Vous avez cherché: klasične večere u njujorku (Croate - Anglais)

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klasične večere u njujorku



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za uživanje u piću prije ili poslije večere u neformalnoj i opuštajućoj atmosferi preporučamo lobby bar agavu .


to enjoy your drink before or after the dinner in informal and relaxing atmosphere we suggest the lobby bar agava .

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-07-08
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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nakon večere u jednoj konobi šećemo se uličicama staroga grada i susrećemo klapu koja pjeva blizu rive .


after a dinner in a restaurant we stroll around the old town and encounter a vocal band ( " klapa " ) singing at the open air .

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-07-08
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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Avertissement : un formatage HTML invisible est présent


makedonski političari, dodao je, sada su počeli slijediti primjer svojih zapadnih kolega organizirajući iftarske večere u čast islamske zajednice.


macedonian politicians, he added, have now begun to follow the example of their western colleagues by organising iftar dinners to honour the islamic community.

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-01-20
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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a on nije mislio na udobnost bogate večere u odnosu na jedan običan obrok , nego je mislio na stvarnu udobnost kvalitete građevine za ljude .


and he didn 't mean the comfort of a five-course dinner as opposed to a one-course meal , but he really meant the comfort of the quality of the building for the people .

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-01-10
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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spektakularno otvaramo strane konzulate i hotele , organiziramo klasične i tematske gala večere u povijesnim i suvremenim prostorima , organiziramo nogometne i teniske turnire , regate , lansiramo nove proizvode , organiziramo glazbene festivale na području cijele hrvatske .


we organize classical and thematic gala dinners in modern and historical venues , soccer and tennis tournaments , regattas , spectacular hotel and foreign consulate openings , launch new brands and organize music festivals all over croatia .

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-07-08
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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tijekom prethodnih dvanaest mjeseci dobro sam upoznao predsjednika porošenka – na sastanku na vrhu, za vrijeme večere u njegovu domu te tijekom mnogih sastanaka i bezbrojnih telefonskih razgovora.


over the past twelve months, i have got to know president poroshenko well, at a summit, over dinner at his home, during many meetings and countless phone calls.

Dernière mise à jour : 2017-04-26
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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kako ističu nacionalovi izvori , već se tijekom večere u kastvu predsjednik hns- a Čačić zalagao da se razgovara o tome i da se imenuje tzv . vlada u sjeni , a taj su prijedlog odbili milanović i ivan jakovčić .


as nacional 's sources point out it was already at the kastav dinner meeting that hns president cacic advocated appointing a shadow cabinet , but milanovic and ivan jakovcic rejected the proposal .

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-07-08
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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već dan- dva nakon sastanka u kastvu i nominalnog poziva na priključenje tu su mogućnost više ili manje suzdržano pozdravili i neki trenutačni koalicijski partneri hdz- a , u prvom redu hsls i sdss . ipak , kako ističu nacionalovi izvori , još tijekom večere u kastvu čelnici ids- a i hns- a oštro su se usprotivili mogućnosti da u koaliciju uđu oni koji su trenutačno s hdz- om . “ ako su tamo s njima , onda neka tamo i ostanu ” , kazao je nacionalovu novinaru jedan od čelnika ids- a , koji je poslije ipak dodao : “ ovo je možda naš emotivni stav koji nije politički racionalan . ” u svakom slučaju , ako milanović kao predvodnik oporbene koalicije i krene u pregovore s ostalim političkim strankama o mogućoj suradnji , posve je realno da će dosadašnji partneri hdz- a za prelazak na lijevu stranu tražiti isto ili još i više nego što su dobivali od hdz- a .


just a day or two after the kastav meeting and a nominal invitation to join , the possibility was with more or less restraint greeted by some of the hdz 's current coalition partners , above all the hsls and the sdss . but , as nacional 's sources emphasise , at the kastav dinner the leaders of the ids and hns sharply opposed the possibility of entering into a coalition with those who are currently with the hdz . " if they are there with them , then let them stay there , " nacional was told by a top ids official , who did , however , add that " this is perhaps our emotional position , which is not politically rational . " in any event , if milanovic , as the leader of the opposition coalition does in fact launch negotiations with the other political parties on a possible collaboration , it is quite realistic that the current hdz partners will demand the same or more than they have been given by the hdz to switch to the left .

Dernière mise à jour : 2012-07-08
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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