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سانتيريا, منطقة تم تأسيسها في كوبا على أيدي أناسًا من منطقة غرب أفريقيا (اتسمت هذه المنطقة بخليط من المعتقدات الأفريقية الأصلية والرومانية الكاثوليكية)

Last Update: 2018-04-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb





Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


- santeria.


-سانترايا" "

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb
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from.. santeria.


إنه طقس دينيّ.

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


- what's santeria?


أو سانترية. - ما السانترية؟

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


look to me like santeria.


تبدو مثل السانتيرية

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


i grew up around santeria.


نشأت في أوساط سانتريين ( سانتريه هي ديانه )

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


either santeria or palo mayombe.


(اما (سانتريا) او (بالو مايومبي

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


it could be santeria, voodoo.


'' (ذا صله بأعراق دينية كـ(السانتيريا)، (الفودو

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


he was instrumental in breaking the santeria case last summer.


هو كان ذو دور فعّال في الكسر حالة السانترية الصيف الماضي.

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


a while back, some guy comes in, starts... asking about santeria.


منذ فترة رجل ما أتي, وبدء (يسأل عن (سينتريا

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


a true practitioner of santeria bears the mark of the scorpion tattooed on their back.


أي ممارس حقيقي للسانترية يحمل علامة وشم العقرب على ظهره

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


body part removal could be drug-related, it could be santeria, voodoo.


إزالة أجزاء من الجسد قد يكون ذا صلة بالمخدرات وقد يكون ذا صله بأعراق دينية كـ السانتيريا الفودو

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


mercury is used in some religious practices (e.g., voodoo, santeria, and espiritismo).


ويستعمل الزئبق أيضاً في بعض الطقوس الدينية (كطقوس الفودو والسانتيريا والإسبيريتيسمو).

Last Update: 2016-12-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb


there's some powerful cult magic at work here... like an ancient spell... or voodoo... or santeria.


هناك بعض القوي السحرية التي اثرت عليكي مثل طقوس قديمة او اعمال شعوذة

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


i studied santeria and certain other things that squares like you would call the black arts due to lack of understanding, from chano pozo in new orleans.


هذا سيثير اهتمامك لقد درست السانتيريا (ديانة افريقية ) وعدة أشياء أخرى تستطيع تسميتها سحراً أسود

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


its most serious expression is the widespread campaign demonizing voodoo in general and in particular candomblé in brazil and santeria in different countries of the continent, by powerful evangelical groups, mostly from the united states of america.


ويتجلى أخطر أشكال التعبير عن هذه الظاهرة في قيام جماعات إنجيلية قوية النفوذ، ومعظمها من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، بشن حملة واسعة النطاق لوصم بعض التقاليد الدينية والروحية مثل الفودو عموماً، والكاندومبلي ((candomblé في البرازيل والسانتيريا

Last Update: 2016-12-02
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb


most of the elements are from santeria healing rituals, but the upside-down crucifix and the chalk drawings-- they're from a much darker religion.


معظم العناصر هم من طقوس الشفاء لكن الصليب المقلوب ورسومات الطباشير انهم من دين اكثر قتامة

Last Update: 2016-10-27
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


its most serious expression is the widespread campaign demonizing voodoo in general and in particular candomblé in brazil and santeria in different countries of the continent, by powerful evangelical groups, mostly from the united states of america.


ويتجلى أخطر أشكال التعبير عن هذه الظاهرة في قيام جماعات إنجيلية قوية النفوذ، ومعظمها من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، بشن حملة واسعة النطاق لوصم بعض التقاليد الدينية والروحية مثل الفودو عموماً، والكاندومبلي ((candomblé في البرازيل والسانتيريا (santeria) في بلدان مختلفة من القارة بصفة خاصة بأنها تقاليد "شيطانية".

