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ini sekali gus



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sekali gus


at once

Last Update: 2017-11-09
Usage Frequency: 5

Reference: Anonymous


faedah sekali gus


each of the 5 years.

Last Update: 2020-07-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


sekali gus akan menaik dan mengharumkan nama syarikat anda


thus will make your company name

Last Update: 2023-09-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


sekali gus membuktikan gejala itu yang menular dalam masyarakat seakan belum menemui titik noktahnya.


almost daily we are shocked by the one-sided disclosure of corruption cases reported by the media, thus proving that the symptoms are so widespread in society that they have yet to find the point.

Last Update: 2019-12-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


ia sekali gus dapat disesuaikan pada keseluruhan topik perbahasan dalam hukum fiqh islam yang relevan dengannya


can thus be adjusted on the whole topic of debate in islamic fiqh law relevant to it.

Last Update: 2022-04-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


perkembangan teknologi ini membolehkan pos malaysia meletakkan syarikat dan negara, dalam pasaran global sekali gus bersaing dengan pesaing antarabangsa, terutamanya dalam segmen penyelesaian yang pantas.


this technological development enables pos malaysia to position companies and countries, in the global market, thus competing with international competitors, especially in the fast-paced solutions segment.

Last Update: 2021-11-24
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


m ; sebagai tanda maaf atas kecuaian pihak kami , kami memberikan cik coupon discount sehingga akhir bulan ini. sekali lagi kami minta maaf.


m; as a sign of apology for our negligence, we are giving you a discount coupon until the end of this month. once again we apologize.

Last Update: 2022-01-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


c/m ; sebagai tanda maaf atas kecuaian pihak kami , kami memberikan cik coupon discount sehingga akhir bulan ini. sekali lagi kami minta maaf.


c/m; as a sign of apology for our negligence, we are giving you a discount coupon until the end of this month. once again we apologize.

Last Update: 2022-01-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


berkolaborasi secara berterusan dengan pasukan anda memberi anda peluang untuk mendapatkan pandangan dan maklum balas mereka tentang projek dan mencari cara yang berbeza untuk menyelesaikan kerja dengan lebih cekap dan produktif, sekali gus menghasilkan penambahbaikan proses.


constantly collaborating with your team gives you the opportunity to gain their insights and feedback on projects and find different ways to complete work more efficiently and productively, thus resulting in process improvements.

Last Update: 2022-01-29
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


sementara itu dalam satu kenyataan, semalam, kedutaan china di washington menyelar laporan komuniti perisikan as yang membawa kepada dakwaan terbabit, sekali gus mempertahankan tindakan beijing dalam menangani pandemik covid 19 dan siasatan who.


meanwhile, in a statement yesterday, the chinese embassy in washington released a report of the us intelligence community that led to the alleged involvement, thus defending beijing's actions in dealing with the covid 19 pandemic and the who investigation.

Last Update: 2022-06-18
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


seterusnya, anda perlu sentiasa bekerjasama dengan pasukan anda memberi anda peluang untuk mendapatkan maklum balas dan pandangan mereka tentang projek dan mencari cara yang berbeza untuk menyelesaikan kerja dengan lebih cekap dan produktif, sekali gus menghasilkan penambahbaikan proses.


next, you need to constantly work with your team giving you the opportunity to get their feedback and views on the project and find different ways to complete the work more efficiently and productively, thus resulting in process improvements.

Last Update: 2022-01-29
Usage Frequency: 19

Reference: Anonymous


ini secara langsung memberikan kesan kepada kakitangan setiap syarikat atau kedai buku, sekali gus membabitkan ahli keluarga mereka. pada masa sama, kelembapan ekonomi yang turut dihadapi industri buku itu, menjejaskan pengarang dan penterjemah, terutama yang bergantung sepenuhnya kepada penulisan.


the risks that will be faced affect all sectors of the sector including literature and the book industry worldwide. macros, the spread of covid 19, which led to the introduction of the curfew or movement control, had a major impact on the book industry, especially publishing companies, literary agents, distributors, contractors and bookstores.

