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children under 6 years no specific form of treatment has


الأطفال تحت 6 سنوات ليس له شكل نوعي من العلاج

Senast uppdaterad: 2013-05-01
Användningsfrekvens: 2

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:: require member states to enact legislation to secure global implementation of specific rules or measures; and


:: وأن يلزم الدول الأعضاء بسن تشريعات لضمان تنفيذ قوانين أو تدابير معينة على نطاق العالم؛

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-12-01
Användningsfrekvens: 3


one reason is the intense and justified focus on the war on terrorism and the handling of specific cases of actual or potential nuclear proliferation.


وأحد أسباب ذلك هو التركيز الحاد والمبرر على الحرب على الإرهاب وتناول حالات محددة من الانتشار النووي الفعلي أو المحتمل.

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-12-01
Användningsfrekvens: 3


they should also agree to include specific provisions in future disarmament agreements relating to transparency, irreversibility, verification and the physical destruction of nuclear warheads.


وعليهما أن يتفقا أيضا على إدراج أحكام محددة في اتفاقات نزع السلاح المقبلة فيما يتصل بالشفافية واللارجعة والتحقق والتدمير المادي للرؤوس الحربية النووية.

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-12-01
Användningsfrekvens: 3


the weapons of mass destruction commission makes many specific and detailed recommendations throughout its report (see annex 1 of the report for a consolidated list).


1 - الاتفاق على مبادئ عامة للعمل

Senast uppdaterad: 2013-02-19
Användningsfrekvens: 2


however, pure muscular weakness - especially if it is confined to one limb or to a single muscle group - is more specific and suggests some neurological or muscle disorder.


إلا أن، ضعف عضلي صرف - خصوصا إذا كان منحصر في طرف واحد أو في مجموعة عضلية واحدة - هو أكثر نَوْعِيّة ويقترح بعض الإضطراب العصبي أو العضلي.

Senast uppdaterad: 2013-08-17
Användningsfrekvens: 5

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the weapons of mass destruction commission makes many specific and detailed recommendations throughout its report (see annex 1 of the report for a consolidated list). the most important of them are summarized below.


وتتقدم اللجنة المعنية بأسلحة الدمار الشامل في تقريرها بتوصيات كثيرة محددة ومفصلة (للرجوع إلى قائمة موحدة، انظر المرفق الأول للتقرير) ويوجز أدناه أهم تلك التوصيات.

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-12-01
Användningsfrekvens: 1


car bodies, as well as other car structures such as the doors and the main part of the car seat structures, are built by assembling many components. the latter components are most commonly manufactured by deep drawing metal sheets. other processes, such as the hot forming of metal sheets, or processes specific to composite materials, are also used. a wide range of steel grades, mostly fabricated in the form of 0.8 to 1.5 mm thick sheets, are most commonly used for car bodies. moreover, 1 to 3 m


أجسام السيارات ، وكذلك هياكل السيارات الأخرى مثل الأبواب والجزء الرئيسي من هياكل مقاعد السيارة ، يتم بناؤها من خلال تجميع العديد من المكونات. يتم تصنيع المكونات الأخيرة بشكل شائع عن طريق سحب الصفائح المعدنية بعمق. تُستخدم أيضًا عمليات أخرى ، مثل التشكيل الساخن للصفائح المعدنية ، أو العمليات الخاصة بالمواد المركبة. يتم استخدام مجموعة كبيرة من درجات الصلب ، معظمها ملفقة على شكل صفائح بسمك 0.8 إلى 1.5 مم ، بشكل شائع لهياكل السيارات. علاوة على ذلك ، من 1 إلى 3 مcar bodies, as well as other car structures such as the doors and the main part of the car seat structures, are built by assembling many components. the latter components are most commonly manufactured by deep drawing metal sheets. other processes, such as the hot forming of metal sheets, or processes specific to composite materials, are also used. a wide range of steel grades, mostly fabricated in the form of 0.8 to 1.5 mm thick sheets, are most commonly used for car-bodies. moreover, 1 to 3 mm thick aluminum alloy sheets are used for some lightweight cars. finally, other materials (such as magnesium alloy sheets or carbon-fiber reinforced polymer laminates) are used only in premium or sport models fabricated in very small numbers. joining processes are used both to fabricate the tailor welded blanks (twb), which are thereafter deep drawn to manufacture some parts, and to perform the final assembly. the two cases have different requirements. in the twb case, a continuous joining configuration is necessary, and butt joining is preferable over lap joining. moreover, the two parts can be accessed from all sides and easily clamped, allowing large forces to be used if necessary). finally, the plastic formability of the joint is of great importance. in the final assembly case, butt, lap and edge joints can all be used in principle, but lap and edge joints are generally preferred because they allow larger mounting tolerances. both linear (continuous) and pointwise (spot) junctions can be used. linear junctions are preferable from a mechanical point of view, but spot junctions are more widespread due to less stringent mounting tolerances, lower cost and simpler tooling and execution. moreover, during final assembly, access to the process zone is limited, giving an advantage to single-side processes, and the process forces must be low to avoid excessive deformation and complicated tooling. in the final assembly case, the plastic formability of the joint is unimportant. steel sheets are often zinc-coated before joining, whereas aluminum alloy sheets are generally not coated. resistance to atmospheric corrosion (after appropriate painting) is relevant for both twb and final assembly junctions. corrosion is much more critical for lap joints because they exhibit occluded interstices. fortunately,inthesteel-aluminummetalliccouples,galvaniccorrosionisnaturallyhindered by the aluminum passivation, and in principle it can be avoided if appropriate joining technologies and protective coatings are used.

Senast uppdaterad: 2022-01-18
Användningsfrekvens: 3

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