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first, researchers aim to build a whole virus vaccine.


pertama, peneliti bertujuan untuk membuat vaksin virus utuh.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1


researchers have found that passengers in window seats have less risk of contact with sick people.


peneliti menemukan bahwa penumpang yang duduk di kursi dekat jendela memiliki risiko lebih kecil untuk kontak dengan orang sakit.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1


how researchers control or detect confounding factors that cause failure of the liver organoid regeneration process.


bagaimana peneliti mengendalikan atau mendeteksi faktor perancu yang data menyebabkan kegagalan dari proses regenerasi organoid hati. misalnya faktor oksidatif kalena stres atau faktor inflamasi

Last Update: 2023-05-23
Usage Frequency: 1


to find the enzyme, scientists used the genome published by chinese researchers in january 2020 to isolate the main protease.


untuk menemukan enzim, ilmuwan menggunakan genom yang dipublikasikan peneliti tiongkok pada januari 2020 untuk mengisolasi protease utama.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1


in this study conducted observations, interviews and interview data collection techniques due to the limitations of researchers and a large sample of traders.


dalam penelitian ini melakukan observasi, wawancara dan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara karena keterbatasan peneliti serta sampel pedagang yang banyak.

Last Update: 2022-01-19
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


international research on vaccines and medicines in covid-19 are underway by government organisations, academic groups and industry researchers.


penelitian internasional terhadap vaksin dan obat covid-19 sedang dilakukan oleh organisasi pemerintah, kelompok akademik, dan peneliti industri.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the library is one of the most important places for researchers, students, lecturers and so on. the library is one of the places open to all users.


bagi mengekalkan keagungan tempat ini, pihak perpustakaan telah menetapkan beberapa peraturan dan undang-undangan yang perlu diikuti oleh para pengguna.

Last Update: 2022-07-05
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


in february 2020, chinese researchers found that there is only one amino acid difference in certain parts of the genome sequences between the viruses from pangolins and those from humans.


pada februari 2020, peneliti tionghoa menemukan bahwa hanya ada perbedaan satu asam amino di bagian-bagian tertentu sekuens genom antara virus tenggiling dan virus manusia.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


researchers from the montreal heart institute in canada are currently studying the role of colchicine in reducing inflammation and pulmonary complications in patients suffering from mild symptoms of covid-19.


peneliti dari montreal heart institute di kanada saat ini sedang meneliti peran kolkisin dalam mengurangi inflamasi dan komplikasi paru pada pasien yang menderita gejala covid-19 ringan.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


the first meeting was held on thursday, december 10th, 2020. the meeting was held online due to the pandemic. researchers use google meet and google classroom as intermediaries for students and researchers.


peneliti menggunakan google meet dan google classroom sebagai perantara siswa dan peneliti.

Last Update: 2021-03-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


these modifications based on the researchers continued work that to search for an optimal nucleic acid detection kit for rapid diagnosis, as well as the samples from respiratory tract including blood sampling, which increased the availability of different specimens, and supported bringing the specific antibody positive result into the confirmed criteria.


modifikasi ini berdasarkan penelitian berkelanjutan para peneliti untuk mencari kit deteksi asam nukleat optimal untuk diagnosis cepat, serta sampel dari saluran napas termasuk pengambilan darah, yang meningkatkan ketersediaan berbagai spesimen, dan mendukung penyertaan hasil positif antibodi tertentu ke dalam kriteria terkonfirmasi.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


abstract thesis title: coordination between the government and the provincial government of east kalimantan in the context of moving the new capital. the researcher formulated the research problem as follows: 1. how is the coordination between the government and the provincial government of east kalimantan in the context of moving the new capital? 2. what obstacles have arisen in the coordination between the government and the provincial government of east kalimantan in the context of moving the new capital? 3. what efforts are being made to overcome the obstacles that arise in the coordination between the government and the provincial government of east kalimantan in the context of moving the new capital? this research uses descriptive method with a qualitative approach. data collection techniques are done through library research. the results showed that: 1) coordination between the government and the provincial government of east kalimantan in the context of moving the new capital, based on coordination methods which include: coordination through authority; coordination through consensus; coordination through work guidelines; coordination through forums; coordination through conferences. 2) obstacles that arise in the implementation of government policy on the transfer of the capital of jakarta to penajam paser utara regency and kutai kertanegara regency, east kalimantan province, among others: relocation of the capital requires a very large budget, requires a very large land; and requires a long time. 3) efforts made to overcome the obstacles that arise in the coordination between the government and the provincial government of east kalimantan in the context of moving the new capital, among others: bappenas wants the development process to involve the private sector; the government needs to ensure that land issues can be handled before resettlement so that land prices do not surge; and the government needs to partner with tertiary institutions to make a comprehensive academic study in the plan to relocate a new capital city


Last Update: 2020-06-22
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous

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