
Using MyMemory Plugin with SDL Trados Studio 2009/2011/2014


Version 2.4 (released June 2013) provides the following features:

Please click here if you're looking for 2015/2017/2019 plugin version or Plugin Professional Version

  • Get matches from MyMemory Translation Memory and Machine Translation
  • Customize the penalty rate for MT or TM matches coming from MyMemory
  • Perform concordance search on MyMemory TM and MT
  • Save your corrected segments in a private or public translation memory on MyMemory servers to get better matches (optional)
  • Share your translation memories with your colleagues when working on similar projects (optional)

To check which version you are running, go to ToolsPlug-ins... in SDL Trados Studio.


Downloading the plugin

Please download the plugin from the MyMemory Plugin page on the SDL AppStore

If you are having troubles downloading from the link above, try these alternative links:


Installing the plugin

To install the plugin, make sure that SDL Trados Studio is not running and double click on the mymemory_plugin_studio*.exe file that you downloaded. The plugin will overwrite the previous version, if installed.

You can check if the plugin is installed correctly by launching SDL Trados Studio and going to ToolsPlug-ins... The plugin should be listed as 'MyMemory Plugin 2.4'.


Upgrading to SDL Studio Trados 2014

To use the MyMemory plugin in SDL Trados Studio 2014, you need to manually copy the plugin files to a specific directory on your system.

When you install the plugin on Windows 7, the following directory is created:

  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\10\Plugins
Go to that directory, copy the two folders named Packages and Unpacked, and paste them in the following:
  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\11\Plugins
Restart SDL Trados Studio and you should now be able to use the MyMemory plugin again.

Installing to SDL Studio Trados 2014 from scratch

You can use the stable version for SDL Trados Studio 2011 in SDL Trados Studio 2014: just change the installtion path in the plugin installer from the default:

  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\10\Plugins
  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\11\Plugins
Please note the last number that changes.


If something goes wrong...

Should the installation fail, please check that the path indicated in the installer is the same as the path to the directory where your Studio plugins are installed.

Double click on the file mymemory_plugin_studio*.exe. In the dialog that opens up, click on Browse... to select the destination folder for the plugin.

The destination folder for SDL Trados Studio 2009 on Windows 7 is the following:

  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\9\Plugins

The destination folder for SDL Trados Studio 2011 on Windows 7 is the following:

  • C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\10\Plugins

In both cases, [username] is to be replaced with the user name you are logged in with on Windows.

After selecting the correct destination folder, click on Install.


Activating the plugin

To activate the integration with MyMemory follow these steps:

  1. Launch SDL Trados Studio
  2. Click on Project and select Project Settings...
  3. Click on Language PairsAll Language PairsTranslation Memory and Automated Translation
  4. Click on Add, select MyMemory Plugin and enable the plugin
  5. Click on OK and start translating!


Advanced features


By selecting the Update checkbox in the Translation Memory and Automated Translation, your segments will be saved in MyMemory.

By default, all contributions saved in MyMemory are saved in a public TM which can be accessed via API by all users of the MyMemory plugin. You can save your segments in your private TM - see below for details.

Do not use this feature for sensitive data. Instead, use a private TM as described below.

Private TM

With the MyMemory plugin you can create a private translation memory on MyMemory that can only be accessed using your private TM key.

To save your contributions in a private TM, open the plugin Settings and enable the Private TM feature. You can generate a Private TM key or use an existing key to save your contributions in a private translation memory.

Backup your private TM keys by exporting them in a text file.

You can share a private TM with your colleagues simply by sharing the private TM key. If you are working with a colleague on a translation project, create a TM key and add it to the MyMemory plugin to use the same translation memory.



Computer translations are provided by a combination of our statistical machine translator, Google Translate and Microsoft Bing.