Last Update: 2020-08-06
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


secara sepintas lalu, kertas kerja ini cuba merakamkan kepelbagaian reka bentuk dan ragam hias rehal yang dihasilkan oleh pelbagai bangsa dari seluruh pelosok dunia. ini penting bagi memberikan suatu gambaran umum bahawa rehal adalah rekaan yang berasal daripada tradisi islam, diterima dan diguna pakai di seluruh dunia islam sebagai alat untuk meletakkan kitab suci al quran, sekali gus memuliakan nya.


at a glance, this paper tries to capture the diversity of designs and styles of rehal decorations produced by various nations from all over the world. this is important to give an overview that rehal is a fabrication derived from the islamic tradition, accepted and adopted throughout the islamic world as a tool to place the holy book of the quran, thus glorifying it.

Last Update: 2021-12-20
Usage Frequency: 4

Reference: Anonymous


c/seterusnya, penyelenggaraan sistem perparitan berkala,untuk memastikan supaya sampah sarap tidak menyebabkan sistem perparitan tidak tersumbat maka penyelenggaraan berkala seharusnya dijalankan iaitu 1 atau 2 kali sebulan. dengan cara ini, maka sampah sarap tidak akan menyebabkan sekatan air sekali gus sampah tidak terlepas ke sistem saliran utama di sungai.


c/next, periodic maintenance of the drainage system,to ensure that the garbage does not cause the drainage system to become clogged, periodic maintenance should be carried out 1 or 2 times a month. in this way, the garbage will not cause water restriction, thus the garbage will not escape to the main drainage system in the river.

Last Update: 2022-05-31
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


beliau berkata kefahaman dan kesedaran mengenai perkara itu amat penting untuk diterapkan dan dibudayakan dalam kehidupan seharian bagi mengurangkan jumlah sisa dibuang ke tapak pelupusan sampah sekali gus memelihara alam sekitar. anggota parlimen bakri itu berkata antara langkah utama yang perlu diberi perhatian ialah pemahaman rakyat mengenai pengasingan sisa pepejal yang boleh dikitar semula dengan sisa baki seperti sisa makanan yang tidak boleh dikitar semula. "ia amat penting untuk melaku


he said understanding and awareness of the matter was important to be applied and cultured in daily life to reduce the amount of waste dumped at the landfill and thus conserve the environment. the bakri mp said one of the key steps to be taken into consideration was the people's understanding of the separation of recyclable solid waste and the residual waste such as non-recyclable food waste. "it's very important to do it

Last Update: 2020-07-01
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous
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kemungkinan bagi debat awam kritikal–rasional habermas (1987b) kemudiannya membuka kemungkinan perdebatan rasional, sekali gus mencadangkan ketidaksempurnaan proses refudalisasi dalam ruang awam. berdasarkan pragmatik sejagat yang prinsipnya menentukan syarat-syarat yang memungkinkan ujaran, dia menggariskan model komunikasi rasional yang tidak diputarbelitkan yang penting untuk peranan yang berpotensi membebaskan yang dia berikan kepada wacana awam dalam masyarakat demokratik. jadi, sementara ke


possibilities for critical–rational public debate. habermas (1987b) later holds open the possibility of rational debate, thus suggesting the incompleteness of the process of refeudalisation in the public sphere. based on a universal pragmatics whose principles specify the conditions which make utterances possible, he outlines a model of undistorted rational communication which is essential for the potentially emancipatory role he assigns to public discourse in a democratic society. so, while thebourgeois public sphere failed because it could never satisfy the institutional conditions for open dialogue, the possibility remains that language itself may escape institutional control. that the refeudalisation of the public sphere is as yet incomplete is supported by the active audience debate. because of the complexities and technological developments of modern media:

Last Update: 2021-11-23
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous

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