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date or dutch



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the date or successive dates of entry into effect of the aforesaid provisions shall be announced by euronext in one or more notices.


the date or successive dates of entry into effect of the aforesaid provisions shall be announced by euronext in one or more notices.

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


orders entered into the order book may be valid for the trading day, until a specified date, or until cancelled, subject to a maximum duration of 365 days.


orders entered into the order book may be valid for the trading day, until a specified date, or until cancelled, subject to a maximum duration of 365 days.

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1


in determining in respect of each transaction the ecb 's total gain or loss , the ecb shall , subject to applicable law , use a commercially reasonable method of calculation which ( a ) is based on , to the extent practicable and available , quotations from at least four leading dealers in the relevant market operating in the same financial centre , and ( b ) takes into account , where applicable , the liquidation and close-out of such transaction earlier than its scheduled value date or delivery date .


in determining in respect of each transaction the ecb 's total gain or loss , the ecb shall , subject to applicable law , use a commercially reasonable method of calculation which ( a ) is based on , to the extent practicable and available , quotations from at least four leading dealers in the relevant market operating in the same financial centre , and ( b ) takes into account , where applicable , the liquidation and close-out of such transaction earlier than its scheduled value date or delivery date .

Последнее обновление: 2011-10-23
Частота использования: 1

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