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the cottage



Laatste Update: 2013-08-23
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1

Referentie: Wikipedia


fabrics woven on looms operated solely by hand or foot, being fabrics of a kind traditionally made in the cottage industry of each supplier country;


vävnader som traditionellt tillverkas i hemindustrin i varje leverantörsland i vävstolar som drivs uteslutande med hand- eller fotkraft.

Laatste Update: 2017-02-04
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2



garments or other textile articles of a kind traditionally made in the cottage industry of each supplier country, obtained manually from the fabrics referred to above and sewn exclusively by hand without the aid of any machine.


klädesplagg eller andra textilartiklar av en typ som i varje leverantörsland traditionellt tillverkas för hand i hemindustrin av de vävnader som avses ovan, och som uteslutande sys för hand utan hjälp av maskiner.

Laatste Update: 2017-02-04
Gebruiksfrequentie: 2



the quantitative limits referred to in annex v shall not apply to the cottage industry and folklore products specified in annexes vi and via which are accompanied on importation by a certificate issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin in accordance with the provisions of annexes vi and via and which fulfil the other conditions laid down therein.


de kvantitativa begränsningar som avses i bilaga 5 skall inte tillämpas på de hemindustriprodukter och folkloristiska produkter som anges i bilagorna 6 och 6a, som vid importen åtföljs av ett intyg som utfärdats av de behöriga myndigheterna i ursprungslandet i enlighet med bestämmelserna i bilagorna 6 och 6a och som uppfyller de villkor som fastställs i dessa bilagor.

Laatste Update: 2017-02-21
Gebruiksfrequentie: 3



our opinion is that there are no real benefits or, if there are, then only for countries at a comparable economic and social level, and that it is only when protected by secure frontiers and customs rights that these countries will gradually progress from the cottage industry phase to that of industrialisation.


för vår del tror vi inte att den är reell eller snarare att reella effekter endast uppnås när det är fråga om länder med en jämförbar ekonomisk och social utvecklingsnivå , och att det endast är i skydd av säkra gränser och tullavgifter som dessa länder successivt kommer att gå från ett hantverkssamhälle till en industrialisering .

Laatste Update: 2012-03-22
Gebruiksfrequentie: 4



the project revealed a massive interest in this type of residential solution, and the preferences of local residents were taken on board in the design of the cottages.


projektet visade att det fanns stort intresse för den här typen av boendelösning, och lokalinvånarnas önskemål beaktades vid utformningen av stugorna.

Laatste Update: 2014-02-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1



designs of the cottages were presented to the general public through sketches and scale models, which also aimed to test how small the cottages could bewhile still meeting the requirements and demands of a modern functional home.


stugornas konstruktion presenterades för allmänheten genom skisser och skalmodeller, som också användes för att testa hur små stugorna kunde bli utan att man gjorde avkall på kraven och behoven för ett modernt funktionellt hem.

