From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories.
Γον ios: i denne lov fastsættes det, at ansøgere skal fremkomme med en tro og loveerklæring om rigtigheden af de personlige data i ansøgningsskemaet.
law 105: this law requires that applicants make a sworn statement in which they confirm the correctness of the personal data given on the application forms.
122 ios 220 landboplanlægning, olieplantc, overskudslager, prispolitik fredet område beskyttelse af dyr, europæisk norm, naturliv, tilnærmelse af lovgivning
m 618 438 cultural policy approximation of laws, intellectual property, rental undertaking artistic profession, arts, social policy copyright, intellectual property consumption common organization of markets, olive, producer group economic support, olive oil, support policy
1089 1098 571 104 s i ! 10 1105 1063 luftforurening, motorkøretøj, røggas, tilnærmelse af lovgivning luftforurening, motorkøretøj, tilnærmelse af lovgivning lydstyrke, roggas. tilnærmelse af lovgivning, tohjulet koretøj miljøpolitik, social udvikling, okonomisk udvikling vand, vandbehandling, vandforurening ios: 377
community policy, foreign language, multilingualism, teaching curriculum community policy, foreign language, teaching curriculum european cooperation, free movement of persons, higher island management of resources, use of water, water resources, water supply