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mick bates : 114
Last Update: 2009-11-19 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference:
mick bates : da iawn
mick bates : very good
Last Update: 2012-02-18 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference:
bwriwch ati , mick bates
get on with it , mick bates
mick bates a gododd --
mick bates rose --
Last Update: 2009-11-19 Usage Frequency: 14 Quality: Reference:
mick bates : bydd , yn sicr
mick bates : yes , he definitely will
mick bates : pa wleidyddion ?
mick bates : which politicians ?
crybwyllodd mick bates goedwigaeth
mick bates mentioned forestry
mick bates : datganaf fuddiant
mick bates : i declare an interest
mick bates : chi , yn amlwg
mick bates : you , obviously
canolbwyntiodd mick bates ar addysg
mick bates focused on education
mick bates : cynigiaf welliant 2
mick bates : i propose amendment 2
Last Update: 2009-11-19 Usage Frequency: 5 Quality: Reference:
mick bates : mewn munud , jonathan
mick bates : in a moment , jonathan
cefnogaf sylwadau mick bates hefyd
i also support mick bates's comments
mick bates , dangoswch arweiniad i ni
mick bates , show us a lead
mick bates : bu o gymorth aruthrol
mick bates : it was of tremendous assistance
mick bates : croeso , ysgrifennydd gwladol
mick bates : welcome , secretary of state
mick bates : a gredwch mewn integreiddio ?
mick bates : do you believe in integration ?
mick bates : datganaf fuddiant fel ffermwr
mick bates : i declare an interest as a farmer
Last Update: 2009-11-19 Usage Frequency: 7 Quality: Reference: