Şunu aradınız:: yo tam bien (İspanyolca - İngilizce)

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yo tam bien


come over & work with me

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-27
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim
Uyarı: Görünmez HTML biçimlendirmesi içeriyor


yo tam bein


me too

Son Güncelleme: 2019-02-04
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


tam bien deben estudiarse los desequilibrios estructúrale; internos.


in other words, the farmer will have to cough up for export subsidies, but not the government.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


esas enmiendas se refieren tam- bien a las modalidades administrativas que regulan el


this production has long been, and stiu is, as legitimate an activity as any other in those areas, and thus equally deserving of support.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


yo tam bién estoy en préstamo; estamos continuando el negocio por préstamos de gurudeva.


this is all loan. i am also in loan: we are continuing the business in loan from gurudeva.

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


en consecuencia, este informe de síntesis representa tam bien una forma de introducción a esta segunda fase.


the present study, therefore, is also in a sense an introduction to this second phase.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


yo tam bién quisiera mencionar, no obstante, otro tema que se ha planteado recientemente en relación con dicho país.


on the other hand, we know from tests that bse can be passed on to sheep, and if they are infected it causes symptoms which are very similar to those of scrapie.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


el parlamento europeo tam• bien ha logrado imponer combustibles de mejor calidad en este nuevo acuerdo revisado.


milosevic has al­ready perpetrated ethnic cleansing in kosovo; he has al­ready attacked the kosovars, chased them from their homes and razed to the ground at least 700 villages in that region.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


la comisión ha establecido un plazo hasta finales de 1990. yo tam bién soy partidario de la supresión de este plazo y es pero que sea asi.


first of all, the gatt round and its consequences; no price reductions can in fact be justified before the conclusion of those negotiations, which must obviously involve conditions of reciprocity.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


a través de una de ellas, la comisión de peticiones, los ciudadanos europeos tam bien pueden presentar directamente peticiones al parlamento europeo.


via one of these, the committee on petitions, european citi­zens can also submit petitions directly to the european parliament.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


en este contexto, yo tam bién deseo remarcar lo positivo de la convergencia unánime acerca de la incorporación del protocolo social y de nuevas disposiciones sobre el empleo en el tratado.


debates of the european parliament

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


señor presidente del consejo, ha hablado usted de las im portantes decisiones de crear un sr. o sra. pesc. yo tam bién creo que es una decisión importante.


the main provisions of the agreement that was approved by the osce permanent council on 15 october and signed by foreign ministers geremek and jovanovic on 16 october are as follows.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


mas la libertad en las decisiones de compra no sólo debe verse como un derecho justo y democrático del consumidor, sino que tam- bien tiene sentido desde el punto de vista de ía economía nacional.


in many member states, these tests are carried out by independent in stitutes, and in some cases by the consumers' associations themselves.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


al existir tambien ahora la situacion de que ningun periodico ni cadena de noticias de la prensa amarilla internacional capitalista va a tener la responsabilidad, el valor y la conciencia de cumplir con el deber periodistico de comentar y publicar la notica de la existencia de esta alocucion mistica que yo el alma del presidente hugo chavez hago ahora al mundo despues de muerto, por tener como consecuencia la publicacion de esta noticia informar tam bien al mundo sobre la existencia del 666:


as there is now also the situation that no newspaper or news network of the international capitalist tabloids will have the responsibility, courage and conscience to fulfill the duty journalistic comment and post up the news of the existence of this address mystique i the soul of president hugo chavez do now the world after death, by leading to the publication of this news report also good to the world about the existence of 666:

Son Güncelleme: 2018-02-13
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim


a es­to s e añ ade el que la pol í t ica de la f orm ació n pr of es ional, como tam bien ot ras politi cas , e stá suj eta a 1 os e feet os ex­tern os d e otros ámb i tos ρ ol i t ie os y ár eas de deci sión que ejer een su in fl uenc ia sob re ell a : camb i o de 1 as m ayor ias p£ liti cas ; di ficu ltad es en la coo rdinaci ón de 1 a po liti ca de ense ñanz a entre la federa ción y los es tad os c onf e dera dos y entr e lo s mismo s es tados; probi emas de ad pata ción del sis­tema de la escu ela de for mac ión profes ion al; deci sion es empr esar iales a utón ornas ; o en 1 a act i t ud y ae tuac ión de los obre ros frente a la forma ción ρ ro fesio nal


especially trade unions, which more than employers are interested in standardized regulations and reduced local autonomy, are making efforts to increase their capacity for internal control in this area. the project for improving the training of union representatives in the chambers' vocational training committees and other bodies that was funded by the federal govern ment in the 1970s is to be seen in this context.

Son Güncelleme: 2014-02-06
Kullanım Sıklığı: 1

Referans: Anonim

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