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on boira une bière.


on boira une bière.

Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


the name is derived from a phrase that resulted when surrealists first played the game, "le cadavre exquis boira le vin nouveau.


la première phrase qui résulta et qui donna le nom à ce jeu fut « le cadavre – exquis – boira – le vin – nouveau ».

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Waarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak


in fact, the millennial anniversary of the founding of the water tribunial took place in 1960, led by vicente giner boira, legal adviser to the tribunal at the time, and leading proponent of this theory in the twentieth century.


de fait, le millénaire du tribunal des eaux fut célébré en 1960, sous l'impulsion de vicente giner boira, assesseur juridique du tribunal à ce moment, et principal défenseur de cette théorie au .

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


" (1983)* "de teves a meves: trenta-dos contes que acaben més o menys bé" ("from yours to mine: thirty-three stories that end more or less well") (1984)* "els nens voladors" ("the flying children") (1984)* "tres per cinc, quinze" ("three times five, fifteen") (1984)* "la cabra i altres narracions" ("the goat and other narratives") (1984)* "el desordre públic" ("public disorder") (1984)* "un estrany al jardí" ("a stranger in the garden") (1985)* "el barret fort i altres inèdits" ("the bowler hat and other unpublished works") (1987)* "raspall" (1987)* "kalders i tísner", dibuixos de guerra a "l'esquella de la torratxa" (1991)* "l'honor a la deriva" ("honor adrift") (1992)* "mesures, alarmes i prodigis" (1994)* "la lluna a casa i altres contes" ("the moon at home and other stories") (1995)* "cartes d'amor" ("love letters") (1996)* "tots els contes" ("all stories") (2008)=== novels ===* "la glòria del doctor larén" ("the glory of doctor larén") (1936)* "l'ombra de l'atzavara" ("the shade of the agave plant") (1964)* "ronda naval sota la boira" ("naval patrol through the fog") (1966)* "aquí descansa nevares" ("here rests nevares") (1967)* "gaeli i l'home déu" (1984)* "la ciutat cansada" ("the tired city") (2008) (unfinished)* "sense anar tant lluny" ("without going too far") (2009) (unfinished)* "la marxa cap al mar" ("the walk to sea") (2009) (unfinished)* "l'amor de joan" ("juan's love") (2009) (unfinished)==references==* pere calders at the aelc, the association of catalan language writers.


" (1983)* "de teves a meves: trenta-dos contes que acaben més o menys bé" (1984)* "els nens voladors" (1984)* "tres per cinc, quinze" (1984)* "" (1984)* "un estrany al jardí" (1985)* "el desordre públic" (1984)* "el barret fort i altres inèdits" (1987)* "raspall" (1987)* "kalders i tísner, dibuixos de guerra a l'esquella de la torratxa" (1991)* "l'honor a la deriva" (1992)* "mesures, alarmes i prodigis" (1994)* "la lluna a casa i altres contes" (1995)* "d'amor" (1996)== bibliographie ==* joan pinyol.

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Waarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak

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