Laatste Update: 2014-02-06
Gebruiksfrequentie: 1



more about from cave to mansion ! reposity an interesting and easy way to get a good overview of what living conditions as it was for the humans in 1600, 1700, 1800 and to today's super-fast welfare development -visit a some museums. " get annas " simple hut, half buried in the ground, is a ground ball in 12 square meter in nordmark mining area. that were a household of mother and child in the 1845's to 1920 in nordmark mining area. she was moved to the poor relief in the 1920's and she died in 1930 in varmland. one of my ancestors lived until his death in 1895 in a cave in elfsbacka, värmland. his family consisted of parents and children. he lived alone in the soil ball from about 1885 in soil ball until his death in 1895. after his death, was abandoned ground-ball and his house was called the "lie". his neighbor was called "the truth", he personal history summary jons olsson, miller 1694 it is unclear when jon's olson was born, probably the 1694th jon's olson and his family worked at the mill in varmland, borgvik, brunsberg and brunsbergskog in different periods, according to church records notes. in 1732-11 -05 married jon's olson, ingrid jonsdottir. the family came to consist of 11 children. there are few notes about ingrid jonsdottir. the first child was born in 1733 and the last child 1755. until 1745 he was a miller in borgvik. 11 years later the family moved to l brunskog and / or brown's mill in varmland about 1756th two years thereafter, in 1758 the family moved to borg's use which is located in varmland and worked there most likely that miller / service workers. borg's use - borgvik located about 13 kilometers west of turbidity in varmland and is located at borg's river flows into lake vänern. during the 1600's used the river to power a saw and a grinder. forestry resources was important to run the mills, mines and foundries, and was heavily regulated. that's why these activities are forced to establish themselves at times far from the forest resources, resulting in long and difficult routes. it was the peasants' lot and they transported the huge amount of timber that was needed. it was through forests and over lakes and was part of the farmer's work that he had to perform through various tax from utility owners and the state. during the 1800s the mill was probably the county's most significant operating with two hammers, three saws and seven mills. a curiosity is that iron from borg's use came to be used in the construction of the eiffel tower in paris. more information about borg's use can be found on borg's utility website. at brown's use was built in 1691 a hammers ( knipphammare) at brown's for forging of substance iron into household use items. the first forge in varmland was built here and was until the 1950s, when annual production of wrought iron was about 110 tons per year. brown's tanks were expanded around 1885 with 2 bunches and two nail hammers. the labor force consisted in 1740 of three master blacksmiths, two masterpieces swains, a stoker, two coal farmhands and various other workers. after a dam burst in 1882, moved to the workshops morian fors, varmland and the manufacturing of household and other forging products were concentrated at morian fors. the closures came at the end of the 1800s: brunsberg, morian fors 1882nd jonas jöns brunsell jonas jöns brunsell,miller, 1733-07-22 - died 1810 - 07-10 in tollersrud, gunnarskog. cause of death: impact. his father: jon's olsson, 1694 mother: ingrid jonsdottir, see above he was born in brown mountain forest( brunsbergskog) in arvika state assembly and was the second child of a sibling group of 10 children. his wife, ewa hammerin henry's daughter, (who married brown sale) was born in 1739 and came from boda,varmland in sweden. the couple married in the 1758th many of the children were reaching adulthood. ewa hammerin henry's daughter died 1810-06-22 in tollersrud, varmland. her family background is interesting. ewa father - henry hammerin nilsson, hammer-smiths champion at rinaforsens use in boda parish sälboda, hogfors, bjalverud, brattne in different periods was born in 1695 and his wife elin eriksdotter kuse was born in 1703 and came from a wealthy family. henrik nilsson hammerin father was born in the 1650's and came from boda,varmland, sweden. this whole family and jonas jon's brunsell the wife of dr henry hammerin daughter stuck together and supported each other in many years. the family came to move a lot, from the boda parish where the first child catalina was born 1789, new parish, alga, hogfors mill, salboda, bjalverud and to the valley where the last child was born 1782nd one of these 10 children, frederick brunsell was born in 1774 in hogfors mill today sunne municipality, started a family and brought their family ties on. frederick was child number 7 of a family of 10 children. there are many others who have gone