Results for e471 is mainly produced from vegeta... translation from English to Hindi

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e471 is mainly produced from vegetable oils,


e471 मुख्य रूप से वनस्पति तेलों का उत्पादन किया है,

Last Update: 2017-01-05
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


e319 is mainly produced from vegetable oils


e319 मुख्य रूप से वनस्पति तेलों से उत्पन्न होता है

Last Update: 2019-12-11
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


472e is mainly produced from vegetable oils,


472e मुख्य रूप से वनस्पति तेलों से उत्पादित होता है,

Last Update: 2018-12-15
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ball clay is mainly produced in west godavari district of andhra pradesh and bikaner district of rajasthan .


बॉलक्ले मुख्य रूप से राजस्थान , के बीकानेर और आंध्र प्रदेश के पश्चिम गोदावरी जिलों में होता है ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


biofuels are predominantly produced from biomass feed stocks or as a by - product from the industrial processing of agricultural or food products , or from the recovery and reprocessing of products such as cooking and vegetable oil .


जैव ईंधन मुख्यतः सम्मिलित बायोमास से उत्पन्न होता है अथवा कृषि या खाद्य उत्पाद या खाना बनाने और वनस्पति तेलों के उत्पादन की प्रक्रिया से उत्पन्न अवशेष और औद्योगिक संसाधन के उप उत्पाद से उत्पन्न होता है ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


silk is a natural protein fiber, some forms of which can be woven into textiles. the protein fiber of silk is composed mainly of fibroin and is produced by certain insect larvae to form cocoons.[1] the best-known silk is obtained from the cocoons of the larvae of the mulberry silkworm bombyx mori reared in captivity (sericulture). the shimmering appearance of silk is due to the triangular prism-like structure of the silk fibre, which allows silk cloth to refract incoming light at different angles, thus producing different colors. silk is produced by several insects, but generally only the silk of moth caterpillars has been used for textile manufacturing. there has been some research into other types of silk, which differ at the molecular level.[2] silk is mainly produced by the larvae of insects undergoing complete metamorphosis, but some adult insects such as webspinners also produce silk, and some insects such as raspy crickets produce silk throughout their lives.[3] silk production also occurs in hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and ants), silverfish, mayflies, thrips, leafhoppers, beetles, lacewings, fleas, flies, and midges.[2] other types of arthropod produce silk, most notably various arachnids such as spiders (see spider silk).


के बारे में रेशम के कपड़े

Last Update: 2015-08-14
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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