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ain elohim



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最終更新: 2011-06-24
使用頻度: 3

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elohim sabaoch


corona radix arboris sephi cheter

最終更新: 2020-04-16
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ain soph


ain soph aur

最終更新: 2020-01-21
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apud eundem elohim


ain elohim

最終更新: 2022-03-31
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helionhelion elohim gibor ararita


helion elohim gibor ararita

最終更新: 2022-01-03
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ain, remmon, and ether, and ashan; four cities and their villages:


ahin et remmon et athar et asan civitates quattuor et villae earu

最終更新: 2012-05-06
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ain, undeclined ayin; (16th letter of hebrew alphabet); (silent);



最終更新: 2022-11-22
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cici, undeclined castor (oil) tree (ricinus communis); (egyptian tree also called croton l+s); zai, undeclined zayin; (7th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as z); sitthim, undeclined shittim/setim wood, wood of shittah tree/acacia wood; (not the tree); (hebrew); sabath, undeclined shebat, jewish month; (eleventh in ecclesiastic year); nun, undeclined nun; (14th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as n); iota, undeclined iota; tenth letter of greek alphabet; (transliterate as i); adar, undeclined adar, jewish month; (twelfth in ecclesiastic year); quot, undeclined how many; of what number; as many; ion, undeclined isis; daughter of inachus; ion, ionis isis; daughter of inachus; cherubim, undeclined cherubim, rank of angels; heavenly choir; cherubs (pl.); teth, undeclined tet; (9th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as t); rabbi, undeclined rabbi; teacher, master; (hebrew); esther, undeclined esther; (book/heroine of bible, jewess born edessa, queen of persia); daleth, undeclined dalet/daleth; (4th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as d); samech, undeclined samekh; (15th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as s); sexus, sexus sex; (male or female); (also for plants); sexual organs; sexus, undeclined sex; (male or female); asty, undeclined city (esp. athens), town (as opp. to rest of attica/city-state); meson, undeclined middle-note; frugi, undeclined worthy/honest/deserving; virtuous; thrifty/frugal; temperate/sober; useful/fit; rho, undeclined greek name of the letter r; cappari, undeclined caper plant (capparis spinosa); fruit of caper plant, caper; maeleth, undeclined harp, lute (hebrew); adonai, undeclined lord, god; (hebrew); damnaustra, undeclined damnaustra!; (word of charm to cure dislocated joint); ariel, undeclined altar, fire-altar, fire-hearth of god; (ezekiel 43:15); name = lion of god; nequissimus, undeclined most wicked/vile/licentious/worthless, good for nothing; (nequam super); cummi, undeclined gum, vicid secretion from trees; necessis, undeclined necessary, essential; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; ephphatha, undeclined be thou opened; (mark 7:34); (aramaic); coph, undeclined qof; (19th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as k); corban, undeclined gift/corban (hebrew); offering given to god usually associated w/vow; ephi, undeclined ephah, jewish dry measure; (ten gomor, over twenty bushels); damnas, undeclined obliged; bound (to pay), condemned to pay; sentenced; (abb. d. in inscription); siban, undeclined sivan/siban; third month of the jewish ecclesiastical year; horeb, undeclined sinai, horeb; (mountain of moses and burning bush); hu, undeclined what (hebrew); (food from god for wandering jews); [man hu => what is this]; eleyson, undeclined have mercy (upon us); (greek imperative); aliquot, undeclined some/several/a few people; more than one; a number; aliquot, undeclined some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one; cephas, undeclined rock (aramaic), surname of simon peter; he, undeclined he; (5th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as h); phase, undeclined passover; jewish feast; paschal lamb/sacrifice at the passover; beta, betae beet, beetroot; beta, undeclined beta (second letter of greek alphabet); second of anything, second item; nequam, undeclined wicked/licentious/depraved; bad/vile; naughty/roguish; worthless/useless; nequior, undeclined more wicked/licentious/depraved/vile; worse; more useless/worthless; (nequam); gith, undeclined black cumin (nigella sativa); roman coriander (l+s); melanthion/melanspermon; astu, undeclined city (esp. athens), town (as opp. to rest of attica/city-state); nonnihil, undeclined certain amount; nonnihil in some measure; ami, undeclined ammi, bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant; oephi, undeclined ephi/ephah, jewish dry measure; (ten gomor, over twenty bushels); beth, undeclined bet; (2nd letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as b and v); quiddam, undeclined something; seraph, undeclined seraphim, angels (pl.) of higher order among the jews; adam, undeclined adam; (from the hebrew); [nom s => adam, not ada (otherwise 1 decl ad...)]; adam, adae adam; (hebrew); (nom s => adam, not ada, otherwise 1 decl ad...?); satius, undeclined better, more serviceable/satisfactory; fitter, preferable; (comp of satis); satius rather; preferably; jerusalem, undeclined jerusalem (hebrew); man, undeclined manna; (food from god in siani); [man/man hu => (hebrew) what/what is this]; saul, undeclined saul; king of israel); (original name of st paul); saul, saulis saul; king of israel); (original name of st paul); macte, undeclined well done! good! bravo! (voc of mactus, n implied) (macte s, macti p); instar, undeclined image, likeness, resemblance; counterpart; the equal/form of (w/gen); aleph, undeclined aleph; (1st letter of hebrew alphabet); (silent, use as an a only in order); ephod, undeclined part of clothing of a jewish priest; jod, undeclined jod; (tenth letter of hebrew alphabet); manhu, undeclined manna; (food from god for wandering hebrews); [man hu => (hebrew) what is this]; labda, undeclined lambda (greek letter); (used as a symbol for fellatio); elul, undeclined elul; sixth month of the jewish ecclesiastical year; necessum, undeclined necessary; imperative; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; res, undeclined res; (20th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as r); res, rei thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property; [~ familiaris => property]; quotcumque, undeclined whatever number of; as many as; however many; juda, undeclined judah; jude; judas; a son of jacob; tribe of judah; necesse, undeclined necessary, essential; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; haceldama, undeclined akeldama; field of blood (aramaic); potter's field; cumi, undeclined arise; (aramaic); (mark 5:41); chanan, undeclined canaan/palestine; nadir, undeclined nadir; pente, undeclined musical fifth; coel, undeclined sky, heaven; universe, world; space; air, weather; jehovah; (shortened form); commi, undeclined gum, vicid secretion from trees; idithum, undeclined idithun (hebrew); choir leadercherub, undeclined cherub; sabaoth, undeclined hosts (pl.); armies; (hebrew); [deus sabaoth => god of hosts]; gomor, undeclined gomor/gomer/omer, jewish dry measure; (over two bushels); chanaan, undeclined canaan/palestine; ephpheta, undeclined be thou opened; (mark 7:34); (aramaic); hethanim, undeclined ethanim; ancient hebrew seventh month; (meaning flowing rivers); selah, undeclined selah, musical pause (psalms); sing loud; change pitch; (full meaning unknown); hymen, undeclined greek wedding chant/refrain; (personified as a god); marriage, wedding, match; ain, undeclined ayin; (16th letter of hebrew alphabet); (silent); setthim, undeclined shittim/setim wood, wood of shittah tree/acacia wood; (not the tree); (hebrew); bekah, undeclined half shekel (hebrew); esdras, undeclined esdras; (name sometimes given to bible book ezra and author); deleth, undeclined dalet/daleth; (4th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as d); gry, undeclined scrap, crumb; dannaustra, undeclined damnaustra!; (word of charm to cure dislocated joint); baruch, undeclined baruch; (book of old testament); hierusalem, undeclined jerusalem (hebrew); borith, undeclined soapwort, plant purifying like soap; (hebrew); cof, undeclined qof; (19th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as k); nihildum, undeclined nothing; nothing as yet; not a shred; less than nothing; autumnal, undeclined autumnal, of autumn, for use in autumn; delta, undeclined greek letter delta; delta of the nile; nisan, undeclined nisan, jewish month; (1st in ecclesiastic year); (late january-early february); kyrie, undeclined oh lord (greek vocative); necessus, undeclined necessary, imperative; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; quotcunque, undeclined whatever number of; as many as; however many; raca, undeclined foolish, empty; hebrew word of contempt (linddell+scott); eppheta, undeclined be thou opened (mark 7:34); (aramaic); casnar, undeclined old man; attendant; habacuc, undeclined habakkuk; (minor prophet); (book of old testament); talitha, undeclined girl; damsel (douay); (aramaic); (mark 5:41); git, undeclined black cumin (nigella sativa); roman coriander (l+s); melanthion/melanspermon; cusuc, undeclined shanty, small hut; aliquod, undeclined some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one; aliquod, undeclined some/several/a few people; more than one; a number; racha, undeclined foolish, empty; hebrew word of contempt (linddell+scott); seraphin, undeclined seraphim, angel (sg.) of higher order among the jews; sabacthani, undeclined forsaken; [heli heli lemma ~ => my god, my god why hast thou forsaken me]; emmanuel, undeclined emmanuel, god with us; koppa, undeclined archaic greek letter koppa; domne, undeclined sir; lord, master; (vocative of domnus); sebboleth, undeclined scibboleth (grain ear) which mispronounciation gileadites uncovered ephraimite; tecel, undeclined tekel; (mene tekel phares writing on the wall - vulgate daniel 5:25); sen, undeclined sin, shin; (21st letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as s and sh); nil, undeclined nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern; cherubin, undeclined cherubim, rank of angels; heavenly choir; cherubs (pl.); secus by, beside, alongside; in accordance with; secus, undeclined sex; secus otherwise; differently, in another way; contrary to what is right/expected; omega, undeclined omega; last letter of greek alphabet; (transliterate as o); last; the end; nihil, undeclined nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern; satis enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty; satis, undeclined enough, adequate, sufficient; satisfactory; casleu, undeclined