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te alle tye



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ten alle tye


at all times

Last Update: 2023-03-10
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ek vertrou jy te alle tye.


i'll trust you any time.

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 7

Reference: Anonymous


nou van alle tye, met die nuwe teëls buite!


now, of all times! and it's just been newly tiled outside!

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 7

Reference: Anonymous


2.1 'n lewendehawe-agentmoet te alle lye -


2.1 a livestock agent shall at all times -

Last Update: 2011-10-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


hy het geen mededinger nie en vir my is hy die grootste van alle tye


he has no rival and to me he is the greatest of all time

Last Update: 2022-04-27
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


'n lewendehawe-agent moet te alle tye verseker dat finansigle verpligtinge deur horn aangegaan, nie sy onafhanklikheidaantas of kan aantas nie.


a livestock agent shall at all times ensure that financial obligations incurred by him will not impair or cause to impair his independence.

Last Update: 2011-10-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


* voortgaan met die proses om ons intelligensieagentskappe verder te bemagtig, en sorg dat hulle werksaamhede te alle tye binne die raamwerk van ons grondwet en landwette val.


* continue with the processes further to capacitate our intelligence agencies, and ensure that at all times they operate within the framework of our constitution and laws; and

Last Update: 2011-10-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


hy is opgelei deur sy vader john. alvin se pa het vir sy vriende gesê dat hy 'n seun is, die grootste renjaer van alle tye


he was trained by his father john. alvin's father told his friends that he's son will be the greatest racer of all times

Last Update: 2021-04-12
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


my selfoon is my lewe en ek kan nie sonder dit bly nie. ek het voorheen my selfoon verloor en dit het gevoel of ek 'n deel van myself verloor het. om hierdie rede hou ek my foon te alle tye behalwe wanneer ek skool toe gaan.


my cellphone is my life and i cannot stay without it. i had previously lost my phone and that felt as if i lost a part of myself due to this reason i keep my phone with me at all time except when i go to school.

Last Update: 2019-01-26
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


gedurende my kinderjare het ek van die natuur gehou. ek en my gesin het altyd gaan stap in die bos van die middestad van kzn. daar was baie kere wat ek gedink het aan wat kan gebeur as ons van die roete sou verloor en van die land af moes leef totdat ons ons pad terug na die beskawing gevind het. ek het net gedink dit sal die beste ervaring van alle tye wees


as my brothers and i grew older, we continued to go for these walks with our parents but the dreams of living in the forest i soon forgot. that’s when it happened. we decided to take a different path off the main trail. before i knew it, the path had disappeared and no one in my family could tell where we had come from. it was so unexpected. it gave me a feeling of excitement that can’t be described. everything in the forest seemed different. the trees were a deeper shade of green. the birds chirped in a different tone. vines covered almost every inch of the ground. one part of me never wanted this moment to end.

Last Update: 2023-01-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


om te weet dat jy te alle tye daar is vir my is al die versekering wat ek nodig het. jy is 'n vriend wat die moeite werd is om te hou tot die einde van die tyd, en ek is hier vir jou, maak nie saak wat oor ons pad kom nie. jy sal my beste vriend wees en die enigste een wat ek enigiets sal doen om gelukkig te maak. as almal oor my twyfel, gee jy duisend redes om my te verdedig. wanneer ek my donker dae in die gesig staar, is jy altyd daar. as ek in die middel van ongelukke is, sien ek hoe jy 'n hand uitsteek om my op te trek met 'n glimlag op jou gesig


knowing that you are there for me at all times is all the assurance i need. you are a friend worth keeping until the end of time, and i’m here for you, no matter what comes our way. you will be my best friend and the only one who i will do anything to make happy.when everyone has doubts about me, you give a thousand reasons to defend me. when i’m facing my dark days, you’re always there. when i am in the middle of mishaps, i see you lending out a hand to pull me up with a smile on your fac

Last Update: 2021-11-09
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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