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the indian farmer live in simple life



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approximately 26 % of the indian population lives below the poverty line and 72 % live in rural areas .


देश की आबादी की करीब 29 फीसदी जनसंख्या गरीबी रेखा से नीचे जीवन - यापन करती हैं और 72 फीसदी लोग शहरों में रहते हैं ,

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


it was in the latter part of the 19th century that agricultural conditions combined with the absence of institutional financing arrangements led to the deep indebtedness of the indian farmer .


19वीं सदी के उत्तरार्ध में खेती के हालात तथा संस्थागत वित्तीय व्यवस्था की गैर - मौजूदगी के कारण भारतीय किसानों पर बहुत कर्ज हो गया ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


for a long time , the indian farmer was sceptical about modern agriculture , but in the last 10 to 12 years he has adopted new methods with great alacrity and has taken to cultivating many new crops .


बहुत समय से भारतीय कृषक को आधुनिक खेती के लाभ के प्रति संदेह था , लेकिन गत 10 - 12 वर्षों में उसने बडी सावधानी से आधुनिक तरीके अपनाए है तथा अनेक नई फसले उगाना शुरू किया है ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


there is , therefore , an urgent need to protect the indian farmer from the vagaries of the monsoon , and free both the farmer and the consumer from the clutches of unscrupulous middlemen .


इसलिए तत्काल जरूरत इस बात की है कि भारतीय किसान का मानसून की अनिश्चितता से बचाया जाए और किसान तथा उपभोक्ता , दोनों को ही बेईमान बिचौलियो के चुंगल से मुक्त किया जाए ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


nfl and the aonla plant in the cooperative sector to be implemented by the indian farmers fertiliser cooperative iffco .


न ही ये इकाइयां अभी तक किसी आयातित टेक्नोलौजी को अपने में समाहित कर सकी हैं ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


later on march 28 , in international indian film academy summit when he was asked about the living in other states then he said that as per the indian constitution everyone has the rights to live in any place he wants .


इसके बाद २८ मार्च को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भारतीय फ़िल्म अकादमी के एक सम्मेलन में जब उनसे पूछा गया कि प्रवास विरोधी मुद्दे पर उनकी क्या राय है तब अमिताभ ने कहा कि यह देश में किसी भी स्थान पर रहने का एक मौलिक अधिकार है और संविधान ऐसा करने की अनुमति देता है ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


not only this , our farmer lives in such circumstances where loans , seeds , fertilizers and pesticides are not available to him in adequate quantity .


इतना ही नहीं , किसानों की परिस्थितियां ऐसी हैं कि उसे समय पर पर्याप्त ऋण , बीज , खाद एवं कीटनाशक पदार्थ उपलब्ध नहीं हैं ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


this is a compelling reason for the indian farmer to be provided the wherewithal that he urgently needs - the financial , technological , infrastructural , transportation and other requirements for a sustainable approach for the increased productivity that we seek .


यही कारण है कि हम उत्पादकता में जितनी वृद्धि चाहते हैं , उसे प्राप्त करने के लिए सतत् पद्धति के लिए भारतीय किसान को अत्यावश्यक वित्तीय , प्रौद्योगिकीय , ढांचागत , परिवहन और अन्य जरूरतों को उपलब्ध करवाना बेहद जरूरी है ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


the indian farmers fertiliser co - operative limited is a unique venture in which the farmers of the country through their own co - operative societies created this new institution to safeguard their interests in the production and distribution of fertilisers .


भारतीय किसान सहकारी उर्वरक लिमिटेड की मदद से देश के किसान उर्वरकों के उत्पादन एवं वितरण के लिए स्वयं सहकारी संस्थानों की स्थापना कर सकते हैं ।

Last Update: 2020-05-24
Usage Frequency: 1


as long as here is corrupton in india, creatng a new india is all bu impossible. a naton's citzensmus eradicae corrupton in order o live in happiness. untl corrupton is eradicaed from ournaton, he natonal goals of economic success, infrasrucure developmen, and advancemen willremain elusive. wihou he cooperaton of he people and he governmen, corrupton canno beeradicaed. the ant-corrupton revoluton will be he following signican revoluton in india. i'salready begun.indians have winessed so much corrupton and is errible eecs ha hey all share he samedream of living in a counry free from i. every indian wans o live in a counry ha is moresrucured, rich, srong, and progressive. this is possible only when he evil of corrupton has beenoally vanquished.unless every indian (especially in he public secor and governmen-run deparmens) discardscorrupton oally, he objectve of a new prosperous india can never be achieved.einsein quie righly said, the world will no be desroyed by hose who do evil, bu by hose whowach hem wihou doing anyhing. india is a developing counry facing many challenges.corrupton is he mos derimenal of hem. india was placed a 76h positon ou of 168 counrieswih a score of 38 ou of a possible 100 in transparency inernatonal's corrupton perceptons index2015.corrupton is like a canker o he healh of he economic and echnological prosperiy of a naton.corrupton became rampan wih he winning of freedom. owing o he fallible democratc sysemand lack of sringen punishmen mechanism for he culpris, i hrived, more in politcs, governmenadminisraton deparmens. gradually is nexus became more nefarious. corrupton in india spreadas a resul of he connecton beween bureaucras, politcians, and criminals.politcal corrupton is he wors in india. the major cause of concern is ha corrupton is weakeninghe politcal body and damaging he supreme imporance of he law governing he sociey. in hepas few decades here was every conceivable scam and scandal in all key minisries. these camsand scandals arnished he image of he counry natonally as well as inernatonally. there were somany scams ha people los complee rus in he governmen. indian coal allocaton scam, 2gspecrum scam, commonwealh games scam, telgi scam, sayam scam, bofors scam, he fodderscam, ec, are some of he many scams ha were done by eleced minisers, politcians,bureaucras, and high governmen ocials. the indian law sysem is so incompeen andvulnerable, ha in spie of being guily, politcians, bureaucras, high governmen ocials remainsco he mos crucial queston: how o curb his evil of corrupton? alhough many ant-corruptonagencies have been creaed o gh curb corrupton, bu hey exis in name only. the only solutono he problem of corrupton is people's involvemen in eradicatng i from he face of our counry.they will have o ake he issue ino heir hands. the french revoluton and he russian revolutonssand as perfec examples which show when he people of a counry unie agains an oppressiveevil, how he evil jus vanishes. since hey are he losers in all he scams and scandals, as he moneywased and misused is heir ax money, hey have he righ o curb scams and scandals. there musbe large-scale proess by he people agains scams and ill practces.


विकसित राष्ट्र के लिए भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त भारत

Last Update: 2022-10-27
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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