Results for si te doy un beso ya estas a mis ... translation from Spanish to English

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si te doy un beso ya estas a mis pies


if i give you a kiss, you're already at my feet

Last Update: 2024-08-15
Usage Frequency: 1


si me compras un helado, te doy un beso.


if you buy me an ice cream, i'll kiss you.

Last Update: 2014-02-01
Usage Frequency: 1


si te doy un puñetazo en la nariz, tengo que pedir perdón a ti, porque tú eres la persona que ha sido ofendida y herida.


if i punch you in the nose, i must go to you for forgiveness because you are the one who has been offended and hurt.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


prabhu, si te doy un nuevo dhoti y dices, aquí hay una nueva marca de dhoti de seda de vrindavana. vas a cambiar tus ropas - ¿cuál es el problema?


prabhu, if i give you a new dhoti and say, “here’s a brand new silk dhoti from vrindavana. go change your clothes” - what’s the problem?

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


si te doy un plato lleno de un delicioso helado de fresa orgánico casero, ¿lo pondrías en el bolsillo de tu camisa, o lo pondrías en tu boca?


if i give you a bowl full of delightful homemade organic strawberry ice cream, will you put it in your shirt pocket, or will you put it in your mouth? sense gratification is putting the ice cream in your pocket and krishna consciousness is putting the ice cream in your mouth.

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1


en la siguiente diapositiva, esta interesante historia de lo que realmente hemos visto en infraestructura, porque si te doy un skycar perfecto, el perfecto vehículo para usarlo, te va a ser de poco valor si no existe el sistema para usarlo.


on this next slide, is an interesting history of what we really have seen in infrastructure, because whether i give you a perfect skycar, the perfect vehicle for use, it's going to have very little value to you unless you've got a system to use it in.

Last Update: 2015-10-13
Usage Frequency: 1


al respecto, un abogado litigante en san pedro sula ejemplificó que al comentar a un juez que presentaría un peritaje de psiquiatría forense para modificar el régimen de prisión preventiva solicitado por la fiscalía, el propio juez le respondió: “te voy a hablar claro, yo como juez penal si te doy un sobreseimiento a esa muchacha, al día siguiente estoy despedido”.


as an example of this, a trial attorney in san pedro sula said that when he told a judge that he was going to present a psychiatric expert to seek changes to the pretrial detention regime being requested by the public prosecutor’s office, the judge answered, “let me be clear. as a criminal court judge, if i dismiss the case against that girl, i’ll be fired the next day.”

Last Update: 2018-02-13
Usage Frequency: 1

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