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elefanten (1968)


bergrennen (2004)

Laatste Update: 2018-02-13
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


48: - see elefanten schuh, paragraphs 25 and 26.


48: - voir arrêt elefanten schuh, précité (points 25 et 26).

Laatste Update: 2015-05-14
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


leipzig 1897*"siam, das reich des weißen elefanten".


leipzig 1897*"siam, das reich des weißen elefanten".

Laatste Update: 2016-03-03
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Waarschuwing: Bevat onzichtbare HTML-opmaak


in the judgment of 24 june 1981, elefanten schuh, the court held that article 22 of the convention applies only where related actions are brought before courts of two or more contracting states.


dans l'arrêt du 24 juin 1981, elefanten schuh, la cour a dit pour droit que l'article 22 de la convention est seulement d'application lorsque des demandes connexes sont formées devant les juridictions de deux ou plusieurs États contractants.

Laatste Update: 2015-05-14
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


24.6.1981, 150/80 — elefanten schuh gmbh ν p. the competition rules are applicable even if par­jacqmain3 ties have agreed to confer jurisdiction on a court.


schuh les règles de compétence sont applicables, même quand les parties ont conventionnellement désigné une juridiction compétente.

Laatste Update: 2014-02-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1


m. (rec.1981,p.1095) 113/80 judgment of 17/06/1981, commission / ireland (rec.1981,p.1625) (svvi/00145 fivi/00149 es1981/00443) 114/80 judgment of 26/03/1981, ritter / oberfinanzdirektion hamburg (rec.1981,p.895) 115/80 judgment of 17/12/1981, demont / commission (rec.1981,p.3147) 116/80 judgment of 02/07/1981, celestre (rec.1981,p.1737) (es1981/00481) 117/80 see case 116/80, dreilich 118/80 removed from the register on 17/12/1980, grosjean / council 119/80 see case 116/80, bohnefeld 120/80 see case 116/80, lex 121/80 see case 116/80, strehl 122/80 judgment of 19/11/1981, analog devices / hauptzollamt münchen-mitte and others (rec.1981,p.2781) 123/80 order of 09/06/1980, b. / parliament (rec.1980,p.1789) 123/80 r order of 09/06/1980, b. / parliament (rec.1980,p.1793) 124/80 judgment of 02/06/1981, van dam (rec.1981,p.1447) 125/80 judgment of 29/10/1981, arning / commission (rec.1981,p.2539) 126/80 judgment of 16/06/1981, salonia / poidomani e giglio (rec.1981,p.1563) (svvi/00129 fivi/00133 es1981/00385) 127/80 judgment of 11/03/1982, grogan / commission (rec.1982,p.869) 128/80 removed from the register on 17/12/1980, europac 129/80 see case 59/80 129/80 r order of 02/07/1980, turner / commission (rec.1980,p.2135) 130/80 judgment of 19/02/1981, kelderman (rec.1981,p.527) 131/80 judgment of 07/05/1981, will / commission (rec.1981,p.1139) 132/80 judgment of 07/04/1981, united foods (rec.1981,p.995) (svvi/00063 fivi/00063 es1981/00199) 133/80 judgment of 17/02/1981, commission / italy (rec.1981,p.457) 134/80 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, commission / italy 135/80 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, commission / italy 136/80 judgment of 17/09/1981, hudig (rec.1981,p.2233) 137/80 judgment of 20/10/1981, commission / belgium (rec.1981,p.2393) (es1981/00653) 138/80 order of 18/06/1980, borker (rec.1980,p.1975) (gr1980:ii/00315 svv/00237 fiv/00245) 139/80 judgment of 18/03/1981, blankaert & willems / trost (rec.1981,p.819) 140/80 removed from the register on 16/09/1980, frucht-agentur iberia 141/80 order of 18/11/1980, macevicius / parliament (rec.1980,p.3509) 142/80 judgment of 27/05/1981, amministrazione delle finanze dello stato / essevi and salengo (rec.1981,p.1413) 143/80 see case 142/80, salengo 144/80 removed from the register on 27/05/1981, commission / belgium 145/80 judgment of 14/07/1983, mascetti / commission (rec.1983,p.2343) 145/80 judgment of 14/07/1981, mascetti / commission (rec.1981,p.1975) 146/80 removed from the register on 01/10/1980, armstrong patents 147/80 removed from the register on 17/09/1980, united kingdom / commission 148/80 removed from the register on 29/10/1981, maiseries alsaciennes 149/80 see case 148/80, costimex 150/80 judgment of 24/06/1981, elefanten schuh gmbh / jacqmain (rec.1981,p.1671) 151/80 judgment of 17/12/1981, de hoe / commission (rec.1981,p.3161) 152/80 judgment of 20/05/1981, debayser (rec.1981,p.1291) (es1981/00325) 153/80 judgment of 07/05/1981, hansen / hauptzollamt flensburg (rec.1981,p.1165) 154/80 judgment of 05/02/1981, staatsecretaris van financiën / coöperatieve aardappelenbewaarplaats (rec.1981,p.445) (svvi/00023 fivi/00023) 155/80 judgment of 14/07/1981, oebel (rec.1981,p.1993) (svvi/00171 fivi/00177 es1981/00545) 156/80 judgment of 21/05/1981, morbelli / commission (rec.1981,p.1357) 157/80 judgment of 26/05/1981, rinkau (rec.1981,p.1391) 158/80 judgment of 07/07/1981, rewe / hauptzollamt kiel (rec.1981,p.1805) (svvi/00153 fivi/00157 es1981/00505) 159/80 judgment of 16/07/1981, wünsche / balm (rec.1981,p.2161) 160/80 judgment of 02/07/1981, smuling - de leeuw (rec.1981,p.1767) 161/80 r order of 31/07/1980, carbognani and others / commission (rec.1980,p.2655) 161/80 judgment of 24/02/1981, carbognani and others / commission (rec.1981,p.543) 161/80 r ii order of 15/01/1981, carbognani and others / commission (rec.1981,p.145) 162/80 see case 161/80, coda zabetta / commission 163/80 removed from the register , jacobucci / commission 163/80 r order of 31/07/1980, jacobucci / commission (rec.1980,p.2661) 164/80 judgment of 11/03/1982, de pascale / commission (rec.1982,p.909) 165/80 see case 28/80, leclercq / commission 166/80 judgment of 16/06/1981, klomps / michel (rec.1981,p.1593) 167/80 judgment of 11/03/1982, curtis / parliament (rec.1982,p.931) 167/80 judgment of 04/06/1981, curtis / commission and parliament (rec.1981,p.1499) 168/80 removed from the register on 19/05/1981, van schaik / commission 169/80 judgment of 09/07/1981, gondrand and garancini (rec.1981,p.1931) 170/80 judgment of 08/07/1981, einkaufsgesellschaft der deutschen konservenindustrie / hauptzollamt bad reichenhall (rec.1981,p.1865) 171/80 judgment of 17/02/1981, commission / italy (rec.1981,p.465) 172/80 judgment of 14/07/1981, züchner / bayerische vereinsbank (rec.1981,p.2021) (svvi/00181 fivi/00187 es1981/00565) 173/80 judgment of 18/06/1981, blasig / commission (rec.1981,p.1649) 174/80 removed from the register , reichardt / commission 174/80 r order of 21/08/1980, reichardt / commission (rec.1980,p.2665) 175/80 judgment of 08/10/1981, tither / commission (rec.1981,p.2345) 176/80 removed from the register on 02/04/1981, maizena / council 177/80 removed from the register on 03/12/1980, commission / belgium 178/80 judgment of 17/12/1981, bellardi-ricci / commission (rec.1981,p.3187) 179/80 judgment of 19/10/1982, roquette frères / council (rec.1982,p.3623) 180/80 judgment of 08/12/1981, crujeiras tome (rec.1981,p.2997) (es1981/00807) 181/80 judgment of 08/12/1981, arbelaiz-emazabel (rec.1981,p.2961) (es1981/00781) 182/80 judgment of 04/03/1982, gauff / commission (rec.1982,p.799) 183/80 removed from the register on 01/10/1980, ben halima / germany 184/80 judgment of 09/07/1981, van zaanen / cour de comptes (rec.1981,p.1951) 185/80 judgment of 02/07/1981, garganese / commission (rec.1981,p.1785) 186/80 judgment of 14/07/1981, suss / commission (rec.1981,p.2041) 186/80 r order of 03/11/1980, suss / commission (rec.1980,p.3501) 187/80 judgment of 14/07/1981, merck / stephar and exler (rec.1981,p.2063) (svvi/00187 fivi/00197 es1981/00583) 188/80 judgment of 06/07/1982, france, italy and united kingdom / commission (rec.1982,p.2545) 189/80 see case 188/80, italy / commission 190/80 see case 188/80, united kingdom / commission 191/80 removed from the register on 17/06/1981, commission / denmark 192/80 order of 21/05/1981, geist / commission (rec.1981,p.1387) 193/80 judgment of 09/12/1981, commission / italy (rec.1981,p.3019) 194/80 judgment of 19/11/1981, benassi / commission (rec.1981,p.2815) 195/80 judgment of 26/11/1981, michel / parliament (rec.1981,p.2861) 196/80 judgment of 01/10/1981, anglo-irish meat company (rec.1981,p.2263) 197/80 judgment of 17/12/1981, ludwigshafener walzmühle / council and commission (rec.1981,p.3211) (es1981/00867) 197/80 order of 08/04/1981, ludwigshafener walzmühle / council and commission (rec.1981,p.1041) 198/80 see case 197/80, park mühlen / council and commission 199/80 see case 197/80, mühle rüningen / council and commission 200/80 see case 197/80, mühlenwerke / council and commission 201/80 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, van den brink / commission 202/80 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, international fruit company / commission 203/80 judgment of 11/11/1981, casati (rec.1981,p.2595) (svvi/00211 fivi/00217 es1981/00681) 204/80 judgment of 16/02/1982, vedel (rec.1982,p.465) 205/80 judgment of 14/07/1981, elba / hauptzollamt berlin-packhof (rec.1981,p.2097) 206/80 judgment of 09/06/1982, orlandi (rec.1982,p.2147) 207/80 see case 206/80, carapelli 208/80 judgment of 15/09/1981, lord bruce of donington / aspden (rec.1981,p.2205) (es1981/00605) 209/80 see case 206/80, saquella 210/80 see case 206/80, de franceschi 211/80 judgment of 19/01/1984, advenier and others / commission (rec.1984,p.131) 212/80 judgment of 12/11/1981, meridionale industria salumi and others (rec.1981,p.2735) 213/80 see case 212/80, vassanelli 214/80 see case 212/80, ultrocchi 215/80 see case 212/80, orlandi 216/80 see case 212/80, molino 217/80 see case 212/80, divella 218/80 judgment of 22/10/1981, kruse / commission (rec.1981,p.2417) 219/80 judgment of 19/01/1984, andré and others / commission (rec.1984,p.165) 219/80 order of 08/07/1981, andré and others / commission and council (rec.1981,p.1879) 220/80 see case 219/80, baroncelli / commission and council 221/80 see case 219/80, bergner / commission and council 222/80 see case 219/80, bouteiller / commission and council 223/80 see case 219/80, de smet / commission and council 224/80 see case 219/80, di marzio / commission and council 225/80 see case 219/80, focquet-renault / commission 226/80 see case 219/80, lejeune / commission and council 227/80 see case 219/80, lemaitre / commission and council 228/80 see case 219/80, mailly / commission and council 229/80 removed from the register on 12/03/1981, morellini / council and commission 230/80 see case 219/80, mussard / commission and council 231/80 see case 219/80, pedrotti / commission and council 232/80 see case 219/80, portier / commission and council 233/80 see case 219/80, preud'homme / commission and council 234/80 see case 219/80, salerno / commission and council 235/80 see case 219/80, salerno / commission