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‘cape verde
rabljena oblačila in drugi rabljeni tekstilni izdelki izrabljene krpe, odpadne vrvice, vrvi, konopci in debele vrvi ter izrabljeni izdelki iz vrvic, vrvi, konopcev ali debelih vrvi iz tekstilnih materialov
they comes from south africa : cape province and the karoo desert.
brachypelma smithi je talna vrsta ptičjega pajka, ki živi na zahodnih pobočjih gorovij siera madre occidental in siera madre del sur v jugozahodni mehiki, posebno na področjih colima in guerrero.
on 29 june 2006, south africa confirmed an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in a ratite farm in the western cape province.
južna afrika je 29. junija 2006 potrdila izbruh visoko patogene oblike aviarne influence na kmetiji ratitov v provinci zahodna kaplandija.
on 6 august 2004 the republic of south africa has confirmed two outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in ratite flocks in the eastern cape province.
avgusta 2004 je republika južne afrike potrdila dva izbruha visoko patogene oblike kokošje kuge v jatah ratitov v provinci eastern cape.
the whole of the western cape province is declared an 'african horse sickness control area` in accordance with the provisions of the animal disease act.
cela provinca western cape se "razglasi za nadzirano območje glede konjske kuge" v skladu z določbami zakona o živalskih boleznih.
the part of the territory of the republic of south africa outside the western cape province and the part of the western cape province outside the free area and the protection and surveillance zone and including the magisterial districts of vanrynsdorp, vredendal, laingsburg, ladismith, heidelberg, riversdale, mossel bay, calitzdorp, oudtshoorn, george, knysna, uniondale, prince albert, beaufort west and murraysburg."
del ozemlja republike južna afrika, zunaj zahodne kaplandije, in del zahodne kaplandije, zunaj bolezni prostega ozemlja ter zaščitnega in nadzorovanega območja, ter zajema sodne okraje vanrynsdorp, vredendal, laingsburg, ladismith, heidelberg, riversdale, mossel bay, calitzdorp, oudtshoorn, george, knysna, uniondale, prince albert, beaufort west in murraysburg."