検索ワード: vale kai se emena (ギリシア語 - 英語)







vale kai se emena



から: 機械翻訳








kai se skeftomai


kai se skeftomai

最終更新: 2021-02-02
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


gia sou kai se sena


gia sou kai se sena

最終更新: 2020-06-24
使用頻度: 1

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den xéro pós na to po auxo.alá xéro móná óti mou areseis pragmatiká kai se agapó gia pánta


den xéro pós na to po auxo.alá xéro móná óti mou areseis pragmatiká and se agapó gia pánta

最終更新: 2023-01-08
使用頻度: 1

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gia toyw skopoýw thw par mbashw se eyr kai se symmet xonta ekt w z nhw eyr nom smata , h ekt kai káqe symmet xoysa ekt w z nhw eyr eqnkt prosf royn


for the purpose of intramarginal intervention , the very short-term financing facility may , with the agreement of the central bank issuing the intervention currency , be made available subject to the following conditions :

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1

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toýto qa e nai idia tera xr simo sta m lh toy eskt , pvw kai se álloyw poy symmet xoyn stiw xrhmatooikonomik w agor w , gia na mporoýn na ajiolog soyn toyw kindýnoyw tvn syndiallag n me pistvtiká idrýmata .


this will be very valuable to members of the escb , in common with other participants in the financial markets , to allow them to assess the risks of dealing with credit institutions .

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1

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ekt w z nhw eyr arm diew eqnkt enhmer noyn, to envr tero dynat n kai se aysthrá empisteytik básh, tiw loip w arm diew nomismatik w arx w kai tiw nomismatik w arx w lvn tvn állvn symmetex ntvn ekt w z nhw eyr krat n mel n gia káqe pr qesh diakop w thw par mbashw.


and on a strictly confidential basis, the other monetary authorities concerned and the monetary authorities of all other participating non-euro area member states of any intention to suspend intervention.

最終更新: 2012-03-19
使用頻度: 3

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tiw ejoys ew thw eyrvpa k w kentrik w trápezaw gia epibol kyr sevn kai tvn diatájevn toy par ntow kanonismoý poy par xei sthn ekt to dika vma na epibállei kyr seiw , katisxýei o par n kanonism w · ( 4 ) ti to árqro 19.1 toy katastatikoý probl pei ti to dioikhtik symboýlio thw ekt mpore na qesp zei kanonismoýw gia ton ypologism kai prosdiorism tvn eláxistvn ypoxrevtik n apoqematik n · ( 5 ) ti to sýsthma gia thn epibol eláxistvn apoqematik n , prokeim noy na kataste apotelesmatik m so gia thn ekt lesh tvn leitoyrgi n thw diaxe rishw thw xrhmatagoráw kai toy nomismatikoý el gxoy , pr pei na diarqrvqe katá tr po ste h ekt na xei thn eyx reia kai thn eyelij a na epibállei th diat rhsh eláxistvn apoqematik n ent w toy plais oy kai se synárthsh me tiw metaball menew oikonomik w kai xrhmatopistvtik w synq kew poy isxýoyn sta symmet xonta kráth m lh · ti h ekt mpore na epibállei eláxista apoqematiká gia ypoxre seiw poy aporr oyn ap ekt w isologismoý stoixe a , id vw ayt w oi opo ew e te memonvm na e te se syndyasm me álla stoixe a toy isologismoý ekt w isologismoý e nai sygkr simew me tiw ypoxre seiw poy emfan zontai ston isologism , prokeim noy na apotrape h piqan thta katastrat ghshw tvn sxetik n diatájevn · ( 6 ) ti h ekt , prokeim noy na qesp sei toyw leptomere w royw gia thn efarmog tvn eláxistvn apoqematik n , symperilambanom nvn tvn pragmatik n posost n tvn apoqematik n , thw tyx n efarmog w t koy ep tvn apoqematik n , tvn endex menvn ejair sevn ap thn ypoxr vsh diat rhshw eláxistvn apoqematik n tvn tyx n tropopoi sevn ayt n tvn ypoxre sevn gia sygkekrim nh kathgor a kathgor ew idrymátvn , ypoxreoýtai na energe thr ntaw toyw st xoyw toy eyrvpa koý syst matow kentrik n trapez n ( efej w to « eskt » ) , pvw ayto kaqor zontai sto árqro 105 parágrafow 1 thw synq khw kai antikatoptr zontai sto árqro 2 toy katastatikoý to opo o ypodhl nei , metajý állvn , thn arx thw apofyg w pr klhshw sobar n kai anepiqýmhtvn fainom nvn epanaprosdiorismoý tvn drasthriot tvn tvn idrymátvn kai apodiamesolábhshw · ti h epibol par moivn eláxistvn apoqematik n mpore na apotele stoixe o thw xárajhw kai thw efarmog w thw nomismatik w politik w thw koin thtaw , poy apoteloýn na ap ta basiká kaq konta toy eskt , pvw ayt or zetai sto árqro 105 parágrafow 2 pr th per ptvsh thw synq khw kai antikatoptr zetai sto árqro 3.1 pr th per ptvsh toy katastatikoý ·


( 6 ) whereas the ecb , in establishing detailed regulations for the imposition of minimum reserves , including determining the actual reserve ratios , any remuneration of reserves , any exemptions from minimum reserves or any modifications to such requirements applicable to any specific group or groups of institutions , shall be bound to act pursuant to the objectives of the european system of central banks ( the escb ) as set out in article 105 ( 1 ) of the treaty and as reflected in article 2 of the statute , which implies , inter alia , the principle of not inducing significant undesirable delocation or disintermediation ; whereas the imposition of such minimum reserves may constitute an element of the definition and implementation of the monetary policy of the community , being one of the basic tasks of the escb as specified in article 105 ( 2 ) , first indent , of the treaty and as reflected in article 3.1 , first indent , of the statute ;

最終更新: 2011-10-23
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

7,764,856,299 より良い訳文を手にいれましょう


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