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lita imitou seus movimentos, nomeadamente o moonsault e hurricanrana, imediatamente depois que ele havia realizado em um adversário.


lita mimicked his moves, notably the moonsault and hurricanrana, immediately after he had performed them on an opponent.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


durante a luta, amazing red, que acabou vencendo a luta, realizou um driver hurricanrana em creed que bateu sua cabeça no solo do ringue.


during the match, amazing red, who ended up winning the match, performed a hurricanrana driver, which caused creed to projectile vomit after his head hit the mat.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


o ensaio exigia que ela realizasse um hurricanrana que seria usado em um episódio, no entanto, o dublê de dumas falhou enquanto ela balançava, fazendo-a sofrer uma lesão em seu pescoço e ombros.


the rehearsal required that she practice the hurricanrana that would be used in the episode, however, the stunt double dumas was working with dropped her as she swung through the move, causing her to land on her neck and shoulders.

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1


" (jumping reverse sto) – (2011 – presente)**como ron killings***"consequences" (elevated cradle neckbreaker) - (2002 - 2004)***corkscrew scissors kick***"hang time" (450° splash) – (2002 – 2004)***sitout double underhook facebuster – (2004)***"truth conviction" (sitout inverted suplex slam) – (2002–2004; usado como movimento secundário de 2005 – 2008)***"truth or consequences" (vertical suplex stunner)*movimentos secundários**dropkick, às vezes da terceira corda**"flying jalapeño" (corkscrew flying forearm smash) – tna**hurricanrana, às vezes da terceira corda**jumping corkscrew hook kick**reverse sto – tna**scoop powerslam**sitout hip toss**sitout inverted suplex slam**"truth or consequences" (vertical suplex stunner)*alcunhas**"the truth"**"the suntan superman"**"the conspiracy theorist"*managers**eve torres**the miz*temas de entrada**"gettin' rowdy" por brian gerard james e ron killings (wwf)**"rowdy" por ron killings - (wwf)**"what's up?


" / "little jimmy" (leaping reverse sto) – 2011–present** as ron killings*** "consequences" (elevated cradle neckbreaker) – 2002–2004*** corkscrew scissors kick*** "hang time" (450° splash) – 2002–2004*** sitout double underhook facebuster – 2004*** "truth conviction" (sitout inverted suplex slam) – 2002–2004; used as a signature move from 2005 to 2008*** "truth or consequences" (vertical suplex stunner) - used as a signature move in wwe* signature moves** corkscrew leg lariat** dropkick, sometimes from the top rope** hurricanrana, sometimes while diving off the top rope** headscissors takedown** "flying jalapeño" (corkscrew flying forearm smash) – tna** leg drop, with theatrics** reverse sto – tna** scoop powerslam** sitout hip toss** sitout inverted suplex slam – wwe** spinebuster* with kofi kingston** double team signature moves*** aided slingshot senton*** aided crossbody, sometimes from the top rope*** double hip toss*** double russian legsweep followed by a simultaneous elbow drop (kingston) and knee drop (r-truth) combination*** r-truth scoop slams kingston onto a grounded opponent* managers** eve torres* nicknames** "the truth"** "the suntan superman"** "the conspiracy theorist"* entrance themes** "gettin' rowdy" by brian james and ron killings (wwf/e)** "rowdy" by ron killings (wwf/e)** "what's up?

Letzte Aktualisierung: 2016-03-03
Nutzungshäufigkeit: 1

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