==historia=====la división===el territorio de lucha libre profesional más conocida como "memphis area", fue originalmente parte de la promoción nwa mid-america que fue fundada en la década de 1940 y operaba en memphis, tn y nashville, tn pero también incluyó paradas en chattanooga, tn, jackson, tn, louisville, ky, lexington, ky, bowling green, ky, evansville, in, birmingham, al, huntsville, al, tupelo, ms, jonesboro, ar, dayton, oh, wheeling, vo e incluso las pequeñas ciudades en el sureste de misuri, el norte de georgia y el este de carolina del norte.
== history ===== the split ===the professional wrestling territory commonly referred to as the “memphis area” was originally part of the nwa mid-america promotion that was founded in the 1940s and operated in memphis, tennessee and in nashville, tn, but also included stops in chattanooga, tn, jackson, tn, louisville, ky, lexington, ky, bowling green, ky, evansville, in, birmingham, al, huntsville, al, tupelo, ms, jonesboro, ar, dayton, oh, wheeling, wv and even small towns in southeastern missouri, northern georgia and eastern north carolina.
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