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in s por ts ev ents, ener gy is required to produce goods that are c onsumed, to r un the event and related facilities, and to transport people and pr oducts to the ev ent.
lors des manifestations s portives, de l'énergie est utilisée pour produire des biens de cons ommation, or ganiser des activités, alimenter les installatio ns et tr ansporter les gens et les produits.
in t he sh ort r un, factors suc h as the reg i ona l sto ck of priv ate c apita l ca η limit the pro duct ion, and , the refo re, s s i b i li ties of a re g ion or a cou nt ry .
a court terme des facteurs comme le stock régional de capital privé peuvent limiter les possibilités de production et pour cette rais) n l'approvisionnement d'une région ou d'un pays.
, t~ aircraft and ~rulutd rrccivcr urtits, and f,, , ,all t i, rl .ata c~ds hack to the ~cntral culnput~rs in tll~ ('untrul and ('umhutatiun ,uhs ~stcm . tbc third s« bsystclu itouscs the brain uf the a('ti911 threc si ;ma 9 eomputers . tlris data prucessing syslem pruvides real.` , trln~ uutputs pertaining tu aircraft statc vc~tur, intcraircraft , , ., missile simtll,ltlc ns . and reasons ic r miss . ii i ra r~ar r 1 ~ t~ re .) , ~r~r 4ts all t his inform ;ltiun and instantl y ~c nserts it mlc 1 ,,, int~ symhols fur vidcu !)rcscntuticm at thc last suhsvstem site, . the fnurth subsysicrn uishlay antl uebriclin~ ll)us) is where the value of the :1('mr cumplec hecuntes app,.rrcnt . it is hr~used in a l ;lrgc v;ln (adj~ccnt tu the ('untrul and cumy, . , put ;ttiun ccnnputcrsj, ~a~h ~nd uf which c:c+nt ;rins clispl~ly lun~ sulcs fur rlal-tintc ni~siou cunirul ur debrichng . 'fhc niddlc purtiun ui tlrc van cc+ntains tltc tapc-drive systcnts wlticlr re~ , . , .. cnrd the data as il arrlvcs lrurn th~ sigllra 9 cunlputcrs . thc di)s in~uri~urutrs lwn basic tvpcs uf di~hl,l~~s : a graphics display un on~ scrcan and an alplranumcri~ status displa)r un a sclr+ncl scrccn . . thc ~raphics display~ nrunitunnk tube pnrirays a 3-dirn~nsiunal ~icv~ uf thc air cc+rnhat us it iak~s placc . as tlrc aircraft appruaclt onc anuther, the g1p (( ~ruund lnstructur 1'ilul) . at tllc touch uf a huttnn, can halvc the range (i .t . ton11 ?onm~ionh1-snm~~ .~nm) diumctcrs, iu nrder tu kc~t+ th~ aircraft "scpar~tctl" cnuugh on hi5 scrern to itj~nlify indivi, dual aircraft . tu assist itirn in this task, is anuth~r buttun whieh, whcn dehressed, instantly ~enters thc "ilighl" un the screen . th~ gll ~,ln alsc7 twi,t twc+ knc~hs c+n tll~ cunsul~, ;clluw~ing him tu rotatc ihc displa~ in any a~is he dcsires ..,11e is nuw ahlc tn vicw activities fronl a plan view, top vr~w, 1tc~,r d-c1 n c) r s ~ rn v~~w , ur ~ t n1' c'unthin "ltian thcreuf!
par le capitaine r . k . furguson 433 etac