and council 236/80 removed from the register on 12/03/1981, schepens-broost / council and commission 237/80 see case 219/80, sergy / commission and council 238/80 see case 219/80, standring / commission and council 239/80 removed from the register on 12/03/1981, tumer-deelstra / council and commission 240/80 see case 219/80, vandamme / commission and council 241/80 see case 219/80, vernier / commission and council 242/80 see case 219/80, zanelli / commission and council 243/80 see case 197/80, kampffmeyer / council and commission 244/80 judgment of 16/12/1981, foglia / novello (rec.1981,p.3045) (svvi/00243 fivi/00251 es1981/00819) 245/80 see case 197/80, werhahn / council and commission 246/80 judgment of 06/10/1981, broekmeulen / huisarts registratie commissie (rec.1981,p.2311) (svvi/00199 fivi/00205 es1981/00625) 247/80 see case 197/80, birkel / council and commission 248/80 judgment of 03/02/1982, glunz (rec.1982,p.197) 249/80 removed from the register on 13/05/1981, commission / luxembourg 250/80 judgment of 27/10/1981, schumacher (rec.1981,p.2465) 251/80 removed from the register on 27/05/1981, commission / belgium 252/80 judgment of 13/10/1981, commission / italy (rec.1981,p.2373) 253/80 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, van den berg 254/80 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, commission / belgium 255/80 removed from the register on 20/01/1982, commission / belgium 256/80 judgment of 27/01/1982, birra wührer / council and commission (rec.1982,p.85) 256/80 order of 17/02/1987, birra wührer / council and commission (rec.1987,p.789) 256/80 judgment of 13/11/1984, birra wührer / council and commission (rec.1984,p.3693) 257/80 see case 256/80, mangimi niccolai / council and commission 258/80 r order of 16/12/1980, rumi / commission (rec.1980,p.3867) 258/80 judgment of 16/02/1982, rumi / commission (rec.1982,p.487) 259/80 removed from the register on 11/04/1984, buick-lucas / court of auditors 260/80 judgment of 19/01/1984, andersen and others / council (rec.1984,p.177) 261/80 removed from the register on 11/04/1984, lens / court of justice 262/80 judgment of 19/01/1984, andersen and others / parliament (rec.1984,p.195) 263/80 removed from the register on 11/04/1984 , baker / esc 264/80 removed from the register on 10/12/1981, poos / commission 265/80 see case 256/80, de franceschi marino / council and commission 266/80 see case 180/80, yurrita 267/80 see case 256/80 267/80 rev judgment of 23/10/1985, riseria modenese / council, commission and birra peroni (rec.1985,p.3499) 267/80 to third-party proceedings of 10/12/1986, birra dreher / riseria modenese, council and commission (rec.1986,p.3901) 268/80 judgment of 01/10/1981, guglielmi / parliament (rec.1981,p.2295) 269/80 judgment of 16/12/1981, tymen (rec.1981,p.3079) (es1981/00845) 270/80 judgment of 09/02/1982, polydor and others / harlequin and others (rec.1982,p.329) (es1982/00047 svvi/00309 fivi/00323) 271/80 removed from the register on 24/03/1982, pharmon 272/80 judgment of 17/12/1981, frans-nederlandse maatschappij voor biologische producten (rec.1981,p.3277) (svvi/00257 fivi/00267) 273/80 removed from the register on 17/12/1980, klöckner-werke 274/80 removed from the register on 18/02/1981, pansini 275/80 judgment of 28/10/1981, krupp / commission (rec.1981,p.2489) 276/80 judgment of 16/02/1982, ferriera padana / commission (rec.1982,p.517) 277/80 judgment of 18/02/1982, sic (rec.1982,p.629) 278/80 judgment of 11/02/1982, chem-tec (rec.1982,p.439) 279/80 judgment of 17/12/1981, webb (rec.1981,p.3305) (svvi/00265 fivi/00275 es1981/00913) 280/80 judgment of 03/12/1981, bakke-d'aloya / council (rec.1981,p.2887) 1/81 judgment of 03/12/1981, pfizer / eurim-pharm (rec.1981,p.2913) (svvi/00235 fivi/00243 es1981/00763) 2/81 judgment of 17/12/1981, clément (rec.1981,p.3339) 3/81 judgment of 17/06/1982, wünsche / balm (rec.1982,p.2319) 4/81 judgment of 25/11/1981, hauptzollamt flensburg / andresen (rec.1981,p.2835) (es1981/00741) 5/81 see case 256/80, riserie roncaia / council and commission 6/81 judgment of 02/03/1982, bv diensten groep / beele (rec.1982,p.707) (es1982/00121 svvi/00327 fivi/00343) 7/81 judgment of 02/02/1982, sinatra (rec.1982,p.137) 8/81 judgment of 19/01/1982 , becker (rec.1982,p.53) (es1982/00001 svvi/00285 fivi/00295) 9/81 int order of 29/09/1983, cour de comptes / williams (rec.1983,p.2859) 9/81 judgment of 06/10/1982, williams / court of auditors (rec.1982,p.3301) 10/81 removed from the register , farrall / commission 10/81 r order of 26/02/1981, farrall / commission (rec.1981,p.717) 11/81 judgment of 01/04/1982, dürbeck / commission (rec.1982,p.1251) 12/81 judgment of 09/02/1982, garland / british rail (rec.1982,p.359) (es1982/00067) 13/81 removed from the register on 21/10/1982, lefevre / parliament 14/81 judgment of 03/03/1982, alpha steel / commission (rec.1982,p.749) (es1982/00153) 15/81 judgment of 05/05/1982, schul (rec.1982,p.1409) (es1982/00349 svvi/00369 fivi/00389) 16/81 judgment of 13/05/1982, alaimo / commission (rec.1982,p.1559) 17/81 judgment of 29/04/1982, pabst & richarz kg / hauptzollamt oldenburg (rec.1982,p.1331) (es1982/00323) 18/81 removed from the register on 22/07/1981, mayer-justen / commission 19/81 judgment of 16/02/1982, burton / british railways board (rec.1982,p.554) 20/81 removed from the register , arbed / commission 20/81 r order of 26/02/1981, arbed / commission (rec.1981,p.721) 21/81 judgment of 10/02/1982, bout (rec.1982,p.381) 22/81 judgment of 17/12/1981, browning (rec.1981,p.3357) 23/81 judgment of 22/09/1983, commission / royal belge (rec.1983,p.2685) 24/81 see case 275/80, krupp stahl / commission 25/81 judgment of 31/03/1982, c.h.w. / g.j.h. (rec.1982,p.1189) (es1982/00269) 26/81 judgment of 29/09/1982, oleifici mediterranei / eec (rec.1982,p.3057) 27/81 judgment of 22/10/1981, rohr / ossberger (rec.1981,p.2431) (es1981/00669) 28/81 judgment of 10/11/1981, commission / italy (rec.1981,p.2577) 29/81 judgment of 10/11/1981, commission / italy (rec.1981,p.2585) 30/81 judgment of 17/12/1981, commission / italy (rec.1981,p.3379) 31/81 see case 30/81, commission / italy 32/81 see case 30/81, commission / italy 33/81 see case 30/81, commission / italy 34/81 see case 30/81, commission / italy 35/81 judgment of 03/12/1981, etienne / commission (rec.1981,p.2937) 36/81 judgment of 01/06/1983, seton / commission (rec.1983,p.1789) 37/81 see case 36/81 37/81 r order of 12/03/1981, seton / commission (rec.1981,p.813) 38/81 judgment of 04/03/1982, effer spa / kantner (rec.1982,p.825) (es1982/00185) 39/81 r removed from the register on 17/06/1981, halyvourgiki / commission 39/81 judgment of 16/02/1982, halyvourgiki / commission (rec.1982,p.593) (es1982/00095) 40/81 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, halyvourgia / commission 41/81 removed from the register , metallurgiki halyps / commission 41/81 r order of 20/03/1981, metallurgiki halyps / commission (rec.1981,p.841) 42/81 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, sidenor / commission 43/81 see case 39/81 43/81 r removed from the register on 17/06/1981, halyvourgia / commission 44/81 judgment of 26/05/1982, germany / commission (rec.1982,p.1855) (es1982/00557) 45/81 judgment of 25/03/1982, moksel / commission (rec.1982,p.1129) 46/81 order of 11/03/1981, benvenuto (rec.1981,p.809) 47/81 removed from the register on 20/01/1983, basini 48/81 removed from the register on 20/01/1982, germany / commission 49/81 judgment of 27/05/1982, kaders (rec.1982,p.1917) 50/81 judgment of 27/05/1982, kaders (rec.1982,p.1941) 51/81 judgment of 27/01/1982, de franceschi / council and commission (rec.1982,p.117) 52/81 judgment of 28/10/1982, faust / commission (rec.1982,p.3745) 53/81 judgment of 23/03/1982, levin / staatssecretaris van justitie (rec.1982,p.1035) (es1982/00219 svvi/00335 fivi/00351) 54/81 judgment of 06/05/1982, fromme / balm (rec.1982,p.1449) (svvi/00385 fivi/00405) 55/81 judgment of 18/02/1982, vermaut (rec.1982,p.649) 56/81 judgment of 14/01/1982, novi / commission (rec.1982,p.1) 57/81 removed from the register on 25/11/1981, commission / belgium 58/81 judgment of 09/06/1982, commission / luxembourg (rec.1982,p.2175) 59/81 judgment of 06/10/1982, commission / council (rec.1982,p.3329) (es1982/01023) 60/81 judgment of 11/11/1981, ibm / commission (rec.1981,p.2639) (svvi/00225 fivi/00231 es1981/00715) 60/81 r order of 07/07/1981, ibm / commission (rec.1981,p.1857) 61/81 judgment of 06/07/1982, commission / united kingdom (rec.1982,p.2601) 62/81 judgment of 03/02/1982, seco / evi (rec.1982,p.223) (es1982/00027 svvi/00299 fivi/00311) 63/81 see case 62/81, desquenne & giral 64/81 judgment of 14/01/1982, corman / hauptzollamt gronau (rec.1982,p.13) 65/81 judgment of 14/01/1982 , reina / landeskreditbank baden-württemberg (rec.1982,p.33) (svvi/00275 fivi/00285) 66/81 judgment of 29/04/1982, pommerehnke / balm (rec.1982,p.1363) 67/81 judgment of 18/02/1982, ruske / commission (rec.1982,p.661) 68/81 judgment of 02/02/1982, commission / belgium (rec.1982,p.153) 69/81 judgment of 02/02/1982, commission / belgium (rec.1982,p.163) 70/81 judgment of 02/02/1982, commission / belgium (rec.1982,p.169) 71/81 judgment of 02/02/1982, commission / belgium (rec.1982,p.175) 72/81 judgment of 02/02/1982, commission / belgium (rec.1982,p.183) 73/81 judgment of 02/02/1982, commission / belgium (rec.1982,p.189) 74/81 judgment of 10/02/1982, flender / commission (rec.1982,p.395) 75/81 judgment of 31/03/1982, blesgen (rec.1982,p.1211) (svvi/00351 fivi/00371) 76/81 judgment of 10/02/1982, transporoute / ministère des travaux publics (rec.1982,p.417) (svvi/00319 fivi/00333) 77/81 judgment of 18/02/1982, zuckerfabrik franken (rec.1982,p.681) 78/81 et 78/81 r order of 02/06/1981, bernardi / parliament (rec.1981,p.1467) 79/81 judgment of 23/03/1982, baccini (rec.1982,p.1063) 80/81 judgment of 09/10/1984, adam and others / commission (rec.1984,p.3411) 81/81 see case 80/81, de blust / commission 82/81 see case 80/81, de windt / commission 83/81 see case 80/81, godaert / commission 84/81 judgment of 19/05/1982, staple dairy products (rec.1982,p.1763) 85/81 removed from the register , halyvourgiki / commission 85/81 see case 39/81 86/81 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, halyvourgia / commission 87/81 removed from the register on 16/09/1981, sidenor / commission 88/81 removed from the register , halyvourgia / commission 88/81 see case 39/81 89/81 judgment of 01/04/1982, hong-kong trade (rec.1982,p.1277) (es1982/00285) 90/81 judgment of 18/03/1982, burg / court of justice (rec.1982,p.983) 91/81 judgment of 08/06/1982, commission / italy (rec.1982,p.2133) 92/81 judgment of 10/06/1982, camera (rec.1982,p.2213) 93/81 judgment of 11/03/1982, knoeller (rec.1982,p.951) 94/81 judgment of 02/03/19


