keep shoot ' n .
nastavi pucati .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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you can shoot now.
最終更新: 2011-10-23
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enemy has shot. shoot now!
protivnik je pucao. sad vi pucajte.
最終更新: 2011-10-23
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waiting for enemy to shoot...
Čekanje protivničke paljbe...
最終更新: 2011-10-23
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the probe would just shoot away .
sonda bi naprosto odletjela .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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( machine gun fire ) keep shoot ' n .
( pucnjava ) nastavi pucati .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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every few moments i shoot the image .
svako malo snimim fotografiju .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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but i just started to shoot these pictures .
ali sam počeo i snimati te fotografije .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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we actually shoot segments like t.v. show segments .
snimamo zapravo segmente poput tv šou segmenata .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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the army will shoot you , and hamas will kidnap you . "
vojska će vas upucati , a hamas će vas oteti . "
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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we shoot all of these photographs in about three seconds .
slikamo sve ove fotografije u neke tri sekunde .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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and the mantra was : shoot first ; ask questions later .
a mantra je bila : prvo pucaj , pa onda postavljaj pitanja .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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we want to fold up the legs and shoot it up for long-range motion .
mi želimo svinuti noge i rastegnuti ih za veliki domet .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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allegations also include an idea to shoot down a turkish plane and blaming it on greece.
također se sumnja kako je postojala ideja za obaranje turskog zrakoplova za što bi se okrivila grčka.
最終更新: 2016-01-20
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"we have been acting in self-defense, if they shoot, we shoot back.
"reagirali smo u samoobrani, ako oni pucaju, mi uzvraćamo.
最終更新: 2016-01-20
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cast forth lightning, and scatter them: shoot out thine arrows, and destroy them.
sijevni munjom i raspri dumane, odapni strijele i raspri ih!
最終更新: 2012-05-04
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each shoot is like theatre and after the shoot we all go to a party, usually at my place.
svako je snimanje nalik kazalištu, a nakon toga najčešće idemo kod mene kući na zabavu.
最終更新: 2016-01-20
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the star of "my big fat greek wedding" returns to the motherland to shoot a new movie.
zvijezda filma "moje grčko vjenčanje" vraća se u svoju domovinu snimati novi film.
最終更新: 2016-01-20
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but we gotta be careful , because they can shoot around here , too , and then we all fucked . "
ali moramo biti oprezni , jer oni isto mogu pucati ovdje , a onda smo svi najebali " .
最終更新: 2013-01-10
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"no administration should exert pressure on its own people and shoot them," the chp leader stressed.
"niti jedna vlada ne bi trebala vršiti pritisak na svoj narod i pucati na njega", istaknuo je čelnik chp-a.
最終更新: 2016-01-20
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