Results for mengharumkan nama sekolah translation from Indonesian to English

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mengharumkan nama sekolah


make the name of telkom

Last Update: 2022-04-23
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


harumkan nama sekolah


name the school

Last Update: 2019-01-29
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


mengharumkan nama bangsa indonesia


lives up to the name of the school

Last Update: 2021-03-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


apakah nama sekolah dasar anda


what is the name of your primary school

Last Update: 2023-10-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


terima kasih telah mengharumkan nama baik indonesia


the name of the school

Last Update: 2023-06-10
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


disini saya akan menceritakan pengalam baik saya pada saat mengikuti perlombaan bussiness plan tingkat slta se nasional pada tanggal 12 november 2019 smk muhammadiyah di semarang jawa tengah. dengan tema charger station combinasi kabel dan nirkabel. dengan usaha dan doa yang gigih alhamdulillah saya sebagai perwakilan dari smk muhammadiyah 1 cikampek dapat meraih peringkat pertama tingkat nasional pada lomba tersebut dan dapat membanggakan nama sekolah dan keluarga di kanca nasional


here i will tell you about my good experience when taking part in the national high school bussiness plan competition on november 12, 2019 at muhammadiyah vocational school in central java. with wired and wireless combination station charger theme. with diligent efforts and prayers, i as a representative of smk muhammadiyah 1 cikampek can achieve the first place at the national level in the competition and can boast the name of the school and family in the national community

Last Update: 2023-06-10
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


dua tahun lalu ketika saya kelas 2 sma saya bersama tim di beri kesempatan untuk mewakilkan sekolah untuk mengikuti perlombaan film pendek fls2n 2018, setelah itu kami menerima kesempatan ini untuk membanggakan nama sekolah dan memberi pengalaman juga untuk kami, kemudian kami di beri waktu disfensasi selama seminggu untuk mengerjakan projek film kami, beberapa hari kemudian setelah di beri kesempatan itu oleh kepala sekolah, kami langsung mengerjakan project itu yang di mulai dengan membuat str


two years ago when i was in grade 2 high school, i was with the team given the opportunity to represent the school to take part in the 2018 fls2n short film competition, after that we received this opportunity to boast the name of the school and give experience to us too, then we were given a week of disfensation. to work on our film project, a few days later after being given that opportunity by the principal, we immediately worked on the project which began with making str

Last Update: 2020-10-10
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


pengalaman belajar di rumah karena corona saat ini saya belajar di rumah, karena keadaan saat ini sedikit tidak mendukung untuk belajar disekolah. wabah virus covid 19 ini telah menyebar ke beberapa daerah. hingga kegiatan sekolah ku pun diliburkan. entah berapa lama hal ini akan terus berlangsung. sekolah pun mencari solusi agar siswa tetap dapat belajar dan mempelajari pelajaran sekolah. dibuatlah yang namanya sekolah online. sekolah online adalah kegiatan belajar secara online melalui hp, l


learning experience at home because of corona. i am currently studying at home, because the current situation is a little unsupported for learning at school. the covid 19 virus outbreak has spread to several areas. until my school activities are adjusted. i don't know how long this will continue. schools are also looking for solutions so that students can still learn and learn school lessons. made what is called online school. online school is an online learning activity through cellphone, l

Last Update: 2022-06-16
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous

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