deep in the brunsell, and hammerin kuse families. view posts on these. fredrik brunsell, miller 1774 fredrik brunsell, miller, born 1774 in karkkila ( högfors in swedish ?) mill, dead in helgebodafors in 1855 12-17 father: jonas jon's brunsell, 1733 mother: ewa hammerin henry's daughter, 1739 frederick brunsell was born in sale hogfors mill in 1774 as a birth certificate no. 10 in varmland. he was a miller like his father and lived in the mill in brattne in 5 years (1791-1796), in varmland. frederick brunsell sponsors can give us a lot of information's and it was this peter gadd and his wife marit knutsdottir from gräsmark, kinnsberg. when fredrick were old, he were taken care by peter gadd and lived in his family some year. in many cases, relatives who were godparents to the baptized child. the children named mostly after birth a few days after birth, for they knew that there was no guarantee to reach adulthood, when poverty and starvation was imminent. it was this family that frederick brown sale was a tenant at the end of his life in the helgebodafors. his childhood was marked by poverty and overcrowding. the family was a total of 12 people. to this can be seen by the parish registers that there were more people in the household. they had a close contact one miller colleague that although they had many children and lived in similar living conditions. there are notes that he was not confirmed by the church, which is quite remarkable since both baptism and church coercion occurred. his future wife anna kjellarsdotter worked as a maid in one of the three farms in brattne during the same period. (note: there were apparently? only three farms in the village.) she earns a maid in the period 1787 to 1791 in brattne. anna kjellarsdotter was born in 1772 in boda parish situated in arvika country parish. in 1797 married frederick brunsell and his wife anna kjellarsdotter and 1799 moves frederick brunsell with his wife anna kjellarsdotter from brattne to stjelpet, myre new parish in varmland. anna kjellarsdotter parents basement persson (in swedish källarpersson) was born in 1728 and probably born in new myre parish. he married in 1753 with ingegerd jansdotter, born 1729, died 1772 and she was 43 years old, and they had seven children of his first marriage. later remarried with ingrid jansdotter born in 1741 and they got together three children in her second marriage. he became a widower in 1789 and he died in 1797 in myre new parish in varmland. the family miller colleague with a total of nine persons, of which a servant is impoverished and they move while frederick brunsell to sell brunskog 1810th the reason for the move is not known. for several years, the family to increase their sons were born in january 1791, jan fredrik 1801, carl 1804, magnus 1807 and his son henry in 1811. during the years 1812 - 1818, a total of 6 years, living in family morast is today charlottenberg, a few mil from the norwegian border. where he works as a miller. in 1821 the family moved from morast, to gunnarskog, back sjobotten and wife anna kjellarsdotter with husband frederick brunsell and son john are traveling from morast. now begins a period of migration for family. - son magnus moved to graves ( graves (in swedish))is the 1822nd - 1823 moved frederick brunsell the family from gunnarskog to helgeboda in eda, and his wife anna kjellarsdotter moved the following year. the reason they split up is not known. - son of henry moved in 1824 to helgeboda. - son of magnus moved to graves ( gravås) and his brother jan fredrik moving to kohlstad 1826th - the family moves back into the eda 1827 and two years later, the journey back to the back sjobotten, gunnarskog. - 1830 moved his son magnus and his son henry returned to the back sjobotten in gunnarskog and work as farmhands work. - that same year, returning his son carl, who lived in kohlstad, to return to the family in the back sjobotten in gunnarskog. after frederick brunsell wife's death in 1834 split the family and the sons was now married and have moved out of helgebodafors. according to parish registers, fredrik brunsell retired from the practice years 1847-10-11. at the end of his life was frederick brunsell "housing" in three different families. one of these families was "peter gadd." frederick brunsell died completely penniless. he is not in any inheritance that i have seen. frederick brown sell died in helgebodafors, by age. henrik brunsell born 1811 - died 1898 in klanderud, gunnarskog, varmland - son of frederick brunzell 1774th see above. 