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hi sathish, i called today but it is not picked up



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but it is not except a reminder to the worlds .


ግን እርሱ ( ቁርኣን ) ለዓለማት መገሰጫ እንጂ ሌላ አይደለም ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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we know indeed that verily that which they say grieveth thee , but it is not thee they belie ; it is the signs of allah the wrong- doers gainsay .


እነሆ ያ የሚሉህ ነገር እንደሚያሳዝንህ በእርግጥ እናውቃለን ፡ ፡ እነርሱም ( በልቦቻቸው ) አያስተባብሉህም ፡ ፡ ግን በዳዮቹ በአላህ አንቀጾች ይክዳሉ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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we are cognisant of what they say ; but it is not for you to compel them . so keep on reminding through the qur 'an whoever fears my warning .


እኛ የሚሉትን ሁሉ ዐዋቂ ነን ፡ ፡ አንተም በእነርሱ ላይ አስገዳጅ አይደለህም ፡ ፡ ስለዚህ ዛቻየን የሚፈራን ሰው በቁርኣን አስታውስ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and this quran is not such as could be forged by those besides allah , but it is a verification of that which is before it and a clear explanation of the book , there is no doubt in it , from the lord of the worlds .


ይህም ቁርኣን ከአላህ ሌላ ( ከሆነ ፍጡር ) የተቀጠፈ ሊሆን አይገባውም ፡ ፡ ግን ያንን ከእርሱ በፊት ያለውን ( መጽሐፍ ) የሚያረጋግጥና በመጽሐፉ ውስጥ ያለውን የሚዘረዝር በእርሱ ጥርጣሬ የሌለበት ሲሆን ከዓለማት ጌታ ( የተወረደ ) ነው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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have they not travelled in the land , and have they hearts wherewith to feel and ears wherewith to hear ? for indeed it is not the eyes that grow blind , but it is the hearts , which are within the bosoms , that grow blind .


ለእነርሱም በእነርሱ የሚያውቁባቸው ልቦች ወይም በእነርሱ የሚሰሙባቸው ጆሮች ይኖሯቸው ዘንድ በምድር ላይ አይሄዱምን እነሆ ዓይኖች አይታወሩም ግን እነዚያ በደረቶች ውስጥ ያሉት ልቦች ይታወራሉ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and indeed , there is among them a party who alter the scripture with their tongues so you may think it is from the scripture , but it is not from the scripture . and they say , " this is from allah , " but it is not from allah .


ከእነሱም እርሱ ከመጽሐፉ ያይደለ ሲኾን ከመጽሐፉ መኾኑን እንድታስቡ በመጽሐፉ ምላሶቻቸውን የሚያጣምሙ ክፍሎች አሉ ፡ ፡ እርሱ ከአላህ ዘንድ ያልኾነ ሲኾን « እርሱ ከአላህ ዘንድ ነውም » ይላሉ ፡ ፡ እነርሱ የሚያውቁ ሲኾኑም በአላህ ላይ ውሸትን ይናገራሉ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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and this qur 'an is not such as could be fabricated as against allah . but it is a confirmation of that a which is before it , and and a d etailing of the decree , whereof there is no doubt , from the lord of the worlds .


ይህም ቁርኣን ከአላህ ሌላ ( ከሆነ ፍጡር ) የተቀጠፈ ሊሆን አይገባውም ፡ ፡ ግን ያንን ከእርሱ በፊት ያለውን ( መጽሐፍ ) የሚያረጋግጥና በመጽሐፉ ውስጥ ያለውን የሚዘረዝር በእርሱ ጥርጣሬ የሌለበት ሲሆን ከዓለማት ጌታ ( የተወረደ ) ነው ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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but it is not suitable for ( the majesty of ) the most beneficent ( allah ) that he should beget a son ( or offspring or children ) .


ለአልረሕማን ልጅን መያዝ አይገባውም ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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it is not for the inhabitants of medina and the desert-arabs around them to stay behind the messenger of god , nor to prefer themselves to him . that is because they never suffer any thirst , nor fatigue , nor hunger in the cause of god , nor do they take one step that enrages the disbelievers , nor do they gain anything from an enemy , but it is recorded to their credit as a righteous deed .


ለመዲና ሰዎችና ከአዕራብም በዙሪያቸው ላሉት ሰዎች ከአላህ መልክተኛ ወደኋላ ሊቀሩ ነፍሶቻቸውንም ከነፍሱ አብልጠው ሊወዱ አይገባቸውም ነበር ፡ ፡ ይህ ( ከመቅረት መከልከል ) ለእነርሱ መልካም ሥራ የሚጻፍላቸው ቢኾን እንጅ ፡ ፡ በአላህ መንገድ ላይ ጥምም ፣ ድካምም ፣ ረኃብም ፣ የማይነካቸው ከሐዲዎችንም የሚያስቆጭን ስፍራ የማይረግጡ ፣ ከጠላትም የሚጎዳን ነገር ( መግደልን መማረክን መዝረፍን ) የማያገኙ በመኾናቸው ነው ፡ ፡ አላህ የመልካም ሠሪዎችን ምንዳ አያጠፋምና ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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( o muhammad ! ) we know indeed that the things they say grieve you , though in truth it is not you whom they give the lie to , but it is the signs of allah that these wrong-doers reject .


እነሆ ያ የሚሉህ ነገር እንደሚያሳዝንህ በእርግጥ እናውቃለን ፡ ፡ እነርሱም ( በልቦቻቸው ) አያስተባብሉህም ፡ ፡ ግን በዳዮቹ በአላህ አንቀጾች ይክዳሉ ፡ ፡

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-07-02
Fréquence d'utilisation : 1
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