Results for advantages to using tomcat include... translation from English to Basque

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advantages to using tomcat include the following



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the applications that are part of gnome include the following:


gnomeren aplikazioetan hauek aurkituko dituzu:

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 6


an unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:


ebatzi-ezinezko arazo bat aurkitu da bertsio-berritzea kalkulatzean. mesedez, eman arazo honen berri 'update-manager' paketearentzat eta erantsi ondorengo errore-mezua:

Last Update: 2014-08-15
Usage Frequency: 1


an unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information. please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:


paketeen informazioa hasieratzean konpondu ezin den arazo bat gertatu da. 'update-manager' osagaiaren bug bezala bidali honen informazioa eta bidali ondoko errore mezua:

Last Update: 2014-08-15
Usage Frequency: 1


to add a new screensaver theme, copy the executable file for the screensaver theme engine to somewhere in your path or into the screensaver theme engine executable directory. the screensaver theme engine executable directory for your system can be determined using the following command: pkg-config --variable=privlibexecdir gnome-screensaver next, add a .desktop file for the theme into the screensaver themes directory. the screensaver themes directory for your system can be determined using the following command: pkg-config --variable=themesdir gnome-screensaver in the exec field of the .desktop file include any arguments that are required to run the screensaver theme on the whole screen, rather than in a window. for example, some legacy screensaver theme engines may require you to include the -root option to display the screensaver display on the whole screen.


pantaila-babeslearen gai berri bat gehitzeko, kopiatu pantaila-babeslearen gaiaren motorraren fitxategi exekutagarria zure bide-izenean edo pantaila-babeslearen gaiaren motorraren exekutagarriaren direktorioan. sistemako pantaila-babeslearen gaiaren motorraren exekutagarriaren direktorioa zein den jakiteko, komando hau erabil daiteke: pkg-config --variable=privlibexecdir gnome-screensaver. ondoren, gehitu gaiaren .desktop fitxategia pantaila-babeslearen gaien direktorioari. sistemako pantaila-babeslearen gaien direktorioa zein den jakiteko, komando hau erabil daiteke: pkg-config --variable=themesdir gnome-screensaver. pantaila-babeslea pantaila osoan (eta ez leiho batean) ikusi ahal izateko beharrezko argumentu guztiak sartu .desktop fitxategiaren exec eremuan. adibidez, -root aukera sartzea behar dute pantaila-babeslearen gaiaren motor zahar batzuek, pantaila-babeslea pantaila osoko moduan bistaratzeko.

Last Update: 2014-08-20
Usage Frequency: 6

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