniform chain model is clearly only an approximation, but an analytical model for a random exchange antiferromagnetic chain is not available at present). a 1% paramagnetic impurity was included in the calculations (no impurity was detected by powder x-ray diffraction, suggesting that any impurity must be quite small). the results of those fits are shown as solid lines in figures 8 and 9. as can be seen, the fits are now reasonable. moreover, the fitting results from the two plots are in good agreement [χ vs. t: c = 0.448(1) emu-k/mol-oe, j = - 37.7(2) k; χt vs. t: c = 0.443(1) emu-k/mol-oe, j = -36.3(3) k] showing that the weighting of the data due to the temperature factor in the χt plot does not significantly affect the result. although there are examples of edge-bridged square pyramidal cucl5- units in the literature


translinitial attempts to fit the susceptibility data to the heisenberg model for an s = ½ linear chain [32] gave poor fits and unphysical results. as with the susceptibility data, initials attempts to fit the χt data to a uniform chain model was unsuccessful. the unexpected decrease in the 1/chi data below 25 k suggested that the magnetic behavior of the material had changed distinctly. one possibility for this change could be change in the crystal structure. the cucl42- ions are bridged by the disordered chloride ion. the disorder will generate a random exchange chain within the sample, with at least two possible pathways, and slightly different coordination geometries at the cu-centres. if the cl1 ions were to order at low temperature, this would cause a change in the superexchange pathway and as a result, the magnetic interactions. this provides a possible explanation for the difficulty in fitting the data to one model over the entire temperature range. as such we attempted to fit only the data above 45 k to the s = ½ heisenberg chain model (our use of a uniform chain model is clearly only an approximation, but an analytical model for a random exchange antiferromagnetic chain is not available at present). a 1% paramagnetic impurity was included in the calculations (no impurity was detected by powder x-ray diffraction, suggesting that any impurity must be quite small). the results of those fits are shown as solid lines in figures 8 and 9. as can be seen, the fits are now reasonable. moreover, the fitting results from the two plots are in good agreement [χ vs. t: c = 0.448(1) emu-k/mol-oe, j = - 37.7(2) k; χt vs. t: c = 0.443(1) emu-k/mol-oe, j = -36.3(3) k] showing that the weighting of the data due to the temperature factor in the χt plot does not significantly affect the result. although there are examples of edge-bridged square pyramidal cucl5- units in the literatureation

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2013-01-18
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 7

Referenz: Wikipedia

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