1837 live henrik brunzell in klanderud, gunnarskog, varmland, and is married to stina olsdotter from gunnarskog, born 1817th the wedding was in 1834 in gunnarskog. her parents were olof anderson was born in 1781 and came from gunnarskog, and his wife, malin jonsdottir born in 1790 as well. henry brunsell family with his wife stina had 11 children together. of these, 8 who achieved adulthood. they also had three stillborn children during their time together, 1835, 1851 and 1853rd three of the siblings was only about two years old. in 1838 henry moved with his family to mitanderfors use and currently working as a miller. some of the children emigrated to norway and his son frederick in 1838 - emigrated to the u.s. and managed to establish themselves and got a good life. (has now been mailkontakt with some of these relatives). their daughter wendy was born in 1846 now moves to träskog in 1861. son anders move to norway in 1835 and is now married with children. he works in mitanderfors. 1848 will be henry brunsell dismissed from the milli-situ as it is written. 1855 henry brunsell moves to brunskog and kil / gullby / cuttinge (in swedish "skår village" in värmlad.). henry brunsell family: - wife: stina olsdotter born in 1803 -13 in gunnarskog. children: - 1836-04-21 mary was born in gunnarskog. - 1838-12-18 frederick born in gunnarskog. son frederick born in 1838 naming himself as fred / brunsell. see notes. son of frederick to emigrate to the united states and where a family. - olaf was born in 1841 - 11 - 01 of gunnarskog. olof married in 1867 to anna in grassland, gräsmark) and moving in 1878 to hagfors village. - the daughter stina born 1844 in gunnarskog. - wendy & 1846 - 03-24 in feed gunnarskog. - martha 1849 born in gunnarskog. martha moves to klanderud village years 1871-11-09, and is married with per persson. martha and his family now live in hjelperud village and they were married since 26/12 1875th they reside in alltakan village in gunnarskog. martha's husband, per persson dies 1894th in 1891 she moved to new farm in bortan village. - anders 1851 moves to gunnarskog and sunne 1869th he serve in the army from 1872 to 1873. - henry born in 1853. in 1855 moved his daughter maria was born in 1836 in norway, eidsvoll. family henry brunsell get two stillborn babies in 1851 and 1853rd henry brunsell now working in rexed mill use in 1860. the daughter stina born in 1844 is now working as a maid in kohlstad the years 1856 to 1860 and she emigrated to norway in 1867. 1880 was a widower and her death date is 1880-02-19. henry's only home warned son henry is now moving to sundsvall 1879th a few years later the family moved to arvika, eriksberg 1890 and henry brunsell is inherent in his son john brunsell and has custody of henry brunsell as the type of parish registers. henry brunsell died in 1898 in klanderud village, gunnarskog, varmland. magnus brunsell -born 1807 in iron forest, gunnarskog, varmland - died 1892 in renstad, boda. son of frederick brunsell 1774 magnus brunsell was the brother of henry brunsell, see above. he was sawyer at a sawmill in varmland and was married to lisa forsberg was born in 1808 in brunsberg, gunnarskog, varmland. they married in 1833 in gunnarskog and had eight children. the first child was born in 1821, anna cajsa 1832 born in träskogsbruk, eda, helgebodafors, catherine born 1836 in norway, frederick brown sell was born in 1840 in gunnarskog, john 1842 born in träskogsbruk, magnus was born in 1845 träskogsbruk, anton 1851st the parents had a baby who was only 8 days old 1850th magnus brown sells wife lisa forsberg 1808 - died 1892. according to lisa birth record she is born 11 feb baptized february 14 1808. she was born out of wedlock and the mother catherine annundssen born in 1764 lived with a companion, a maid, marita nilsdotter born 1798th the child's father, israel thompson did not live at that time with catherine annundssen when lisa forsberg was born. lisa forsberg staying with family until she is 8 - 10 years old and lives when still in brunskog, fågelmyren. the cottage is now completely burned down in 1975 and is located in the middle of a bog. during the years 1820 - 1824 was lisa unhealthy "according to parish registers. it is now that she is moving to ...... mountain(berg village) for a short time and will return to "berga" village, returned to their parents. in 1821 moved the family to berga.before moving the family had been inherent in itself which was very common. lisa forsberg moves from eastern emten 1825 and works as a maid. a few years later, the journey to Åmot, sweden. during the years 1825 - 1830, lisa moved from berga village and settled in skärmanäs village and the next move is to edane 1829th the shielding is in brunskog village near grums village, outside edane, and next door to grinsbol village.her parents still live in berg and is under catechetical throw this impoverished, but the mediterranean as it is written. there lives the left as "inhysefolk". in 1850 is lisa forsberg's mother catherine annundse death and leaves her husband israel in berga from the 1890 census: lisa forsberg and his son anton brunsell lives together in träskog. lisa forsberg's death in 1892 december 7 she was 84 years. cause - old age. according to parish registers read magnus brown sale prior to and a bit by heart and was not vaccinated against smallpox. family magnus brunsell moved to norway first years .... and returned to sweden in the period prior to or in connection with her ??daughter anna wendy was born in 1833 october 10 in eda parish. during his time in norway was born the daughter catherine 1836th it is possible to have returned to norway once again and eventually settled in traskogs mill in 1837. 