m. (rec.1981,p.1095) 113/80 arrêt du 17/06/1981, commission / irlande (rec.1981,p.1625) (svvi/00145 fivi/00149 es1981/00443) 114/80 arrêt du 26/03/1981, ritter / oberfinanzdirektion hamburg (rec.1981,p.895) 115/80 arrêt du 17/12/1981, demont / commission (rec.1981,p.3147) 116/80 arrêt du 02/07/1981, celestre (rec.1981,p.1737) (es1981/00481) 117/80 voir 116/80, dreilich 118/80 radiation du 17/12/1980, grosjean / conseil 119/80 voir 116/80, bohnefeld 120/80 voir 116/80, lex 121/80 voir 116/80, strehl 122/80 arrêt du 19/11/1981, analog devices / hauptzollamt münchen-mitte e.a. (rec.1981,p.2781) 123/80 ordonnance du 09/06/1980, b. / parlement (rec.1980,p.1789) 123/80 r ordonnance du 09/06/1980, b. / parlement (rec.1980,p.1793) 124/80 arrêt du 02/06/1981, van dam (rec.1981,p.1447) 125/80 arrêt du 29/10/1981, arning / commission (rec.1981,p.2539) 126/80 arrêt du 16/06/1981, salonia / poidomani e giglio (rec.1981,p.1563) (svvi/00129 fivi/00133 es1981/00385) 127/80 arrêt du 11/03/1982, grogan / commission (rec.1982,p.869) 128/80 radiation du 17/12/1980, europac 129/80 voir 59/80 129/80 r ordonnance du 02/07/1980, turner / commission (rec.1980,p.2135) 130/80 arrêt du 19/02/1981, kelderman (rec.1981,p.527) 131/80 arrêt du 07/05/1981, will / commission (rec.1981,p.1139) 132/80 arrêt du 07/04/1981, united foods (rec.1981,p.995) (svvi/00063 fivi/00063 es1981/00199) 133/80 arrêt du 17/02/1981, commission / italie (rec.1981,p.457) 134/80 radiation du 16/09/1981, commission / italie 135/80 radiation du 16/09/1981, commission / italie 136/80 arrêt du 17/09/1981, hudig (rec.1981,p.2233) 137/80 arrêt du 20/10/1981, commission / belgique (rec.1981,p.2393) (es1981/00653) 138/80 ordonnance du 18/06/1980, borker (rec.1980,p.1975) (gr1980:ii/00315 svv/00237 fiv/00245) 139/80 arrêt du 18/03/1981, blankaert & willems / trost (rec.1981,p.819) 140/80 radiation du 16/09/1980, frucht-agentur iberia 141/80 ordonnance du 18/11/1980, macevicius / parlement (rec.1980,p.3509) 142/80 arrêt du 27/05/1981, amministrazione delle finanze dello stato / essevi et salengo (rec.1981,p.1413) 143/80 voir 142/80, salengo 144/80 radiation du 27/05/1981, commission / belgique 145/80 arrêt du 14/07/1983, mascetti / commission (rec.1983,p.2343) 145/80 arrêt du 14/07/1981, mascetti / commission (rec.1981,p.1975) 146/80 radiation du 01/10/1980, armstrong patents 147/80 radiation du 17/09/1980, royaume-uni / commission 148/80 radiation du 29/10/1981, maiseries alsaciennes 149/80 voir 148/80, costimex 150/80 arrêt du 24/06/1981, elefanten schuh gmbh / jacqmain (rec.1981,p.1671) 151/80 arrêt du 17/12/1981, de hoe / commission (rec.1981,p.3161) 152/80 arrêt du 20/05/1981, debayser (rec.1981,p.1291) (es1981/00325) 153/80 arrêt du 07/05/1981, hansen / hauptzollamt flensburg (rec.1981,p.1165) 154/80 arrêt du 05/02/1981, staatsecretaris van financiën / coöperatieve aardappelenbewaarplaats (rec.1981,p.445) (svvi/00023 fivi/00023) 155/80 arrêt du 14/07/1981, oebel (rec.1981,p.1993) (svvi/00171 fivi/00177 es1981/00545) 156/80 arrêt du 21/05/1981, morbelli / commission (rec.1981,p.1357) 157/80 arrêt du 26/05/1981, rinkau (rec.1981,p.1391) 158/80 arrêt du 07/07/1981, rewe / hauptzollamt kiel (rec.1981,p.1805) (svvi/00153 fivi/00157 es1981/00505) 159/80 arrêt du 16/07/1981, wünsche / balm (rec.1981,p.2161) 160/80 arrêt du 02/07/1981, smuling - de leeuw (rec.1981,p.1767) 161/80 r ordonnance du 31/07/1980, carbognani e.a. / commission (rec.1980,p.2655) 161/80 arrêt du 24/02/1981, carbognani e.a. / commission (rec.1981,p.543) 161/80 r ii ordonnance du 15/01/1981, carbognani e.a. / commission (rec.1981,p.145) 162/80 voir 161/80, coda zabetta / commission 163/80 radiation, jacobucci / commission 163/80 r ordonnance du 31/07/1980, jacobucci / commission (rec.1980,p.2661) 164/80 arrêt du 11/03/1982, de pascale / commission (rec.1982,p.909) 165/80 voir 28/80, leclercq / commission 166/80 arrêt du 16/06/1981, klomps / michel (rec.1981,p.1593) 167/80 arrêt du 11/03/1982, curtis / parlement (rec.1982,p.931) 167/80 arrêt du 04/06/1981, curtis / commission et parlement (rec.1981,p.1499) 168/80 radiation du 19/05/1981, van schaik / commission 169/80 arrêt du 09/07/1981, gondrand et garancini (rec.1981,p.1931) 170/80 arrêt du 08/07/1981, einkaufsgesellschaft der deutschen konservenindustrie / hauptzollamt bad reichenhall (rec.1981,p.1865) 171/80 arrêt du 17/02/1981, commission / italie (rec.1981,p.465) 172/80 arrêt du 14/07/1981, züchner / bayerische vereinsbank (rec.1981,p.2021) (svvi/00181 fivi/00187 es1981/00565) 173/80 arrêt du 18/06/1981, blasig / commission (rec.1981,p.1649) 174/80 radiation, reichardt / commission 174/80 r ordonnance du 21/08/1980, reichardt / commission (rec.1980,p.2665) 175/80 arrêt du 08/10/1981, tither / commission (rec.1981,p.2345) 176/80 radiation du 02/04/1981, maizena / conseil 177/80 radiation du 03/12/1980, commission / belgique 178/80 arrêt du 17/12/1981, bellardi-ricci / commission (rec.1981,p.3187) 179/80 arrêt du 19/10/1982, roquette frères / conseil (rec.1982,p.3623) 180/80 arrêt du 08/12/1981, crujeiras tome (rec.1981,p.2997) (es1981/00807) 181/80 arrêt du 08/12/1981, arbelaiz-emazabel (rec.1981,p.2961) (es1981/00781) 182/80 arrêt du 04/03/1982, gauff / commission (rec.1982,p.799) 183/80 radiation du 01/10/1980, ben halima / allemagne 184/80 arrêt du 09/07/1981, van zaanen / cour de comptes (rec.1981,p.1951) 185/80 arrêt du 02/07/1981, garganese / commission (rec.1981,p.1785) 186/80 arrêt du 14/07/1981, suss / commission (rec.1981,p.2041) 186/80 r ordonnance du 03/11/1980, suss / commission (rec.1980,p.3501) 187/80 arrêt du 14/07/1981, merck / stephar et exler (rec.1981,p.2063) (svvi/00187 fivi/00197 es1981/00583) 188/80 arrêt du 06/07/1982, france, italie et royaume-uni / commission (rec.1982,p.2545) 189/80 voir 188/80, italie / commission 190/80 voir 188/80, royaume-uni / commission 191/80 radiation du 17/06/1981, commission / danemark 192/80 ordonnance du 21/05/1981, geist / commission (rec.1981,p.1387) 193/80 arrêt du 09/12/1981, commission / italie (rec.1981,p.3019) 194/80 arrêt du 19/11/1981, benassi / commission (rec.1981,p.2815) 195/80 arrêt du 26/11/1981, michel / parlement (rec.1981,p.2861) 196/80 arrêt du 01/10/1981, anglo-irish meat company (rec.1981,p.2263) 197/80 arrêt du 17/12/1981, ludwigshafener walzmühle / conseil et commission (rec.1981,p.3211) (es1981/00867) 197/80 ordonnance du 08/04/1981, ludwigshafener walzmühle / conseil et commission (rec.1981,p.1041) 198/80 voir 197/80, park mühlen / conseil et commission 199/80 voir 197/80, mühle rüningen / conseil et commission 200/80 voir 197/80, mühlenwerke / conseil et commission 201/80 radiation du 16/09/1981, van den brink / commission 202/80 radiation du 16/09/1981, international fruit company / commission 203/80 arrêt du 11/11/1981, casati (rec.1981,p.2595) (svvi/00211 fivi/00217 es1981/00681) 204/80 arrêt du 16/02/1982, vedel (rec.1982,p.465) 205/80 arrêt du 14/07/1981, elba / hauptzollamt berlin-packhof (rec.1981,p.2097) 206/80 arrêt du 09/06/1982, orlandi (rec.1982,p.2147) 207/80 voir 206/80, carapelli 208/80 arrêt du 15/09/1981, lord bruce of donington / aspden (rec.1981,p.2205) (es1981/00605) 209/80 voir 206/80, saquella 210/80 voir 206/80, de franceschi 211/80 arrêt du 19/01/1984, advenier e.a. / commission (rec.1984,p.131) 212/80 arrêt du 12/11/1981, meridionale industria salumi e.a. (rec.1981,p.2735) 213/80 voir 212/80, vassanelli 214/80 voir 212/80, ultrocchi 215/80 voir 212/80, orlandi 216/80 voir 212/80, molino 217/80 voir 212/80, divella 218/80 arrêt du 22/10/1981, kruse / commission (rec.1981,p.2417) 219/80 arrêt du 19/01/1984, andré e.a. / commission (rec.1984,p.165) 219/80 ordonnance du 08/07/1981, andré e.a. / commission et conseil (rec.1981,p.1879) 220/80 voir 219/80, baroncelli / commission et conseil 221/80 voir 219/80, bergner / commission et conseil 222/80 voir 219/80, bouteiller / commission et conseil 223/80 voir 219/80, de smet / commission et conseil 224/80 voir 219/80, di marzio / commission et conseil 225/80 voir 219/80, focquet-renault / commission 226/80 voir 219/80, lejeune / commission et conseil 227/80 voir 219/80, lemaitre / commission et conseil 228/80 voir 219/80, mailly / commission et conseil 229/80 radiation du 12/03/1981, morellini / conseil et commission 230/80 voir 219/80, mussard / commission et conseil 231/80 voir 219/80, pedrotti / commission et conseil 232/80 voir 219/80, portier / commission et conseil 233/80 voir 219/80, preud'homme / commission et conseil 234/80 voir 219/80, salerno / commission et conseil 235/80 voir 219/80, salerno / commission et conseil 236/80 radiation du 12/03/1981, schepens-broost / conseil et commission 237/80 voir 219/80, sergy / commission et conseil 238/80 voir 219/80, standring / commission et conseil 239/80 radiation du 12/03/1981, tumer-deelstra / conseil et commission 240/80 voir 219/80, vandamme / commission et conseil 241/80 voir 219/80, vernier / commission et conseil 242/80 voir 219/80, zanelli / commission et conseil 243/80 voir 197/80, kampffmeyer / conseil et commission 244/80 arrêt du 16/12/1981, foglia / novello (rec.1981,p.3045) (svvi/00243 fivi/00251 es1981/00819) 245/80 voir 197/80, werhahn / conseil et commission 246/80 arrêt du 06/10/1981, broekmeulen / huisarts registratie commissie (rec.1981,p.2311) (svvi/00199 fivi/00205 es1981/00625) 247/80 voir 197/80, birkel / conseil et commission 248/80 arrêt du 03/02/1982, glunz (rec.1982,p.197) 249/80 radiation du 13/05/1981, commission / luxembourg 250/80 arrêt du 27/10/1981, schumacher (rec.1981,p.2465) 251/80 radiation du 27/05/1981, commission / belgique 252/80 