chislev/kislev, jewish month; (ninth in ecclesiastic year); sade, undeclined sade; (18th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as ts); vav, undeclined vav; (6th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as v); caph, undeclined kaf; (11th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as k and ch); tebboleth, undeclined mispronunciation of scibboleth (grain ear) whereby gileadites found ephraimite; kum, undeclined arise; (aramaic); (mark 5:41); nefas, undeclined sin, violation of divine law, impious act; [fas et nefas => right and wrong]; totidem, undeclined as many; just so/as many; the equivalent number of, same (as specified before); mane, undeclined morning, morn; [multo mane => very early in the morning]; mane in the morning; early in the morning; mane, undeclined mene; (mene tekel phares writing on the wall - vulgate daniel 5:25); zain, undeclined zayin; (7th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as z); manna, mannae manna; (food from god for exodus jews); food for the soul, divine support; manna, vegetable juice hardened to grains (pliny); manna, undeclined manna; (food from god for wandering hebrews); [man hu => (hebrew) what is this]; gimel, undeclined gimel; (3rd letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as g); pote, undeclined able, capable; possible (early latin); david, davidis david; david, undeclined david; fares, undeclined phares; (mene tekel phares writing on the wall - vulgate daniel 5:25); hin, undeclined hin (hebrew liquid measure, little less than 5 liters); (vulgate exodus 29:40); caf, undeclined kaf; (11th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as k and ch); sat enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty; sat, undeclined enough, adequate, sufficient; satisfactory; fas, undeclined divine/heaven's law/will/command; that which is right/lawful/moral/allowed; nichil, undeclined nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern; maheleth, undeclined harp, lute (hebrew); eleison, undeclined have mercy (upon us); (greek imperative); lameth, undeclined lamed/lameth; (12th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as l); mem, undeclined mem; (13th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as m); amplius greater number (than); further, more, beyond, besides; more than (w/numerals); amplius, undeclined greater (w/indef. subject, eg., number than), further/more, longer; amplius, undeclined greater amount/number/distance, more, any more/further; "judgment reserved"; sabbaoth, undeclined hosts (pl.); armies; (hebrew); [deus sabaoth => god of hosts]; macti, undeclined well done! good! bravo! (voc of mactus, n implied) (macte s, macti p); tebeth, undeclined tebet/tebeth; tenth month of the jewish ecclesiastical year; gummi, undeclined gum, vicid secretion from trees; bul, undeclined bul (rain), heshvan, jewish month; (8th in ecclesiastic year); (1 kings 6:38); coppa, undeclined archaic greek letter koppa; thomas, undeclined thomas; heth, undeclined het; (8th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as ch); seraphim, undeclined seraphim, angels (pl.) of higher order among the jews; jacob, undeclined jacob; therafin, undeclined teraphim/theraphim (pl. form); theraph (sg. form); idols/images; household gods; cael, undeclined heaven, sky; universe, world; space; air, weather; jehovah; (shortened form); baal, undeclined baal (syrian deity); lamed, undeclined lamed/lameth; (12th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as l); nazareth, undeclined nazareth; city in palestine; (home of the parents of jesus); lavabo, undeclined lavabo, ceremonial hand washing in liturgy; zenith, undeclined zenith; behemoth, undeclined behemoth (hebrew), great/monstrous beast; (hippopotamus?); (job 40:10); potis, undeclined able, capable; possible; (early latin potis sum becomes possum); gitti, undeclined black cumin (nigella sativa); roman coriander (l+s); melanthion/melanspermon; cuci, undeclined doum-palm (hyphanae thebaica); azrael, undeclined azrael (aramaic), angel of death; abba, undeclined father; (aramaic); bishop of syriac/coptic church; (false read obba/decanter); fe, undeclined pe; (17th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as p or f); zio, undeclined ziv, hebrew name of ancient second month; (meaning splendor/flowering); diapente, undeclined medicine made of five ingredients; ; alpha, undeclined alpha, 1st letter of greek alphabet; a; first/foremost (group/class); beginning; thau, undeclined tav; (22nd letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as t); (mark of cain); rabboni, undeclined rabbi; teacher, master; (hebrew); effatha, undeclined be thou opened; (mark 7:34); (aramaic); satan, undeclined satan, the devil; adversary (def); adinstar, undeclined like, after the fashion of; according to the likeness of; about; (ad instar); ammi, undeclined ammi, bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant; leviathan, undeclined leviathan, huge aquatic monster (hebrew); serpent; crocodile; enormous thing; behmoth, undeclined behemoth (hebrew), great/monstrous beast; (hippopotamus?); (job 40:10); ioth, undeclined yod; (10th letter of hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as y); evovae, undeclined evovae; (meaningless word used in choral books to show some vowel sounds); effetha, undeclined be thou opened; (mark 7:34); (aramaic); idos, undeclined form; visible aspect of object;



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