Results for sesetengah orang mengganggu translation from Malay to English

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sesetengah orang mengganggu



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reaksi pada sesetengah orang


reaction in some people

Last Update: 2017-01-13
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


maksudnya sesetengah orang tidak faham


maksud some people wont understand

Last Update: 2020-08-03
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


sikap sesetengah orang yang suka menangguhkan kerja tidak akan menguntungkan diri sendiri, malah menyusahkan diri sendiri


the attitude of some people who like to postpone the work will not be profitable yourself, even inconvenience yourself

Last Update: 2016-05-22
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


mereka mungkin lebih mahal daripada jenis paip lain. pemegang mungkin sukar dicapai oleh sesetengah orang. mereka mungkin tidak tahan lama seperti jenis paip lain.


they may be more expensive than other types of taps. the handles may be difficult to reach for some people. they may not be as durable as other types of taps.

Last Update: 2023-07-04
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


setiap kawasan mempunyai iklim yang berbeza dan budaya mandi juga turut berbeza. anda pasti perasan sesetengah orang yang berada di negara 4 musim hanya mandi sekali dalam sehari sahaja.


each area has a different climate and bathing culture is also different. you must have noticed that some people who are in a 4-season country only bathe once in a day.

Last Update: 2022-07-08
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


sesetengah orang dewasa dan kanak-kanak mengalami sindrom keradangan yang teruk berbilang sistem selepas mereka menghidapi covid 19. dalam keadaan ini, sesetengah organ dan tisu menjadi meradang teruk.


some adults and children experience multisystem inflammatory syndrome after they have had covid 19. in this condition, some organs and tissues become severely inflamed.

Last Update: 2021-12-11
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


saya tahu cerita ini agak sedikit sentimental da mugkin sedikit kelakar bagi sesetengah orang. tetapi melihat ke arah langit dan melihat kepada bintang-bintang yang banyak inilah antara saat yang sering saya kenangkan. saya rasa cukup sampai disini sahaja cerita sedih saya.


imagine, at about 2: 30 a.m. i took a motorcycle to the house of the priest and several others. i was still ingt also along the way to this man's house i looked towards the star-filled sky while thinking about the life-removing angel who had just finished his affair in my house.

Last Update: 2022-12-28
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


sesetengah orang telah mencadangkan bahawa virus itu juga mungkin boleh dipindahkan melalui titisan kecil yang kekal untuk tempoh yang lebih lama dalam udara, yang mungkin dijana semasa bertutur. titisan pernafasan juga mungkin terhasil semasa melepaskan nafas, termasuk semasa bercakap, walaupun virus itu secara umumnya bukan bawaan udara.


some have proposed that the virus may also be transmitted by small droplets that stay for more prolonged periods in the air, that may be generated during speech.respiratory droplets may also be produced during breathing out, including when talking, though the virus is not generally airborne.

Last Update: 2020-08-25
Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Anonymous


bagi yang mengharapkan filem ini penuh dengan aksi aksi dan letupan seperti siri filem batman sebelum sebelum ini, ianya akan mengecewakan anda tetapi filem batman 2022 ini, karakter bruce wayne adalah paling serupa seperti di dalam siri komik batman dimana watak beliau lebih kepada menyiasat dan menyelesaikan kes. filem ini hampir berdurasi 3 jam dan jalan ceritanya mungkin agak berat bagi sesetengah orang kerana filem ini mempunyai unsur politik dimana melibatkan jenayah rasuah, penyalahgunaan


for those who expect this movie to be full of action and explosions like the previous series of batman movies, it will disappoint you but this 2022 batman movie, the character of bruce wayne is the most similar as in the series of batman comics where his character is more about investigating and solving cases. the film is almost 3 hours long and the storyline may be a bit heavy for some people because the film has a political element that involves crimes of corruption, abuse

Last Update: 2022-05-13
Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Anonymous


walaupun ini kedengaran wajar sebagai lalai, malah dianggap sebagai ubat penawar bagi sesetengah orang, keburukan selalunya tidak dinyatakan sehingga dorongan ke arah teknologi dipandang remeh, tidak menyedari akibatnya. negatif yang lebih biasa termasuk beban kerja, pelanggaran privasi, putus hubungan sosial, manipulasi digital, tidak mahu dikenali dan persona palsu, plagiarisme, pelanggaran hak cipta dan terlalu bergantung pada alat.


while this sounds desirable as a default, even regarded as a panacea to some, the downsides are often left unarticulated so much so the drive towards technology is taken for granted, oblivious of the consequences. the more familiar negative ones include work overload, privacy breaches, social disconnect, digital manipulation, anonymity and fake personas, plagiarism, copyright violation and over reliance on gadgets.

Last Update: 2021-11-23
Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Anonymous

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