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puis elle raconte à johnny, et à cody, toute une histoire de weesageechak.


and she told johnny—and cody—one whole weesageechak story.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


sous la direction artistique de drew hayden taylor, la nepa continue de présenter des pièces inédites d'écrivains autochtones, en plus de son festival weesageechak annuel.


under the leadership of artistic director drew hayden taylor, nepa continued to present original plays by native writers along with the annual weesageechak festival.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


« weesageechak, répond dorothée national qui reprend finalement ses esprits, était le plus grand héros que le peuple cri ait jamais connu ».


"weesageechak," dorothy national was finally able to continue, "was the greatest hero the cree have ever known."thank god, she had finished the sentence."but he was crazy."

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta


le filou, personnage de la mythologie autochtone aussi appelé nanabush et weesageechak, revient régulièrement dans les pièces de la troupe et sert de lien entre le peuple autochtone contemporain, sa tradition et la société urbaine des blancs.


the trickster, a character from native mythology who is also called nanabush and weesageechak, has remained a regular feature throughout the company's productions, serving to link contemporary native people with both tradition and urban white society.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1


hey, kinwees pimootew, pimootew, pimootew, pimootew… » (« il était une fois, weesageechak s’en alla se promener.


hey, kinwees pimootew, pimootew, pimootew, pimootew..." ("once upon a time, weesageechak went for a walk.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

Attenzione: contiene formattazione HTML nascosta


19th annual weesageechak begins to dance festival 20 000 $ programmation toronto native women in the arts (canada) performing arts series and outreach 2006-2007 multi year (1 de 3) 46 000 $ programmation toronto new adventures in sound art deep wireless 2006 8 000 $ programmation toronto new music concerts new music concerts 2006-2007 concert series 18 000 $ programmation toronto northern visions independent video and film association images festival 2006 50 000 $ programmation toronto ontario campus and community impressarios fresh start, 4th year 50 000 $ programmation toronto ontario campus and community impressarios ontario arts presenter network development 115 000 $ programmation toronto reelworld film festival inc.


19th annual weesageechak begins to dance festival $20 000 programming toronto native women in the arts (canada) performing arts series and outreach 2006-2007 multi year (1 de 3) $46 000 programming toronto new adventures in sound art deep wireless 2006 $8 000 programming toronto new music concerts new music concerts 2006-2007 concert series $18 000 programming toronto northern visions independent video and film association images festival 2006 $50 000 programming toronto ontario campus and community impressarios fresh start, 4th year $50 000 programming toronto ontario campus and community impressarios ontario arts presenter network development $115 000 programming toronto reelworld film festival inc.

Ultimo aggiornamento 2015-05-14
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1

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