Results for i go to the shops in order to buy... translation from English to Bosnian

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i go to the shops in order to buy bread



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"when i was a child, my father and i took to the streets to play the drum in order to wake people up.


"kad sam bio mali, moj otac i ja izlazili smo na ulicu da bismo udarali u bubnjeve i budili ljude.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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when they refer to the book in order to judge amongst themselves, a group of them turn away with disregard


pozivaju se knjizi allahovoj da presudi među njima, potom se okrene skupina njih i oni su odvraćeni.

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1


only a few however, ask the merchants to allow them to sample the displayed products in order to make up their mind whether to buy.


samo par njih međutim od trgovaca zatraži da proba izložene proizvode kako bi se odlučili da li da ih kupe.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


"the country needs to find a solution to the name dispute in order to start moving towards full integration.


"zemlja treba da pronađe rješenje za spor oko imena u cilju pokretanja pune integracije.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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it allows for convicts serving prison terms in one country to be sent to the other in order to serve their sentences there.


njime se omogućava da osuđenici koji služe zatvorsku kaznu u jednoj zemlji budu poslani u drugu, kako bi i tamo odslužili svoju kaznu.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


further amendments to the law on political funding and campaigns are also needed, in order to ensure full transparency, control and sanctions.


također su potrebni dalji amandmani na zakon o političkom finansiranju i kampanjama, u cilju osiguravanja potpune transparentnosti, kontrole i sankcija.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


"if they insult us, than we should block access to the site, in order to have a financial effect," one user said.


"ako nas oni uvrijede, onda bismo mi trebali blokirati pristup siteu, u cilju postizanja finansijskog efekta," rekao je jedan korisnik.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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the eu delegation's office in skopje said the dialogue aims to maintain the course of institutional reforms in order to bring macedonia closer to the eu.


iz ureda delegacije eu u skoplju saopćeno je da taj dijalog za cilj ima održati kurs institucionalnih reformi kako bi se makedonija približila eu.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


he sent a letter to the un security council, accusing inzko of exaggerating the situation in order to maintain in international circles the perception that the ohr must remain in bih.


on je poslao dopis vijeću sigurnosti un-a u kom inzka optužuje da pretjeruje po pitanju situacije u cilju održavanja u međunarodnim krugovima percepcije da ohr mora još ostati u bih.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


according to the daily taraf, which first revealed the plot, the military planned to cause dramatic unrest in the country in order to remove the akp from power.


prema dnevniku taraf, koji je prvi objelodanio tu zavjeru, vojska je planirala uzrokovati dramatične nerede u zemlji, kako bi akp uklonila s vlasti.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


glory to him who journeyed his servant by night, from the sacred mosque, to the farthest mosque, whose precincts we have blessed, in order to show him of our wonders.


slavljen neka je onaj koji je noću prenio roba svog od mesdžidul-harama do mesdžidul-aksaa - onog čiju smo okolinu blagoslovili - da bi mu pokazali neke od znakova naših. uistinu!

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1


in order to improve the situation, the four draft laws handed over to the government for approval in march 2009 should be approved.


u cilju poboljšanja situacije, trebalo bi odobriti četiri nacrta zakona dostavljena na odobravanje vladi u martu 2009.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


"first i paid people to drive for me in serbia with their trucks, but it was expensive, so i decided to buy a truck in serbia in order to travel there."


"prvo sam ljudima plaćao da voze za mene svojim kamionima po srbiji, ali to je bilo skupo, tako da sam odlučio kupiti kamion u srbiji za ovdašnja putovanja."

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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and do not consume one another’s wealth by unjust means, nor offer it as bribes to the officials in order to consume part of other people’s wealth illicitly, while you know.


i ne jedite imetke vaše između sebe uzaludno, i ne nudite ga sudijama da biste pojeli dio imetaka ljudi grješno, a vi znate.

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1


glory to him who journeyed his servant by night, from the sacred mosque, to the farthest mosque, whose precincts we have blessed, in order to show him of our wonders. he is the listener, the beholder.


hvaljen neka je onaj koji je u jednom času noći preveo svoga roba iz hrama časnog u hram daleki, čiju smo okolinu blagoslovili kako bismo mu neka znamenja naša pokazali. – on, uistinu, sve čuje i sve vidi.

Last Update: 2014-07-03
Usage Frequency: 1


"i invite you all who are part of ldk, to stand up for it, build it up, work and move together, in order to have the electorate return to the ldk family," mustafa said.


"pozivam sviju vas koji ste dio dsk da je branite, gradite, radite i postupate zajednički, kako bismo dobili povrat biračkog tijela u porodicu dsk," izjavio je mustafa.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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but in order to obtain full licencing from different cantons or municipalities, an investor sometimes has to wait even 145 days," basic said to the southeast european times.


međutim, da bi se dobile potpune dozvole od različitih kantona i općina, ulagač mora ponekad čekati čak 145 dana," izjavio je bašić za southeast european times.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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"as in previous years, we will be deployed in the early morning hours and during the day at specific points of the lake to the gracanica monastery, in order to regulate traffic and maintain law and order," kryeziu said.


"kao i prethodnih godina, mi ćemo se rasporediti u ranim jutarnjim časovima i tokom dana na posebnim tačkama jezera do manastira gračanica, kako bismo regulirali saobraćaj i održavali zakon i red," kaže kryeziu.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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it is reported that the basic premise of the document is to regulate providing evidence and carrying out the cases according to the suspects' citizenship -- ie, the place where the crime was committed -- all in order to avoid parallel proceedings.


izvještava se da se osnovnom odredbom tog dokumenta treba regulirati dostavljanje dokaza i provedba predmeta u skladu s državljanstvom osumnjičenog -- to jest, mjesta gdje je zločin počinjen -- kako bi se izbjegli paralelni postupci.

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1


"i invite president tadic to forget the handcuffs and jail cell and come to my office -- to the office of the prime minister of the republic of kosovo -- for a handshake in order to launch inter-state co-operation."


"ja pozivam predsjednika tadića da zaboravi na lisice i zatvorsku ćeliju i da dođe u moj ured -- u ured premijera republike kosovo -- da se rukujemo kako bi pokrenuli međudržavnu suradnju".

Last Update: 2016-01-20
Usage Frequency: 1

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