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povjerenstva za gospodarstvo , promet i turizam .
the ministry 's representative participates in the activities of the task force for scientific and technological cooperation within the 2nd committee for economy , traffic and tourism .
michaela cramera, predsjednika odbora europskog parlamenta za promet i turizam (još nije potvrđeno)
meeting the challenges facing eu aviation policy between now and 2020, with a contribution from the european commissioner responsible for transport and from michael cramer, chair of the ep transport and tourism committee (to be confirmed).
dva izaslanstva također su razgovarala o jačanju veza na ostalim područjima, uključujući trgovinu, kulturu i turizam.
the two delegations also discussed boosting ties in other fields, including trade, culture and tourism.
caserta – konferencija u sveučilištu caserte i susret s antimom cesarom, državnim tajnikom zaduženim za kulturu i turizam
caserta – conference at the university of caserta and meeting with the secretary of state for culture and tourism, antimo cesaro
i ona nas je odvela na putovanje i otkrila nam nešto veoma posebno -- njezinu vlastitu kćer , osam dana staru .
and she took us on a journey and revealed something very special to us -- her own daughter , eight days old .