Last Update: 2013-02-19
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Alqasemy2006
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biosystems, schumann's resonance and esp in conclusion, miller and miller postulate, along with others, that: 1. complex electrodynamic fields establish the organisation of all biological systems. we are fundamentally electromagnetic, rather than chemical beings. wave interaction is a key determinant of biological structure and optimal functioning. biosystems are sensitive to natural and artificial electromagnetic fields. perturbations in environmental fields can induce changes in organisms informed by those fields. field frequencies and amplitudes affect our biodynamic state. 2. elf frequencies of schumann's resonance are intimately linked with those of human brain-waves. natural or artificially induced changes in sr could affect subtle and perhaps gross brain-wave generation. in particular, it could lead to changes in patterns and frequencies of resonance and resulting phenomena such as homoeostasis, rem, psi and healing. robert beck…for a decade researched the brain-wave activity of healers from all cultures and religious backgrounds (he enumerates psychics, shamans, dowsers, christian healers, seers, esp readers, kahuna, santeria, wicca practitioners and others), and who, independent of their belief systems, exhibited "nearly identical eeg signatures" during their "healing" moments: a 7.8–8 hz brain-wave activity, which lasted from one to several seconds and which was "phase and frequency synchronized with the earth's geoelectric micropulsations—the schumann resonance". (sidorov, 2001) liquid crystals (dna, brain ventricles and cellular structures) in the human body may operate as antennae for detecting and decoding such global and local elf signals. beal (1996) proposes that liquid crystals (which are an intrinsic part of cell membranes) act as a detector/amplifier/memory storage device for elf em patterns in the environment. proteins tend to orient themselves in the 10-hz resonant emf, and so would be extremely sensitive to elf changes in the 10-hz region. a coherent wavefield may emerge from the body's own liquid crystal (lc) matrix. the very structure and organization of living tissues is, however, itself regulated by that master molecule, the dna. the genetic system (consisting, to be more accurate, of an equidirectional translation function which may start equally well with dna, rna or protein) reveals itself as a complex, multidimensional code with both local (codon) and global (context) material (nucleotide) and field-like (em hologram) parameters, all of which are mutually interdependent and at the same time subject to external, environmental influences. (sidorov, 2002) 3. there is a strong correlation between behavioural disturbances in humans and periods of solar and geomagnetic field turbulence. conversely, studies show that subjects living in isolation from geomagnetic rhythms over long periods of time developed increasing irregularities and chaotic physiological rhythms— which were dramatically restored after the introduction of a very weak 10-hz electrical field. early astronauts suffered until sr generators were installed in their spacecrafts. 4. geomagnetic anomalies (tectonic strain, earthlights, geomagnetic field perturbations) can induce some forms of anomalous cognition, such as auditory and visual hallucinations, and tlts (temporal lobe transients, or small seizures). also, one of the effects of meditation is to "quieten the mind" as a method of allowing the "free-run" (or silent thalamic periods) to become entrained by natural geophysical rhythms. this form of tuning or "magnetoreception" is mediated by the pineal gland (30% of its cells are magnetically sensitive) and organic magnetite-containing tissues. persinger (1989) points out that deep temporal lobe activity exists in equilibrium with the global geomagnetic condition. when there is a sudden decrease in geomagnetic activity, there appears to be an enhancement of processes that facilitate psi reception, especially telepathy and clairvoyance. increases in geomagnetic activity may suppress pineal melatonin levels and contribute to reductions of cortical seizure thresholds. indeed, melatonin is correlated with temporal lobe–related disorders such as depression and seizures. (krippner, 1996)


يمكن لظروف elf العالمية المثلى (ليلة هادئة، نشاط بقع شمسية منخفض، تلوث em منخفض) تسهيل الإدراك الشاذ، بما في ذلك psi مثل esp، المشاهدة عن بعد والشفاء عن بعد. [p]si موجود دائمًا في المكان والزمان، في انتظار الوصول إليه عن طريق الأزمة أو العاطفة أو عن طريق معلمات التحفيز المعملية المثلى. قد يؤثر النشاط الجيومغناطيسي على قدرة الدماغ على اكتشاف هذه المعلومات، وخاصة المسارات العصبية التي تسهل التوحيد والوصول الواعي إلى هذا في

Last Update: 2023-05-15
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Alqasemy2006
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