Results for a study on the power system of ele... translation from English to Basque

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a study on the power system of electric bus



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hereafter shall the son of man sit on the right hand of the power of god.


hemendic harát guiçonaren semea iarria içanen da iaincoaren verthutearen escuinean.

Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1


by the word of truth, by the power of god, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,


eguiazco hitzez, iaincoaren botherez iustitiazco harma escuinez eta ezquerrez.

Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1


shut down your computer and switch off the power. to shut down, choose systemshut down and click shut down on the dialog that appears.


itzali ordenagailua, eta itzali energia. itzaltzeko, hautatu sistemaitzali.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 6


men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.


hala non guiçonac hilac beçalacaturen baitirade iciduraren handiz, eta mundura ethorriren diraden gaitzén beguira egoitez: ecen ceruètaco verthuteac ikaraturen dirade.

Last Update: 2012-05-05
Usage Frequency: 1


you do will not receive rate data from your computer if it is not charging or discharging, or if the computer is suspended. this is due to hardware limitations where the rate is only sent from the battery management chip, rather than the power management chip on the motherboard.


ordenagailuak ez dizu daturik bidaliko kargatzen edo deskargatzen ari ez bada, edo ordenagailua esekita badago. hori hardware-mugak direla-eta gertatzen da, datuak bateria kudeatzeko txipak bakarrik bidaltzen dituelako, eta ez plaka nagusiko energia kudeatzeko txipak.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 6


section with algorithms for the conversion of different astronomical systems of coordinates galactic: galactic/ equatorial coordinates conversion apparent: computation of current equatorial coordinates from a given epoch ecliptic: ecliptic/ equatorial coordinates conversion horizontal: computation of azimuth and elevation for a given source, time, and location on the earth angular distance: computation of angular distance between two objects whose positions are given in equatorial coordinates geodetic coords: geodetic/ xyz coordinate conversion lsr velocity: computation of the heliocentric, geocentric and topocentric radial velocity of a source from its lsr velocity


koordenatu sistema ezberdinen arteko bihurketak eigteko algoritmoak dituen atala galaktikoa: koordenatu galaktiko/ ekuatorialen arteko bihurketak itxurazkoa: emandako aro batetik uneko koordenatu ekuatorialen kalkulua ekliptikoa: koordenatu ekliptiko/ ekuatorialen arteko bihurketak horizontala: emandako iturburu, denbora eta lurreko kokaleku batentzat azimut eta altueraren kalkulua distantzia angularra: ekuatorial koordenatuetan emandako bi objektuen posizioen arteko distantzia angularraren kalkulua koordenatu geodesiarrak: geodesiar/ xyz koordenatuen bihurketa. lrs abiadura: iturburu baten lsr abiaduratik, bere abiadura erradial heliozentriko, geozentriko eta topozentrikoaren kalkulua

Last Update: 2011-10-23
Usage Frequency: 1

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