1821 moves to sell magnus brunsell gunnarskog, back sjobotten, gunnarskog, varmland. 1822nd moves magnus brunsell the family to the grave ( gravås). children 1821 name illegible 1833 was born anna cajsa in norway. catherine was born in 1836 although she is in norway. 1840 - 01-04 the son frederick was born. see notes. 1842 -10 -09 son john was born in gunnarskog 1845 -24 - 10 the son magnus was born in gunnarskog. 1851 anton born in träskogsbruk during a large part was magnus brunsell maintenance by the church, (maintained servant) as parish registers from träskogsbruk. the family lived a long time in träskogsbruk. during the years 1861 - 1865 take the family resided in traskogs mill, with sons magnus, fredrik and his son anton. 1892nd magnus died magnus brunsell in renstad, in boda parish gunnarskog. frederick brunsell, help blacksmith / melt, born 1840 in gunnarskog, varmland - died 1915 in degerfors, Örebro county - son of magnus brunsell born 1807. frederick brunsells baptism drawings or information on when and where he was born i have not found. it is through recent research that i have found information showing when he was born. frederick was born 1840, location unknown. probably 1840-01-04 in grassland (gräsmark). 1846 - 1850 lives frederick brunsell in traskog and frederick's father magnus brunsell and his mother lisa forsberg working on traskogs use. 1858 - 1860 also works frederick brunsell on traskogs use, together with his family who lived nearby. 1864 frederick moves to grassland , in swedish gräsmark. 1865 moved to bogen, mitander fors, sweden, moved test no 40th 1868 frederick brown moves to sell eastern emtervik years 1868-10-10, moved test number 27. may 1869 frederick brunsell one son charles frederick 1869 -09 27 ransäter, today munkfors municipality, varmland with lovisa bergman, his future wife. son of charles frederick emigrated to the united states april 22 north america 1887. 1869-06 -11 church compound (punished and fined). moves from munkfors - move test no 65th 1871 moves from malungsbo and works as a laborer at the mill. 1871 marries frederick brunsell and lovisa bergman and both work in Östanå use. lovisa bergman is working as a maid and fredrik for Östanå mill. according to parish registers, the father's verbal consent. 1872 son teofil brunsell born in Älvsbacka, sweden. emigrate later to the usa probably. 1873 -09 - 23 emma louisa brunsell born. died in 1889 - 05-28 in Älvsbacka varmland. she remained in alvsbacka when the family moved to degerfors 1875th died at age 16. cause of death unknown. 1874 ida elizabeth brunsell born. died in degerfors 1878 -11 - 03. died at age 4. 1875 -10-25 moved from alvsbacka to degerfors, orebro county. 1876 ??-08 - 26 born oscar herman brunsell karlskoga city that only gets 2 years old. 1876 ??pocket frederick brunsell dismissal pass from military service from nordmark company, no. 78, low in l 74. 1876. 87th (farewell pass the notification to the maintenance in force soldier at nordmark's company, no. 78, frederick brunzell. 1876-07-03. (low in l 74). 1878 birthdays beda brunsell and died 1879 in degerfors. 1 year old. 1880 -01 - 15 oscar born in karlskoga. died in 1969 in degerfors. married 1909 to ida louisa brunsell, 1878, (born in eagle). death 1935th in degerfors. ida louisa brunsell, 1878, (born in eagle). death 1935th in degerfors. ida lovisa father: john gustav eagle was born in 1838 in karlskoga. >ida lovisa's mother: annalisa nilsdotter born 1844 in nysund. ida lovisa siblings: hedda josephine was born in 1872 in the village nysund. august victor was born in 1875 in the village nysund.ida lovisa eagle born 1878 born in nysund village. death 1935th married brunzell. degerfors society.frans oscar orn born 1881 in nysund. died 1973, widower 1869th degerfors. emma kristina Örn, in english eagle, born 1884 in nysund, died 1976, widow 1951st (married persson). accommodation hasselfors. family oscar brown sell and ida louisa brunsell the children sven, irma, svea and nelly. when both parents died, moved oscar brunsell to an apartment on the mount, part of degerfors society. 1882 born william brunsell in karlskoga. 1883 born robert brunsell in degerfors. worked in sheet metal work in degerfors use. he emigrated to the u.s. on 12/12 1906th probably died during wwi, but not confirmed. he was unmarried when he went over to the u.s.. 1885 born rudolf brunsell in degerfors. 1887 born frans brunsell in degerfors


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