From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
setting up appropriate control standards
festlegung angemessener kontrollnormen
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
ex- ante verification of transactions, setting up of control standards
ex-ante-prüfung von zahlungsvorgängen, festlegung von kontrollnormen
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
join efforts towards setting up an institute of environment technology in india.
gemeinsame anstrengungen zur gründung eines instituts für umwelttechnologie in indien.
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
first step towards the setting up of an animal identification and traceability system.
erster schritt zur einführung eines identifizierungs- und rückverfolgungssystems für tiere.
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
ikke fundettext for menu item for setting up devices which until now do not have any connections
nicht gefundentext for menu item for setting up devices which until now do not have any connections
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
umuligtname of the game difficulty level that is customized by the user by setting up different game parameters
unmöglichname of the game difficulty level that is customized by the user by setting up different game parameters
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
exchange of views on the setting-up of an animal and plant identification and traceability system
meinungsaustausch über die einrichtung eines systems für die identifizierung und rückverfolgbarkeit von tieren und pflanzen
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
the experience after a recent liberalisation showed that jobs were lost and not replaced by setting up new service providers.
die erfahrungen nach einer kürzlich durchgeführten liberalisierung zeigten, dass arbeitsplätze verloren gingen, was nicht durch die entstehung neuer dienstleistungsbetriebe wett gemacht würde.
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
however, significant work is still needed in the veterinary field and in the setting up of the paying agency and iacs.
erheblicher handlungsbedarf besteht jedoch noch im veterinärsektor und in bezug auf die schaffung einer zahlstelle und des integrierten verwaltungs- und kontrollsystems (invekos).
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
opinion addressed to the council and the commission on a proposal for a council decision setting up a european monetary co-operation fund
opinion addressed to the council and the commission on a proposal for a council decision setting up a european monetary co-operation fund
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
promoting a new generation of farmers within a framework programme for modernising farming by setting up and providing support for young people;
förderung einer neuen generation von landwirten durch unterstützung und beratung der jugend im rahmen eines modernisierungsprogramms der landwirtschaft;
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
priority must also be given to the setting up of efficient and integrated monitoring and evaluation systems as well as to further improving the financial management and control systems.
eine weitere priorität ist die schaffung wirksamer integrierter begleitungs- und bewertungssysteme sowie die weitere verbesserung der finanzverwaltungs- und -kontrollsysteme.
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
by setting up of shetland seafish ltd and merging both loss making companies it was expected that profits would grow and that the new company would be profit making within a short time.
by setting up of shetland seafish ltd and merging both loss making companies it was expected that profits would grow and that the new company would be profit making within a short time.
Last Update: 2014-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
det forenede kongerige har udsendt vejledningen "no-nonsense guide to government rules and regulations when setting up your business".
das vereinigte königreich hat einen leitfaden mit dem titel „no-nonsense guide to government rules and regulations when setting up your business” (leitfaden für regeln und vorschriften bei der existenzgründung) veröffentlicht.
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
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in italy, agreements between consumer associations and enterprises (memoranda of understanding) as well as model contract terms are key in setting up best practices23.
in italy, agreements between consumer associations and enterprises (memoranda of understanding) as well as model contract terms are key in setting up best practices25.
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
-- on investment and the creation of new businesses the statistics which will become available via this regulation will assist enterprises in finding attractive destinations for setting-up foreign affiliates .
-- on investment and the creation of new businesses the statistics which will become available via this regulation will assist enterprises in finding attractive destinations for setting-up foreign affiliates .
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
after a discussion to clarify the proposal, both deputy ministers endorse the setting-up of a jcc, which they consider can be covered by a broad interpretation of the provisions of article 282 of the agreement43.
after a discussion to clarify the proposal, both deputy ministers endorse the setting-up of a jcc, which they consider can be covered by a broad interpretation of the provisions of article 282 of the agreement47.
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
exchange of views on issues such as safer use of the internet, deployment of broadband infrastructure, introduction of third generation mobile telephony and other advanced communications technologies and services, as well as for setting-up training programmes in these fields.
austausch von standpunkten zu fragen wie die sicherere nutzung des internet, die einrichtung von breitbandinfrastruktur, die einführung der dritten mobilfunkgeneration und anderer fortgeschrittener kommunikationstechnologien und –dienste sowie zur einrichtung von ausbildungsprogrammen in diesem bereich
Last Update: 2017-04-07
Usage Frequency: 1
howto: setting up d- bus and hal with kde' s media ioslave edit (en vejledning som vedligeholdes af fællesskabet på & kde;: s wiki)
howto: einrichten von d-bus und hal mit dem media-ein-/ausgabemodul von kde. (ein gemeinschaftlich betreutes howto im wiki von & kde;)
Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1
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according to point 5.3 of the current guidelines [4] an "unlawful aid" within the meaning of article 1 (f) of regulation (ec) no 659/1999 will be appraised in accordance with the guidelines applicable at the time when the administrative act setting up the aid has entered into force.
according to point 5.3 of the current guidelines [4] an "unlawful aid" within the meaning of article 1 (f) of regulation (ec) no 659/1999 will be appraised in accordance with the guidelines applicable at the time when the administrative act setting up the aid has entered into force.
Last Update: 2014-10-23
Usage Frequency: 3
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