arrêt du 13/10/1981, commission / italie (rec.1981,p.2373) 253/80 radiation du 16/09/1981, van den berg 254/80 radiation du 16/09/1981, commission / belgique 255/80 radiation du 20/01/1982, commission / belgique 256/80 arrêt du 27/01/1982, birra wührer / conseil et commission (rec.1982,p.85) 256/80 ordonnance du 17/02/1987, birra wührer / conseil et commission (rec.1987,p.789) 256/80 arrêt du 13/11/1984, birra wührer / conseil et commission (rec.1984,p.3693) 257/80 voir 256/80, mangimi niccolai / conseil et commission 258/80 r ordonnance du 16/12/1980, rumi / commission (rec.1980,p.3867) 258/80 arrêt du 16/02/1982, rumi / commission (rec.1982,p.487) 259/80 radiation du 11/04/1984, buick-lucas / cour des comptes 260/80 arrêt du 19/01/1984, andersen e.a. / conseil (rec.1984,p.177) 261/80 radiation du 11/04/1984, lens / cour de justice 262/80 arrêt du 19/01/1984, andersen e.a. / parlement (rec.1984,p.195) 263/80 radiation du 11/04/1984 , baker / ces 264/80 radiation du 10/12/1981, poos / commission 265/80 voir 256/80, de franceschi marino / conseil et commission 266/80 voir 180/80, yurrita 267/80 voir 256/80 267/80 rev arrêt du 23/10/1985, riseria modenese / conseil, commission et birra peroni (rec.1985,p.3499) 267/80 to tierce opposition du 10/12/1986, birra dreher / riseria modenese, conseil et commission (rec.1986,p.3901) 268/80 arrêt du 01/10/1981, guglielmi / parlement (rec.1981,p.2295) 269/80 arrêt du 16/12/1981, tymen (rec.1981,p.3079) (es1981/00845) 270/80 arrêt du 09/02/1982, polydor e.a. / harlequin e.a. (rec.1982,p.329) (es1982/00047 svvi/00309 fivi/00323) 271/80 radiation du 24/03/1982, pharmon 272/80 arrêt du 17/12/1981, frans-nederlandse maatschappij voor biologische producten (rec.1981,p.3277) (svvi/00257 fivi/00267) 273/80 radiation du 17/12/1980, klöckner-werke 274/80 radiation du 18/02/1981, pansini 275/80 arrêt du 28/10/1981, krupp / commission (rec.1981,p.2489) 276/80 arrêt du 16/02/1982, ferriera padana / commission (rec.1982,p.517) 277/80 arrêt du 18/02/1982, sic (rec.1982,p.629) 278/80 arrêt du 11/02/1982, chem-tec (rec.1982,p.439) 279/80 arrêt du 17/12/1981, webb (rec.1981,p.3305) (svvi/00265 fivi/00275 es1981/00913) 280/80 arrêt du 03/12/1981, bakke-d'aloya / conseil (rec.1981,p.2887) 1/81 arrêt du 03/12/1981, pfizer / eurim-pharm (rec.1981,p.2913) (svvi/00235 fivi/00243 es1981/00763) 2/81 arrêt du 17/12/1981, clément (rec.1981,p.3339) 3/81 arrêt du 17/06/1982, wünsche / balm (rec.1982,p.2319) 4/81 arrêt du 25/11/1981, hauptzollamt flensburg / andresen (rec.1981,p.2835) (es1981/00741) 5/81 voir 256/80, riserie roncaia / conseil et commission 6/81 arrêt du 02/03/1982, bv diensten groep / beele (rec.1982,p.707) (es1982/00121 svvi/00327 fivi/00343) 7/81 arrêt du 02/02/1982, sinatra (rec.1982,p.137) 8/81 arrêt du 19/01/1982 , becker (rec.1982,p.53) (es1982/00001 svvi/00285 fivi/00295) 9/81 int ordonnance du 29/09/1983, cour de comptes / williams (rec.1983,p.2859) 9/81 arrêt du 06/10/1982, williams / cour des comptes (rec.1982,p.3301) 10/81 radiation, farrall / commission 10/81 r ordonnance du 26/02/1981, farrall / commission (rec.1981,p.717) 11/81 arrêt du 01/04/1982, dürbeck / commission (rec.1982,p.1251) 12/81 arrêt du 09/02/1982, garland / british rail (rec.1982,p.359) (es1982/00067) 13/81 radiation du 21/10/1982, lefevre / parlement 14/81 arrêt du 03/03/1982, alpha steel / commission (rec.1982,p.749) (es1982/00153) 15/81 arrêt du 05/05/1982, schul (rec.1982,p.1409) (es1982/00349 svvi/00369 fivi/00389) 16/81 arrêt du 13/05/1982, alaimo / commission (rec.1982,p.1559) 17/81 arrêt du 29/04/1982, pabst & richarz kg / hauptzollamt oldenburg (rec.1982,p.1331) (es1982/00323) 18/81 radiation du 22/07/1981, mayer-justen / commission 19/81 arrêt du 16/02/1982, burton / british railways board (rec.1982,p.554) 20/81 radiation, arbed / commission 20/81 r ordonnance du 26/02/1981, arbed / commission (rec.1981,p.721) 21/81 arrêt du 10/02/1982, bout (rec.1982,p.381) 22/81 arrêt du 17/12/1981, browning (rec.1981,p.3357) 23/81 arrêt du 22/09/1983, commission / royal belge (rec.1983,p.2685) 24/81 voir 275/80, krupp stahl / commission 25/81 arrêt du 31/03/1982, c.h.w. / g.j.h. (rec.1982,p.1189) (es1982/00269) 26/81 arrêt du 29/09/1982, oleifici mediterranei / cee (rec.1982,p.3057) 27/81 arrêt du 22/10/1981, rohr / ossberger (rec.1981,p.2431) (es1981/00669) 28/81 arrêt du 10/11/1981, commission / italie (rec.1981,p.2577) 29/81 arrêt du 10/11/1981, commission / italie (rec.1981,p.2585) 30/81 arrêt du 17/12/1981, commission / italie (rec.1981,p.3379) 31/81 voir 30/81, commission / italie 32/81 voir 30/81, commission / italie 33/81 voir 30/81, commission / italie 34/81 voir 30/81, commission / italie 35/81 arrêt du 03/12/1981, etienne / commission (rec.1981,p.2937) 36/81 arrêt du 01/06/1983, seton / commission (rec.1983,p.1789) 37/81 voir 36/81 37/81 r ordonnance du 12/03/1981, seton / commission (rec.1981,p.813) 38/81 arrêt du 04/03/1982, effer spa / kantner (rec.1982,p.825) (es1982/00185) 39/81 r radiation du 17/06/1981, halyvourgiki / commission 39/81 arrêt du 16/02/1982, halyvourgiki / commission (rec.1982,p.593) (es1982/00095) 40/81 radiation du 16/09/1981, halyvourgia / commission 41/81 radiation, metallurgiki halyps / commission 41/81 r ordonnance du 20/03/1981, metallurgiki halyps / commission (rec.1981,p.841) 42/81 radiation du 16/09/1981, sidenor / commission 43/81 voir 39/81 43/81 r radiation du 17/06/1981, halyvourgia / commission 44/81 arrêt du 26/05/1982, allemagne / commission (rec.1982,p.1855) (es1982/00557) 45/81 arrêt du 25/03/1982, moksel / commission (rec.1982,p.1129) 46/81 ordonnance du 11/03/1981, benvenuto (rec.1981,p.809) 47/81 radiation du 20/01/1983, basini 48/81 radiation du 20/01/1982, allemagne / commission 49/81 arrêt du 27/05/1982, kaders (rec.1982,p.1917) 50/81 arrêt du 27/05/1982, kaders (rec.1982,p.1941) 51/81 arrêt du 27/01/1982, de franceschi / conseil et commission (rec.1982,p.117) 52/81 arrêt du 28/10/1982, faust / commission (rec.1982,p.3745) 53/81 arrêt du 23/03/1982, levin / staatssecretaris van justitie (rec.1982,p.1035) (es1982/00219 svvi/00335 fivi/00351) 54/81 arrêt du 06/05/1982, fromme / balm (rec.1982,p.1449) (svvi/00385 fivi/00405) 55/81 arrêt du 18/02/1982, vermaut (rec.1982,p.649) 56/81 arrêt du 14/01/1982, novi / commission (rec.1982,p.1) 57/81 radiation du 25/11/1981, commission / belgique 58/81 arrêt du 09/06/1982, commission / luxembourg (rec.1982,p.2175) 59/81 arrêt du 06/10/1982, commission / conseil (rec.1982,p.3329) (es1982/01023) 60/81 arrêt du 11/11/1981, ibm / commission (rec.1981,p.2639) (svvi/00225 fivi/00231 es1981/00715) 60/81 r ordonnance du 07/07/1981, ibm / commission (rec.1981,p.1857) 61/81 arrêt du 06/07/1982, commission / royaume-uni (rec.1982,p.2601) 62/81 arrêt du 03/02/1982, seco / evi (rec.1982,p.223) (es1982/00027 svvi/00299 fivi/00311) 63/81 voir 62/81, desquenne & giral 64/81 arrêt du 14/01/1982, corman / hauptzollamt gronau (rec.1982,p.13) 65/81 arrêt du 14/01/1982 , reina / landeskreditbank baden-württemberg (rec.1982,p.33) (svvi/00275 fivi/00285) 66/81 arrêt du 29/04/1982, pommerehnke / balm (rec.1982,p.1363) 67/81 arrêt du 18/02/1982, ruske / commission (rec.1982,p.661) 68/81 arrêt du 02/02/1982, commission / belgique (rec.1982,p.153) 69/81 arrêt du 02/02/1982, commission / belgique (rec.1982,p.163) 70/81 arrêt du 02/02/1982, commission / belgique (rec.1982,p.169) 71/81 arrêt du 02/02/1982, commission / belgique (rec.1982,p.175) 72/81 arrêt du 02/02/1982, commission / belgique (rec.1982,p.183) 73/81 arrêt du 02/02/1982, commission / belgique (rec.1982,p.189) 74/81 arrêt du 10/02/1982, flender / commission (rec.1982,p.395) 75/81 arrêt du 31/03/1982, blesgen (rec.1982,p.1211) (svvi/00351 fivi/00371) 76/81 arrêt du 10/02/1982, transporoute / ministère des travaux publics (rec.1982,p.417) (svvi/00319 fivi/00333) 77/81 arrêt du 18/02/1982, zuckerfabrik franken (rec.1982,p.681) 78/81 et 78/81 r ordonnance du 02/06/1981, bernardi / parlement (rec.1981,p.1467) 79/81 arrêt du 23/03/1982, baccini (rec.1982,p.1063) 80/81 arrêt du 09/10/1984, adam e.a. / commission (rec.1984,p.3411) 81/81 voir 80/81, de blust / commission 82/81 voir 80/81, de windt / commission 83/81 voir 80/81, godaert / commission 84/81 arrêt du 19/05/1982, staple dairy products (rec.1982,p.1763) 85/81 radiation, halyvourgiki / commission 85/81 voir 39/81 86/81 radiation du 16/09/1981, halyvourgia / commission 87/81 radiation du 16/09/1981, sidenor / commission 88/81 radiation, halyvourgia / commission 88/81 voir 39/81 89/81 arrêt du 01/04/1982, hong-kong trade (rec.1982,p.1277) (es1982/00285) 90/81 arrêt du 18/03/1982, burg / cour de justice (rec.1982,p.983) 91/81 arrêt du 08/06/1982, commission / italie (rec.1982,p.2133) 92/81 arrêt du 10/06/1982, camera (rec.1982,p.2213) 93/81 arrêt du 11/03/1982, knoeller (rec.1982,p.951) 94/81 arrêt du 02/03/1982, commission / italie (rec.1982,p.739) 95/81 arrêt du 09/06/1982, commission / italie (rec.1982,p.2187) 96/81 arrêt du 25/05/1982, commission / pays-bas (rec.1982,p.1791) 97/81 arrêt du 25/05/1982, commission / pays-bas (rec.1982,p.1819) 98/81 arrêt du 25/03/1982, munk / commission (rec.1982,p.1155) 99/81 voir 66/81, franzen 100/81 arrêt du 25/05/1982, commission / pays-bas (rec.1982,p.1837) 101/81 radiation du 05/05/1982, commission / pays-bas 102/81 arrêt du 23/03/1982, nordsee / reederei mond (rec.1982,p.1095) (es1982/00241 svvi/00345 fivi/00363) 103/81 arrêt du 18/03/1982, chaumont-barthel / parlement (rec.1982,p.1003) 104/81 arrêt du 26/10/1982, hauptzollamt mainz / kupferberg & cie.

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