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you fail the test because



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terjemahan english ke indonesian why does he have no mistakes in doing the test


translation english to indonesian why does he have no mistakes in doing the test

Senast uppdaterad: 2016-04-26
Användningsfrekvens: 3

Referens: Anonym


a number of factors play a role in diabetes-related healing delays. biopolymers that can be utilized as diabetic wound healers include nutmeg (myristica fragrans) pulp. the purpose of this study was to determine the formulation of a nutmeg (myristica fragrans) waste essential oil nanoemulsion and its effect on diabetic wound healing. the results showed that the total nutmeg meat used was 2500 grams, obtained 6.5 ml of essential oil (7.92 grams), and yielded 2.85%. formula 3 has the lowest ph value. the characteristics of nanoemulsion formulas f2, f3, f4, and f5 are organoleptically better than f1. formula 4 and formula 5 have a better percentage transmittance > 90%, which indicates a clear nanoemulsion formula. formula 3 is considered the best compared to the four formulas because the transmittance percentage is 73.13%, the particle size is close to 20 nm, which is considered safe to be applied to the skin, and it facilitates the absorption and delivery of drugs through the skin. the (+) group experienced complete wound healing, namely complete wound closure. the test group using the best nanoemulsion formula (f3) experienced wound closure of 63.50%. the group (-) without formula administration experienced wound closure of 31.83%. it can be concluded that the administration of a nanoemulsion of nutmeg essential oil shows a good percentage of diabetic wound healing, so it can be potentially effective in healing diabetic wounds. however, it is necessary to formulate a better nanoemulsion with different methods to obtain better stability. keywords: nanoemulsion; essential oil; nutmeg pulp; diabetic wounds


a number of factors play a role in diabetes-related healing delays. biopolymers that can be utilized as diabetic wound healers include nutmeg (myristica fragrans) pulp. the purpose of this study was to determine the formulation of a nutmeg (myristica fragrans) waste essential oil nanoemulsion and its effect on diabetic wound healing. the results showed that the total nutmeg meat used was 2500 grams, obtained 6.5 ml of essential oil (7.92 grams), and yielded 2.85%. formula 3 has the lowest ph value. the characteristics of nanoemulsion formulas f2, f3, f4, and f5 are organoleptically better than f1. formula 4 and formula 5 have a better percentage transmittance > 90%, which indicates a clear nanoemulsion formula. formula 3 is considered the best compared to the four formulas because the transmittance percentage is 73.13%, the particle size is close to 20 nm, which is considered safe to be applied to the skin, and it facilitates the absorption and delivery of drugs through the skin. the (+) group experienced complete wound healing, namely complete wound closure. the test group using the best nanoemulsion formula (f3) experienced wound closure of 63.50%. the group (-) without formula administration experienced wound closure of 31.83%. it can be concluded that the administration of a nanoemulsion of nutmeg essential oil shows a good percentage of diabetic wound healing, so it can be potentially effective in healing diabetic wounds. however, it is necessary to formulate a better nanoemulsion with different methods to obtain better stability. keywords: nanoemulsion; essential oil; nutmeg pulp; diabetic wounds

Senast uppdaterad: 2023-10-13
Användningsfrekvens: 1

Referens: Anonym
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